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55 Civil Judge (Junior Division) Vacancy – High Court of Andhra Pradesh,Andhra Pradesh

Last Date:02 January,2021
High Court of Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh

High Court of Andhra Pradesh invites Application for the post of 55 Civil Judge (Junior Division) Vacancy. Apply Online before 02 January 2021. Qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…

Employment Notification 55 Civil Judge (Junior Division) Vacancy – High Court of Andhra Pradesh,Andhra Pradesh

Name of the post – Civil Judge (Junior Division)
No of post – 55
Pay Scale – 27700 – 44770/-

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 55 Civil Judge (Junior Division) Vacancy – High Court of Andhra Pradesh,Andhra Pradesh

General Instruction:

  • Applications are invited through ONLINE for General Recruitment to 68 posts of Civil Judge (Junior Division) in Andhra Pradesh State Judicial Service comprising of 55 vacancies to be filled under Direct Recruitment, and 13 vacancies to be filled under Recruitment by Transfer. The recruitment process shall be governed by Andhra Pradesh State Judicial (Service & Cadre) Rules, 2007. The applications will be available on the official website of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh “http//” from 03.12.2020 onwards. The Last date for submission of Online Application upto 11.59 p.m. on 02.01.2021. The date and venue of the examination will be intimated later. The Hand written/ Typed/Photo copy/Printed Application Form will not be entertained either directly or by Post or by Courier or in person.
  • As per the revised pay scales which came into effect from 1.1.2006, the Scale of Pay of the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division) is Rs.27,700/- to Rs.44,770/-.
  • The recruitment shall be subject to the Rule of reservation in favour of candidates belonging to S.C., S.T., B.C., Women and Physically Challenged (locomotor disability) as per the Andhra Pradesh State Judicial (Service & Cadre) Rules, 2007. The reservation in respect of BC¬E category shall be subject to the result of Civil Appeal Nos. 2628-2637 of 2010, pending on the file of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
  • The High Court reserves the right, either to increase or decrease the number of vacancies after issuance of the notification or to cancel the notification at any stage, if the situation warrants.
  • Only those candidates who possess the qualifications prescribed under the Andhra Pradesh State Judicial (Service & Cadre) Rules, 2007 which are mentioned below, shall be eligible to apply.
  • A person who has been practicing as an Advocate for not less than three (3) years, as on the date of publication of the notification/advertisement is published in news papers i.e. 03.12.2020 shall be eligible to apply for the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division) under Direct Recruitment.
  • A person who has been practicing as an Advocate for not less than three (3) years, as on the date of publication of the notification/advertisement is published in news papers i.e. 03.12.2020 shall be eligible to apply for the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division) under Direct Recruitment.
  • No person is eligible for appointment under Recruitment by Transfer, who is facing charge in disciplinary enquiry or has undergone any punishment or for any irregularity in discharge of his/her duties.
  • Section Officers, Court Officers, Scrutiny Officers, Accounts Officer, Court Masters, Personal Secretaries to Hon’ble Judges, Personal Secretaries to Registrars, Translators and Deputy Section Officers, Overseer, Assistant Section Officers, Computer Operators, Assistant Librarian, U.D. Stenos, Assistants, Readers, Examiners, Telex Operator, Telephone Operator, Typists and Copyists of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Chief Administrative Officers, Senior Superintendents, Superintendents,Stenographers Grade-I, II & III, Senior Assistants, Junior Assistants, and Typists of the Andhra Pradesh Judicial Ministerial and Subordinate Service Rules, 2019;
  • Assistant Public Prosecutors, Senior Assistant Public Prosecutors,Additional Public Prosecutors Grade-II of Prosecution Services of the State of Andhra Pradesh;
  • Section Officers in the Law Department of Secretariat of the State of Andhra Pradesh;
  • Section Officers in the Legislature Department of the State of Andhra Pradesh; and
  • Managers of the Offices of the Advocate General; Government Pleaders and Public Prosecutors, Editor, I.L.R. of the State of Andhra Pradesh;
  • Provided that no person shall be eligible for appointment to the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division), if
  • he/she is not a citizen of India;
  • he/she does not have good character, and not free from any infirmity, which renders him/her, unfit for such appointment.
  • he/she has been dismissed from service by any High Court, Government and Statutory or Local Authority;
  • he/she has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude;
  • he/she has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the(v) he/she has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the
    High Court or Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission from appearing for examinations or selections conducted by it in the selection process for any post in public service;
  • High Court or Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission from appearing for examinations or selections conducted by it in the selection process for any post in public service;
  • he/she is not of sound health and active habits;
  • he has more than one wife living; and
  • being woman, she marries knowingly a person that he is having a wife.
  • being woman, she marries knowingly a person that he is having a wife.
  • A person to be appointed to the category of Civil Judge (Junior Division) under Recruitment by Transfer shall be ” A person who is maintaining good character and conduct”.
  • For the purpose of short-listing the candidates, the High Court will conduct Screening Test (Computer Based Test) for 100 marks comprising of 100 multiple choice objective type Questions. The duration of examination will be two (2) hours. The Venue and Time will be mentioned in the Hall Ticket to be downloaded by the applicant at the appropriate time.
  • The candidates who secure 40% and above marks in the screening test will be short-listed in the ratio of 1:10 of the available vacancies, for written examination.
  • The marks obtained in the screening test shall not be added to the marks obtained in the written examination and they shall not be counted for determining final order of merit of the candidates, as the screening test is conducted for the purpose of short listing the candidates.
  • Written Examination consisting of the following three (3) papers will be held. (The object of written examination is to test the academic knowledge of the candidates.)

