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53 Senior Resident, Specialist and Homeopathy Physician Vacancy – ESIC,Madhya Pradesh

Last Date:06 January,2021
Employees State Insurance Corporation Hospital (ESIC)
Madhya Pradesh

53 contractual positions of Senior Resident, Specialist and Homeopathy Physician in Employees State Insurance Corporation Hospital Indore (ESIC Hospital Indore) will be recruited through the Walk-In-Interview which will be conducted on 29-12-2020 to 06-01-2021 (9 AM) at the given venue.Candidates satisfying the eligibility norms should attend this Interview along with duly filled application form and relevant documents of qualification, age and experience certificates.

Employment Notification 53 Senior Resident, Specialist and Homeopathy Physician Vacancy – ESIC,Madhya Pradesh

Name of the post – Senior Resident, Specialist and Homeopathy Physician
No of post – 53
Pay Scale – As per Norms

Educational Qualification:
PG Degree/ Diploma/ DNB in concerned specialty.

Apply to 53 Senior Resident, Specialist and Homeopathy Physician Vacancy – ESIC,Madhya Pradesh

General Conditions:

  • Candidate should report in the Conference Hall (Room No. 1) situated at Ground Floor of ESC Model Hospitals Nanda Nagar, Indore from 9. 15 A.M. to 11.00 A.M. on the stipulated date. Candidates reporting after 11.00 A.M. will not be entertained for Walk-In-Interview.
  • Reservations for other reserved categories will be executed as per existing Central Government Rules.
  • Candidates seeking Reservation / Age relaxation benefits under SC/ST/OBC category must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the notice and as per the instruction issued by Government of India. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed format of Govt. of India in support of their claim. Candidates seeking reservation under EWS category, should submit their EWS certificate as prescribed vide Govt. of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estl(Res) dated 31-01-2019. Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation under OBC category should submit their OBC certificate as prescribed vide Govt. of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 36012122/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 15-11¬1993.
  • Interested candidates may appear for the walk-in-interview as per given schedule alongwith their original documents and Xerox copies in support of their date of birth, proof of educational qualification, experience certificate, caste certificate as per Government of India Format, non-creamy layer certificate as per Government of India format valid after 01/04/2020 or latest in case of OBC. They are advised to appear for interview with duly filled Annexure¬’A’ which is available on website.
  • Private practice of any kind will not be allowed (except for Part Time Specialist/ Super Specialist).
  • The number of vacancies/ category-wise vacancies may vary/likely to increase or decrease.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to candidates for appearing in the walk-in-interview.
  • Application should be submitted for each post separately.
  • The Medical Superintendent reserves the right to fill up all or not to fill up any vacancy.
  • The Medical Superintendant reserves the right to alter the date or cancel the interview.
  • Full-time specialist on contractual basis shall be recruited for a period of 3 years with annual evaluation and term renewed every year based on satisfactory performance. He/She has to sign the contract on a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 500/- before joining. The original contract will be with the hospital and its copy will be with candidate. The cost of the Non Judicial Stamp Paper will be borne by the candidate.
  • The specialist shall be responsible for all cases undergoing treatment under his supervision in his discipline.
  • Specialists will be entitled for the leave @ 04 days for each month of work. On prorate basis in a calander year. In the event, the specialist prefers not to avail the leave, the same may be encashed to a maximum limit of 30 days/ year.
  • The selected specialist/ Super Specialist must have a professional indemnity policy which should cover the period as desired by ESIC in the bid. The policy is mean to cover professional liability falling on them as a result of error and omissions committed by them while rendering professional services. The minimum sum assured per annum should be Rs. 30 lakhs for Anaesthesiologists, Cardiac Surgeons, Neuro Surgeons, Plastic Surgeon etc. (2) Rs. 20 lakhs for General Surgeons, Gynaecologist, Obstetrician etc. (3) for Physicians, Dentists, Radiologists, Pathologists etc. It should be at least of Rs. 10 lakhs. A copy of the Insurance & Premium and receipt must be submitted within 7 days from date of engagement.
  • The Full time Specialist will be required to deposit security of Rs. 4000/- (Rupees four Thousand only) through Demand Draft in favour of ESI Fund A/c. No.1, Indore at the time of joining. The same is refundable after completion of contract period and on production of “No dues certificate”.
  • Selected candidate for three years Senior Resident has to deposit Rs. 30000/- through demand draft in favour of ESI Fund A/c. No. 1 Indore as Security Deposit and in case he/she resigns/terminates his/her contract with/ without prior notice before nine months of commencement of contract the Security deposit will be forfeited.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 53 Senior Resident, Specialist and Homeopathy Physician Vacancy – ESIC,Madhya Pradesh

  • The eligible and desirous doctors fulfilling the educational qualifications/eligibility conditions should submit their applications(as per Annexure-‘A’) alongwith one set of self attested copies of relevant documents in support of age, qualifications, attempt certificate, Mark-sheet, Degree, MCI or State Registration(s), EWS/SC/ST/OBC certificate & experience certificate etc. and 2(two) recent passport size photographs. The candidate who is currently in the employment must bring experience certificate (working certificate) and No Objection certificate (NOC) from the present employer, failing which his/her candidature will be liable to rejection.
  • The interview(s) scheduled on 29-12-2020 & 30-12-2020 from 9.30 am onwards (after the scrutiny of applications on same date, the eligible candidate’s interview will only be taken). In case of any unfulfilled vacancy after the scheduled date of interview, Interview will be conducted on every Wednesday ( next Wednesday in case of holiday on Wednesday). Applicants are advised to refer to the hospital websites for confirmation of unfulfilled vacancy position from time to time.
  • Aspirants possessing qualification only with registration as on the date of interview will only be considered; those whose result is awaited will not be considered.

About Us:

  • The Ministry of Labour & Employment is one of the oldest and important Ministries of the Government of India. The main responsibility of the Ministry is to protect and safeguard the interests of workers in general and those who constitute the poor, deprived and disadvantage sections of the society, in particular, with due regard to creating a healthy work environment for higher production and productivity and to develop and coordinate vocational skill training and employment services. Government’s attention is also focused on promotion of welfare and providing social security to the labour force both in organized and unorganized sectors, in tandem with the process of liberalization. These objectives are sought to be achieved through enactment and implementation of various labour laws, which regulate the terms and conditions of service and employment of workers. The State Governments are also competent to enact legislations, as labour is a subject in the concurrent list under the Constitution of India.
  • At present, there are 44 labour related statutes enacted by the Central Government dealing with minimum wages, accidental and social security benefits, occupational safety and health, conditions of employment, disciplinary action, formation of trade unions, industrial relations, etc. The list of Central Acts is annexed.
  • As per the survey carried out by the National Sample Survey Organization in the year 2009-10, the total employment, in both organized and unorganized sectors in the country was of the order of 46.5 crore comprising around 2.8 crore in the organized sector and the balance 43.7 crore workers in the unorganized sector. Out of 43.7 crore workers in the unorganized sector, there are 24.6 crore workers employed in agricultural sector, about 4.4 crore in construction work and remaining in manufacturing and service.
  • In order to ensure welfare of workers in the unorganized sector which, inter alia, include weavers, handloom workers, fishermen and fisherwomen, toddy tappers, leather workers, plantation labour, beedi workers, the ‘Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008’ has been enacted. As per the provisions of the Act, a National Social Security Board has been constituted for recommending formulation of social security schemes viz. Life and disability cover, health and maternity benefits, old age protection and any other benefit as may be determined by the Government for unorganized workers.

click above to download
the employment notification

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