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30 Medical Officer Vacancy – UPRVUNL,Uttar Pradesh

Last Date:05 May,2021
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam (UPRVUNL)
Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam (UPRVUNL) proposes to engage the services of suitable persons on contract basis to fill up 30 posts of Medical Officer through Walk-In-Interview which will be on 05-05-2021 (9 AM) at the given venue.Candidates may appear for Walk-in-interview on 05-05-2021 (9 AM). Report to the test centre at least 45 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the test.

Employment Notification 30 Medical Officer Vacancy – UPRVUNL,Uttar Pradesh

Name of the post– Medical Officer
No of post – 30
Pay Scale – Rs 56100

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 30 Medical Officer Vacancy – UPRVUNL,Uttar Pradesh

General Information:

  • WALK IN INTERVIEW” will be held for eligible Indian Nationals for the post of Medical Officers for medical & health care of their personnel working at Nigam’s thermal power stations situated at Obra, Anpara, Parichha, Panki, Harduaganj and Jawaharpur in district of Sonebhadra, Jhansi, Kanpur, Aligarh and Etah and future Thermal Power Station.
  • Application processing fees is Rs. 500.00
    (Rupees Five hundred only) for Un-reserved, OBC & EWS candidates and Rs. 300.00 (Rupees Three hundred only) for SC candidates. (a) Application Processing fee (Non-refundable) can be paid through Crossed Bank demand draft/Banker’s cheque issued from any Nationalized Bank or its associated bank. Fees in cash form or by any bank other than Nationalized Bank or its associated bank will not be accepted. (b) The Bank demand Draft/Banker’s cheque should be drawn in favour of “UTTAR PRADESH RAJYA VIDYUT UTPADAN NIGAM LIMITED” and payable at Lucknow. (c) Bank charges are to be borne by the applicant. (d) Application processing fee, once paid will neither be refunded/transferred nor will be held in reserve for any other future selection process.
  • Download the Application form from UPRVUNL website given in
    Annexure-1 of this advertisement. Fill the application form, paste a self attested recent passport size photograph and put your signature in the application form at space provided and attach Application Processing fee (Crossed Bank demand Draft/Banker’s cheque issued from any Nationalized Bank or its associated Bank) along with self attested photocopy of certificates in support of eligibility. The candidate must write his/her name, Father’s name/Husband’s name, Advertisement no. U-39/UPRVUSA/2021 and address at the back of the demand Draft/Banker’s cheque. Candidate with Complete application along with necessary documents (Photo copy & original) and demand Draft/Banker’s cheque should turn-up (present) as per details;
  • If the number of Registered candidates are more, then the interview of the
    remaining registered candidates will be continued on the next day (i.e. 16.04.2021). So candidates are advised to be prepared to stay at Lucknow accordingly. Selection shall be based on the basis of marks obtained in “WALK IN INTERVIEW”. If the marks obtained in the interview of the candidates are same, than the candidate whose age is more as per the Date of Birth, will be given preference in selection.
  • At the time of Walk in interview, candidate shall have to produce the
    following documents (in original) along with their self attested photocopies to the satisfaction of the Nigam:
    (a)Application form along with DD/Banker’s cheque as per point no. 7 & 8.
    (b)Caste Certificate (for SC & OBC candidates), EWS Certificate issued by competent authority as per UP Govt. rule shall be produced by the candidates who have applied under EWS category.
    (c)High School Certificate for verification of Date of Birth and thorough knowledge of Hindi.
    (d)Certificate & Mark sheet for all qualification as a proof for eligibility.
    (e)MBBS Degree.
    (f)One year rotary internship completion certificate.
    (g)Certificate of Registration with MCI & U.P. Medical Council as per point no. 6.
  • Candidate should bear good moral character. At the time of interview, he/she shall have to produce character certificate from two different reputed persons who are not his/her relative.
  • Any married male/female candidate having more than one spouse alive shall not be eligible for selection.
  • The candidates who are working with any State/Central/Semi Government organisation shall have to submit “No Objection Certificate” from their present employer at the time of interview, failing which they will not be permitted to appear in the interview.
  • Bond of rupees 02 Lakh for the period of 03 years shall have to be submitted at the time of
    joining by the candidate.
  • An application due to non-eligibility, short or invalid fee, unavailability of photograph or incomplete application or do not meet all criteria given in the advertisement will be rejected. No explanation/information for such applications shall be provided by the Nigam.
  • UPRVUNL, Reserves the right to cancel this Advertisement at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.
  • Candidates are advised to visit Nigam’s website regularly till completion of above selection process for information.
  • Candidates are advised to visit Nigam’s website regularly till completion of above selection process for information.
  • No T.A. & D.A. will be paid to candidates for appearing in interview.

    About Us:

  • Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) was constituted on dated 25.08.1980 under the Companies’ Act 1956 for construction of new thermal power projects in the state sector.
  • On 14 January 2000, in accordance to U.P. State Electr Reforms Acts 1999 and operation of U.P. Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme 2000, U.P. State Electricity Board (U.P.S.E.B.), till then responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power within the state of Uttar Pradesh, was unbundled and operations of the state sector thermal power stations were handed over to UPRVUNL
  • Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) was constituted on dated 25.08.1980 under the Companies’ Act 1956 for construction of new thermal power projects in the state sector. The first Thermal Power Station constructed by UPRVUNL was Unchahar Thermal Power Station of 2X210 MW capacity and it was transferred to NTPC on dated 13.02.1992. On dated 14.01.2000, in accordance to U.P. State Electricity Reforms Acts 1999 and operation of U.P. Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme 2000, U.P. State Electricity Board, till then responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power within the state of Uttar Pradesh, was unbundled and operations of the state sector thermal power stations were handed over to uprvunl.
  • UPRVUNL is wholly owned state thermal power utility with present generating capacity of 5474 MW, operating 4 Thermal Power Stations within Uttar Pradesh. Poised to contribute in the growth of state, we’re in the process of adding further 3960 MW capacity with super critical technology to our existing fleet.
  • UPRVUNL will be leader in generating, transmitting and distributing electric energy most efficiently through collaborations with its partners by using its technical people as its competitive advantage while balancing and serving the interest of all of its stakeholders.

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the employment notification

Vacancy Notice 30 Medical Officer Vacancy – UPRVUNL,Uttar Pradesh

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