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 55 Civil Judge (Junior Division) Vacancy – High Court of Andhra Pradesh,Andhra Pradesh

  • The High Court of Andhra Pradesh State has been established in the year 1954 consequent upon formation of the State of Andhra, separated from the erstwhile Madras Presidency with the Principal Seat at Guntur. In the year 1956, Hyderabad State and Andhra State had been merged and state of Andhra Pradesh formed. High Court of Andhra Pradesh had been established with Principal seat at Hyderabad and started functioning with the first team of 11 Hon’ble Judges. Hon’ble Justice Koka Subba Rao was the first Chief Justice of erstwhile High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
  • In the year 2014, the State of Andhra Pradesh had been bifurcated and new States viz., State of Telangana and State of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad became the common High Court for the two states i.e. State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh as “High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh” w.e.f. 02/06/2014, by virtue of Section 30(1) of part IV of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 and started functioning from the said date at Hyderabad.
    As per the Order of the Government of India, dated 26/12/2018, the common High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the for the State of Andhra Pradesh has been bifurcated and new High Courts viz., High Court for the State of Telangana and High Court of Andhra Pradesh have been established and they have started functioning from 01/01/2019 High Court of Andhra Pradesh was established with Principal seat at Amaravati.
  • The High Court of Andhra Pradesh started functioning with the first team of 14 Hon’ble Judges. Hon’ble Sri Justice C. Praveen Kumar being the Acting Chief Justice of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
  • The Interim Judicial Complex at Amaravati from where the High Court of Andhra Pradesh is functioning now has been inaugurated on 03/02/2019 by the Hon’ble Sri Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Cheif Justice of India, in the presence of Hon’ble Sri Justice N.V.Ramana, Judge, Supreme Court of India, Hon’ble Sri Justice L.Nageswara Rao, Judge, Supreme Court of India, and Hon’ble Sri Justice R. Subhash Reddy, Judge, Supreme Court of India.
    Hon’ble Sri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Former Chief Minister of the State of Andhra Pradesh, Hon’ble Sri Justice T.B. Radhakrishnan, the then Chief Justice of the High Court for the state of Telangana, Hon’ble Sri Justice Ramesh Ranganathan, Chief Justice Uttarakhand, other Hon’ble Judges of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh, High Court for the State of Telangana, Former Judges of the Supreme Court & High Court and Other diginitarties of the legal fraternity have participated in the inaugural function.
  • The High Court of Andhra Pradesh started its judicial and Administrative functions from the Interim judicial Complex, Nelapadu, Amaravati from 18/03/2019.

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