Last Date:15 May,2021
Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL)

Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) is looking for Eligible Candidates for recruitment to the 33 posts of Doctor, willing to work on contract basis only.Application forms completed in all respects accompanied by attested copies of relevant certificates should be sent to the given address on or before the due date of 15-05-2021 .

Employment Notification

Name of the post– Doctor
No of post – 33
Pay Scale – Rs 90000 – 125000

Educational Qualification:
MBBS with PG Degree/ Diploma/ DNB in concerned specialty and 3 yrs experience.

Apply to

General Condition:

  • Incomplete application in any form will be rejected by the committee.
  • The selected candidate will be posted at any Area/Unit of BCCL as per requirement of the company.
  • The engagement of GDMOs/Specialists shall be subject to medical fitness to be certified by Company Medical Officer.
  • Selection of GDMOs/Specialists is subject to character and antecedent verification of the candidate, which would be done post appointment. In case, any discrepancy or concealment of information is found, the contract period of such GDMOs/Specialists will be terminated with immediate effect without any notice.
  • Such GDMOs/Specialists shall not engage in private practice during their period of engagement in BCCL and shall be available at any time for emergencies.
  • GDMOs/Specialists have to maintain the integrity and secrecy of the company’s business and shall not engage himself/herself with any other business during his/her tenure of engagement.
  • They shall perform the duties of the GDMOs/Specialists doctor efficiently, diligently and shall devote their whole time to the company. He/she shall honestly and faithfully serve the company during the period of engagement.
  • The duration of the contract period will be upto 31-03-2022.
  • The period of engagement is liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof after giving one month notice.
  • Due to malpractice/misconduct or rendering of unsatisfactory by GDMOs/Specialists.
  • In the event of any legal conviction by any State/Central Government Authority/Court against the GDMOs/Specialists.
  • BCCL Management reserves the right to terminate the contract of the GDMOs/ Specialists without assigning any reason whatsoever.
  • In case during the engagement period the doctor joins any private/govt. organization the contract shall stand terminated.
  • Director (P & IR), CIL reserves the right to suspend, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of these guidelines at his/her discretion for reasons to be recorded in the interest of the Company.
  • Other Terms and Condition will be as per CIL’s policy/guidelines circulated vide OM no. CIL/C5A(PC)/Dr-Paramedical/622 dt: 20-04-2021 issued by General Manager (P)/PC, CIL. (Attached herewith)
  • Interpretation of these guidelines will be reserved with the Director (Personnel) of the concerned subsidiary and his interpretation will be final for engagement in that subsidiary.
  • Any amendment modification regarding the notification will be notified only in BCCL website

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice

  • The application form for the post of Medical Executive is attached herewith. The candidates will be required to send the duly filled in application form as an advance copy in the format prescribed along with self attested copy of the testimonials through Speed post or Courier to General Manager (P/EE), Executive Establishment Department, Koyla Bhawan, BCCL, PO : BCCL Township, DHANBAD, JHARKHAND, PIN CODE: 826005 or on email ID (in PDF Format), which should reach within the stipulated time by 15-05-2021 (By 05.00 PM). The application of the candidates not received within the stipulated date, will not be entertained. The applications will not be received by hand. The management of BCCL will not be responsible for any delay in transit.
  • If more than one application is received from a candidate, most recent (current) application will be considered as final.
  • Documents to be submitted are as mentioned in the application format.
  • The mode of selection will be based on personal interview through Physical/Video Conference. Date and time of interview will be communicated through candidates registered mail and also published in BCCL Website.

About Us:

  • Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) is a subsidiary of Coal India Limited with its headquarter in Dhanbad, India.[1] It was incorporated in January, 1972 to operate coking coal mines (214 in number) operating in the Jharia and Raniganj Coalfields and was taken over by the Government of India on 16 October 1971.
  • BCCL contributes 50% of total prime coking coal requirement of steel sector. [2] Company operates 36 coal mines, which include eleven underground, sixteen open cast & nine mixed mines in year 2020. Company runs eight coal washeries and four are under construction. Mines are grouped into thirteen area for administratisation.
  • BCCL is the major producer of prime coking coal (raw and washed) in India. Medium coking coal is produced in its mines in Mohuda and Barakar areas. In addition to production of hard coke, BCCL operates washeries, sand gathering plants, a network of aerial ropeways for transport of sand, and a coal bed methane-based power plant in Moonidih.
  • Central Hospital, Dhanbad situated at Jagjivan Nagar comes under direct administrative control of BCCL and managed by Medical Department of BCCL. The hospital is 650 bedded tertiary clinic with many specialties and super-specialties branches and one of the largest among all Hospitals operated by Coal India Limited. It primarily caters to residents and employees of BCCL. The hospital also operates a College of Nursing from its campus.

click above to download
the employment notification

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