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08 Clerk , Security Guard & Various Vacancy – TIFR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

Last Date:23 January,2021
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Mumbai (Maharashtra)

TIFR Clerk Notification 2021 is open (2020/6) and inviting application for the posts of 08 Clerk, Security Guard & Various Vacancy from 10th, Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result TIFR Clerk Online application can apply before 23 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Tata Institute of Fundamental Research TIFR Clerk job opening at official website

Employment Notification 08 Clerk , Security Guard & Various Vacancy – TIFR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

Name of the post – Clerk , Security Guard & Various
No of post – 08
Pay Scale – 28040/-, 35001/-

Educational Qualification:
10th, Graduate.

Apply to 08 Clerk , Security Guard & Various Vacancy – TIFR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

General Information:

  • All the above posts are tenable at TIFR, Colaba, Mumbai.
  • Selected candidates for Sr. no. 1 to 7 are liable to be transferred to other Centres/Field Stations of the Institute, if required.
  • Higher starting salary could be considered for deserving candidates for the posts at Sr. No. 1 to 7.
  • Selected candidate for the above posts at Sr. Nos. 6 & 7 will be required to work in shifts.
  • Selected candidates for all the above posts will be required to work on Saturday/Sundays and holidays, as per the exigencies of the Institute.
  • The appointment for the above post at Sr. No. 8 is temporary and may be renewed each year up to a total period of 3 years depending upon performance.
  • Prescribed age should not exceed as on July 1, 2020 for the above posts.
  • Selected candidates for the above posts at Sr. No. 1 to 7 will be governed by the National Pension System applicable to the Central Government service [unless she/he is already governed byCCS (Pension) Rules1972].
  • Post/s for general category (Unreserved) – SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWS candidates can also apply.
  • Applications from the candidates will be accepted ONLY ON-LINE except for the following :-
  • Candidates applying for above posts and who are eligible for further age relaxation as per extant GOI rules are required to submit applications by POST, alongwith a copy of relevant certificate in support of age relaxation (for example ex-servicemen, persons with benchmark disabilities etc.). [SC, ST, OBC and EWS candidates applying for unreserved posts are not eligible for age relaxation and should apply online].
  • Applicants in Government/Semi-Government/ Public Sector Undertaking must apply through proper channel. Applicants who do not send their applications through proper channel, if called, will be able to participate in the recruitment process only upon submission of an NOC from the competent authority. However, an advance copy of application alongwith relevant enclosures may be submitted by post. Such applicants are not required to apply online.
  • Incomplete applications (online) and off-line applications without photocopy of certificate in support of age relaxation and applications received after the last date shall not be considered.
  • On-Line applications must be submitted by January 23, 2021 and applications by post must reach Head, Establishment, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1, Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai 400005 by January 23, 2021. Applicants who are required to send the applications by post must superscribe the post applied for,advertisement number & serial number of the post on the envelope. The format of the application is as prescribed for on-line applications. The date of closing of application has been extended from January 12, 2021 to January 23, 2021 with respect to publication date of advertisement in EMPLOYMENT NEWS.
  • Candidates applying for the post reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability should be suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability for the benefit of reservations.Candidates will have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format. PwBD candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC will be given further age relaxations as per extant GoI rules.
  • Outstation candidates called for recruitment process for the posts at Sr. Nos. 1 & 8 will be paid single first class (non-air conditioned)/III Tier A/C return fare for the journey by the shortest route from the nearest railway station of their place of residence on the production of photocopies of onward and return journey tickets.
  • Outstation candidates called for recruitment process for the post at Sr. Nos. 7 will be paid single second class return train fare for the journey by the shortest route from the nearest railway station of their place of residence to the nearest railway station of the place of interview on the production of photocopies of onward and return journey tickets. However, these candidates will have to bear the fare for the first 30 kms. both ways;
  • If you travel by air, you are required to travel only by the national carrier, AIR INDIA with the tickets purchased only from Air India website or Air India booking counter. The air-fare for such candidates will be restricted to the eligible return train fare on production of tickets and boarding passes.
  • The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for the recruitment process to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Mere fulfilling the essential and desirable qualifications and experience will not entitle an applicant to be called for the recruitment process. More vacancies may also be filled through this advertisement. The Institute reserves the right not to fill any/some posts herein advertised. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.
  • Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the Institute reserves the right to conduct written tests, skill tests, tests, interviews etc. online.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 08 Clerk , Security Guard & Various Vacancy – TIFR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

  • TIFR is a National Centre of the Government of India, under the umbrella of the Department of Atomic Energy, as well as a deemed University awarding degrees for master’s and doctoral programs. The Institute was founded in 1945 with support from the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust under the vision of Dr. Homi Bhabha. At TIFR, we carry out basic research in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science and science education. Our main campus is located in Mumbai, with centres at Pune, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.
  • A team of astronomers from the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA-TIFR) in Pune, and the Raman Research Institute (RRI), in Bangalore, has used the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) to measure the atomic hydrogen content of galaxies seen as they were 8 billion years ago, when the universe was young. This is the earliest epoch in the universe for which there is a measurement of the atomic gas content of galaxies. This research has been published in the 15 October 2020 issue of the journal Nature.
  • Galaxies in the universe are made up mostly of gas and stars, with gas being converted into stars during the life of a galaxy. Understanding galaxies thus requires us to determine how the amounts of both gas and stars change with time. Astronomers have long known that galaxies formed stars at a higher rate when the universe was young than they do today. The star formation activity in galaxies peaked about 8-10 billion years ago and
    has been declining steadily till today. The cause of this decline is unknown, mostly because we have had no information about the amount of atomic hydrogen gas, the primary fuel for star formation, in galaxies in these early times.
  • “We have, for the first time, measured the atomic hydrogen gas content of star forming galaxies about 8 billion years ago, using the upgraded GMRT. Given the intense star formation in these early galaxies, their atomic gas would be consumed by star formation in just one or two billion years. And, if the galaxies could not acquire more gas, their star formation activity would decline, and finally cease”, said Aditya Chowdhury, a Ph.D.
    student at NCRA-TIFR and the lead author of the study. “The observed decline in star formation activity can thus be explained by the exhaustion of the atomic hydrogen.”
  • K. S. Dwarakanath of RRI, a co-author of the study, mentioned “We had used the GMRT in 2016, before its upgrade, to carry out a similar study. However, the narrow bandwidth before the GMRT upgrade meant that we could cover only around 850 galaxies in our analysis, and hence were not sensitive enough to detect the signal.”

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