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30 Probationary Officer (Asst Managers) Vacancy – VCBL,Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

Last Date:30 November,2020
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

VCBL Probationary Officer Recruitment 2020 is open and inviting application for the posts of 30 Probationary Officer (Asst Managers) Vacancy from Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result VCBL PO Online application can apply before 30 November 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply The
Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Ltd. Probationary Officer job opening at official website

Employment Notification 30 Probationary Officer (Asst Managers) Vacancy – VCBL,Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

Name of the post – Probationary Officer (Asst Managers)
No of post – 30
Pay Scale – 14900 – 33310/-

Educational Qualification:
1st Class Graduates from recognized university and proficiency in speaking, writing and reading English and Telugu languages.

Apply to 30 Probationary Officer (Asst Managers) Vacancy – VCBL,Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

General Instruction:

  • Applications are invited for appointment to the Post of Probationary officers (Asst Managers) in The Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam.
  • The candidates will be in probation for two years. They will be rotated in different branches during their probation period. During probation a consolidated Pay of Rs.25,000/- will be given . After satisfactory completion of Probation period they will be fixed in the scale given below:
    14900-480-17300-560-20100-650-23350-760-27150-880-33310. The total initial emolument will be around Rs.31, 000/-. During the probation period, they will undergo training, during which tests will be conducted. On satisfactory performance in such tests, and basing on the reports of their higher officers, they will be considered for confirmation.
  • As the applications are to be processed by a Computerized System, it is essential that the application should be filled in properly and completely.
  • Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this notification. Bank would be free to reject any application at any stage of them recruitment process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post. The decision of the Bank shall be final on qualification and other eligibility norms.
  • Candidates should ensure that the photographs and signatures appended by them in all the places, viz., uploaded in online application, call letter, attendance sheet, etc., and in all correspondence with the Bank, in future, should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.
  • Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn.
  • Candidates need not submit/send at any address, application printouts or any certificates or copies thereof at the time of online application. Their candidature will be considered on the strength of the information declared in the application.
  • The Bank shall not entertain requests from the candidates seeking advice about their eligibility to apply.
  • Candidates already in employment should produce ‘no objection certificate’ from their employer, at the time of interview, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered.
  • Only candidate willing to serve anywhere in the India should apply.
  • The decision of the Bank in all aspects pertaining to the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, conduct of examination and at all consequent stages, culminating in the selection or otherwise of any candidate, shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned, and Bank also reserves its right to alter and modify the terms and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to selection, duly intimating details thereof to all concerned, as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of the recruitment process, or as deemed necessary by the Bank at any stage.
  • Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the document(s) to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of examination, interview, selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No Correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained in this behalf.
  • If the examination is held in more than one session, the scores across various sessions will be equated to adjust for slight differences in difficulty level of different test batteries used across sessions. More than one session are required if the nodes capacity is less or some technical disruption takes place at any center or for any candidate.
  • The possibility of occurrence of some problem in the administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such problem, which may include movement of candidates, delay in test. Conduct of a re- exam is at the absolute discretion of test conducting body. Candidates will not have any claim for a re-test. Candidates not willing to move or not willing to participate in the delayed process of test delivery shall be summarily rejected from the process.
  • Instances for providing incorrect information and/or process violation by a candidate detected at any stage of the selection process will lead of disqualification of the-candidate from the selection process and he/she will not be allowed to appear in any Bank recruitment process in the future. If such instances go undetected during the current selection process but are detected subsequently, such disqualification will take place with retrospective affect.
  • The requests of the applicants seeking marks obtained by them in the online test/interview will not be entertained.
  • Bank, May at its discretion holds re-examination wherever necessary in respect of any Venue/specific post of venue or a candidate(s). Further, the Bank reserves its right to postpone/cancel the online test, if the situation warrants.
  • The Bank shall not be responsible for an application being rejected which is based on wrong information provided in any advertisement issued by an unauthorized person/institution.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  • Any resultant dispute arising out of this notification shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the courts situated at Visakhapatnam only.
  • No Candidate is permitted to use calculator, Mobiles, papers or any other such instruments during the examination. The candidates will appear for the written examination/interview at the allotted centers at their own expenses and risks and the Bank will not be responsible for any injury loss etc. of any nature.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 30 Probationary Officer (Asst Managers) Vacancy – VCBL,Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

  • The Patriots Sri Sripathi Bhadrayya Pantulu, Sri Balijepalli Ramakrishan Sastry, Sri Bhamidipati Thammayya Sastry, Sri Pandrangi Narasingarao Pantulu, Sri Vepa Kamesam Pantulu, Sri Vepa Vijaya Rammamurthy, Sri Puligedda Satyanarayana, Sri Akella Suryanarayna, Sri Maddi Pattabhi Reddy, Sri Madiri Subba Rao, Sri Tenneti Viswanadham had successfully lead the Co-operative Institution and movement in pre-independence era. Sri Poolla Rama Rao was one among them and led the bank for 40 years till Sri Manam Anjaneyulu voted to Chairmanship in 1983 and lead for 30 years as chairman.
  • The vision and dynamism of Sri Manam Anjaneyulu being Emeritus Chairman and hard working and voice full leader Sri.Chalasani Raghavendra Rao as chairman, other committed Directors, yields fruits with ever increase of business every passing year with the support of its band of disciplined employees. The Bank is making profits and uninterruptedly handful dividend is paid. The Board believes that whatever the profit is earned it should be allocated to Statutory Reserves, Share holder’s stake and benefit to employees. Member’s welfare scheme in operation are Mediclaim to an extent of Rs. 30,000/- per annum through insurance company, Accident cover, interest incentive to the borrowers who pays their installments regularly as per schedule, cash awards to the meritorious children of members in SSC & Intermediate. The Bank has never lagged behind in playing its social commitment to community development and every year contributing its might to voluntary public institutions such as Visakhapatnam Public Library and also donating to Chief Minister’s
  • relief fund when natural calamities attacked the Andhra Pradesh The Bank offers higher rate of interest on deposits than Public and Private Sector Banks and special interest to Senior Citizens. The Bank offers competitive rate of interest on lending mainly targeted to middle class and lower middle class people and unprivileged Sections of the society, and to small traders for various purposes / domestic needs with least processing charges. No appraising fee is being collected on gold loans.
  • The Bank is levying lowest Service Charges on various transactions viz., Cheque Book facility, Minimum Balance, Cheque bouncing, Duplicate Pass Books etc. and issuing Pay Orders/Cheques to all over the Country. Safe Deposit Vaults in different sizes for hire with minimum Locker Rents available at all Branches. All branches are located at established places, in ambiance and pleasant air conditioned environment with modern facilities.
  • The Share Capital of the Bank is about Rs. 215.56 Crores as on 31-03-2019, a highest amount among all the Urban Banks in the State of Andhra Pradesh and also in Southern States. The number of shareholders as on 31 March 2019 is 82229. The bank has excelled Rs.3110.13 crores mark in Deposits and Rs.2139.39 crores in Loans & Advances accumulating to Rs.5249.52 crores of total business as on 31 March 2019.The Bank earned profit of Rs.37.23 crores and its Capital Reserve Adequacy Ratio (CRAR) stood at 17.50%, Gross NPAs at 3.52% and Net NPAs at 1.93%as at the end of last financial year 2018-19 and also the Profit per employee is 8.46 Lakhs and the productivity per an employee is over 1193.07 lakhs probably higher in A.P.

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