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300 Graduate & Diploma Apprentices Vacancy – BOATSR,Telangana

Last Date: 22 February,2021

BOATSR has released an Official Notification for the posts of 300 Graduate & Diploma Apprentices Vacancy in Bhagwati Products Ltd., Rangareddy, Telangana from Diploma, B.E./B.Tech pass candidates interested in sarkari result BOAT SR Apprentice Online application can apply before 22 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply BOATSR (Southern Region) Apprentice job opening at official website

Employment Notification 300 Graduate & Diploma Apprentices Vacancy – BOATSR,Telangana

Name of the post– Graduate & Diploma Apprentices
No of post – 300
Pay Scale – 10500/- ,10000/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University in relevant discipline.
Diploma in Engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Education established by a State Government in relevant discipline.

Apply to 300 Graduate & Diploma Apprentices Vacancy – BOATSR,Telangana

General Information:

  • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (PWD), Govt. of Tamil Nadu invites Online application from eligible Graduate/Diploma holders in Engineering (passed during 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020),hailing from Tamilnadu, for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training under the Apprenticeship (Amendment) Act 1973.
  • Guidelines under Apprentices Act on Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PwD will be followed. Those who are claiming reservation under SC/ST/OBC/PwD shall provide certificate as per Government standard format, failed which their claim for reservation will be considered as ‘General’ category only. If BC candidates claiming OBC category, they should bring OBC certificate as per the approved (OBC) format from the certificate issuing authority.
  • As prescribed in Clause 4 of the Apprenticeship Rule 1992, and amendments thereof if any.
  • The duration of Apprenticeship training will be for a period of one year as per Apprenticeship (Amendment) Act 1973.
  • Candidates who have already undergone or are currently undergoing apprenticeship under Apprenticeship (Amendment) Act 1973, and/or having one year or more experience are not eligible to apply.
  • Board of Apprenticeship Training (SR) is interested with the task of preparation of shortlist from the online application data. Shortlisting of candidates will be done based on the percentage of marks obtained in the basic prescribed qualification as applicable to the respective disciplines. Shortlisted candidates shall be intimated through their registered Email id. Shortlisted candidates have to appear for Certificate Verification at Chennai.
  • No TA / DA will be paid for attending certificate verification.
  • No boarding or lodging expenses are admissible.
  • Upon completion of the Apprenticeship period, PWD shall have no obligation to offer employment to such apprentices nor can an apprentice claim right for employment on the grounds of completion of Apprenticeship.
  • The list of selected candidates shall be published Third week of December ‘2020 in the website: under Organized Events & News Section in home page.
  • INCOMPLETE/ERRONEOUS ONLINE APPLICATION RECEIVED AFTER DUE DATE WILL BE REJECTED: No further communication in this regard will be entertained
  • Board of Apprenticeship training (SR) has not entrusted / authorized any individual organization to coordinate (or) liaison our work. Candidates beware of touts and our office is not responsible for such unwanted incident.
  • Canvassing / Pressuring through any source will disqualify the candidature and their name will
    be removed from our official records without prior intimation and this Board will not
    responsible for such cases.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 300 Graduate & Diploma Apprentices Vacancy – BOATSR,Telangana

  • In pursuance of the recommendations of the Scientific Manpower Committee made about five decades ago, the erstwhile Ministry of Education, Government of India, initiated a `Practical Training Stipendiary Scheme’ with the object of providing Practical Training to the fresh Engineering Graduates and Diploma Holders in Engineering. This scheme was directly administered by the Ministry of Education, Government of India at New Delhi, initially under this scheme, the industries/establishments, which took part on a voluntary basis, were requested to share the cost of stipend payable to the Apprentices equally.
  • As the response from the Industries/establishments to the scheme was quite encouraging and the demand for training from the needy candidates was equally increasing, the scheme was decentralized for administration of the same to its Four Regional Offices. As the demand for training increased quite alarmingly the Government of India set up four Regional Boards of Apprenticeship/Practical Training at Chennai, Kanpur, Mumbai and Kolkatta in the year 1969, as “Autonomous Bodies” having representations from the Industrial Associations and organizations, state Governments and other professional bodies. Thus the administration of the scheme was vested with these Boards with the sole object of functioning independently to provide apprenticeship training to the fresh Engineering Graduates/Technician apprentices under the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961 amended in 1973.
  • The Act has once again amended in 1986 to bring the products of 10 +2 Vocational / Junior Colleges / Intermediate pass out students under the provisions of the Apprentices Act. The new category of apprentices are termed as Technician (Vocational) Apprentices.
  • These four Regional Boards are authorised agencies to implement the national scheme of apprenticeship training in their respective regions.

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