Last Date:25 Febuary,2021
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IIT Gandhinagar) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 37 posts of Librarian, Junior Assistant and Various.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 25-02-2021 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification

Name of the post–Librarian, Junior Assistant and Various
No of post – 37
Pay Scale – Rs 144200,Rs 78800,Rs 35400,Rs 18000

Educational Qualification:
Postgraduate degree,Bachelor’s degree ,Master’s degree ,BE/ B.Tech .

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General Information:

  • Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for appointment to following posts of this Institute;
  • All the posts mentioned here form parts of regular vacancies.
  • Candidates interested on deputation and currently working in Central Govt./ State Govt./ PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies/ Government Academic Institutions and holding analogous post or one level below the post and fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply for these posts on DEPUTATION basis through proper channel. However, they have to apply online as given below and it will be considered as advance copy only.
  • The Institute reserves the right to relax the specifications with respect to qualification/ experience/age limit in exceptional cases or in cases of persons already holding analogous position in a Govt./University/ Academic Institutions/ Research Institutions.
  • Required experience in different Pay levels mentioned in this advertisement is as per 7th CPC. However, experience gained prior to implementation of 7th CPC will be counted to ‘equivalent’ Pay Level/ Grade pay.
  • Higher Initial pay may be considered for deserving candidates.
  • Preference will be given to suitable candidates from Persons with Disabilities (PwD) category. If suitable candidates belonging to a category of Physical Disability (viz VH, OH or HH) for whom the post is reserved are not available, the post may be filled by PwD belonging to other categories as specified against that position.
  • Only such person, who have suffered not less than 40% of relevant disability are eligible to be considered as per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of rights & Full participation Act, 1995) and are required to furnish Medical Certificate issued by Competent Authority in proof of their disability.
  • Selection Committee reserves the right not to select any candidate for a post.
  • Relaxation in age for SC, ST, OBC, PwD and Ex-Servicemen would be admissible as per Central Government Rules. Persons working with IITs who are educationally qualified and otherwise eligible can be considered for the recruitment up to a maximum age of 50 years.
  • Persons employed in Govt./Semi-Govt. organizations or Educational Institutions should apply with due permission of their superior authority.
  • The Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of positions at its own discretion.
  • Online application at the Institute website ( must be submitted between 10:00 hrs. on 13 January 2021 and 23:59 hrs. on 25 February 2021. Application fee of Rs.200/- (no application fee for SC/ST, PwD, Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates) is also to be paid online.
  • Candidates, who desire to apply for more than one post, must use separate forms for each application and also pay separate fee for each application.
  • Outstation candidates called for interview shall be reimbursed travel expenses from place of residence to Ahmedabad and back as per instructions in the call letter, on production of proof of appropriate documents.
  • No interim correspondence will be entertained. Canvassing in any form shall lead to automatic disqualification.
  • Fulfilling minimum qualification does not entail a call for interview. The applications received in response to the advertisement shall be scrutinized and only candidates shortlisted from valid applicants, on the basis of better qualification and quality of relevant experience, shall be called for test/ presentation/ interview. The authorities reserve all rights, not to call an applicant for interview, without assigning any reason.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice

  • Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (also known as IIT Gandhinagar or IITGN) is a public engineering institution located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. It has been declared to be an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India.
  • IIT Gandhinagar is one of the eight Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) announced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2008.The institute began operating in a temporary campus at Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Chandkheda, mentored by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. The first batch of students was admitted to three programmes: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.
  • IITGN was included in the Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2011.The Act was passed in the Lok Sabha on 24 March 2011 and by the Rajya Sabha on 30 April 2012.
  • The permanent campus of IIT Gandhinagar is on the banks of the Sabarmati River in Palaj village.In 2011, in his inaugural speech at the Amalthea technology summit, then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi spoke of the land for the new permanent campus, saying, “the state government has decided to give land on 99 year lease with a token amount of just one rupee for setting up a campus of IIT-Gandhinagar.”The institute took possession of over 400 acres of land in August 2012,and classes and other activities on the new campus began in July 2015.
  • The institute is managed by a Board of Governors. The board comprises academicians, researchers, industrial leaders, and administrators. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar was the first Chairman of the Board of Governors of IITGN. Currently, the chairmanship is vacant.
  • The Senate is a statutory body responsible for all the academic matters of the institute, including monitoring and making improvements in course structure and curriculum. The current Senate of the IIT GN was constituted on 5 April 2010. It hosts members of faculty, and advisers from academia and industry. Prior to its constitution, the functions of the Senate were being performed by an academic council comprising the heads of departments at IIT Bombay, the mentor institute.

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the employment notification

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