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57 Junior Engineering Assistant & Junior Quality Control Analyst Vacancy – IOCL,Panipat (Haryana)

Last Date: 07 November,2020
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
Panipat (Haryana)

IOCL Junior Engineer Recruitment 2020 is open (Advt. No. : PR/P/45 (2020-21)) and inviting application for the posts of 57 Junior Engineering Assistant & Junior Quality Control Analyst for Diploma, B.Sc. candidates in Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex (PRPC) interested in sarkari result IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Online application can apply online before 07 November 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Indian Oil Corporation Limited Junior Engineer job opening at official website

Employment Notification 57 Junior Engineering Assistant & Junior Quality Control Analyst Vacancy – IOCL,Panipat (Haryana)

Name of the post – Junior Engineering Assistant & Junior Quality Control Analyst
No of post – 57
Pay Scale – 25000 – 1,05,000/-

Educational Qualification:
Diploma, B.Sc.

Apply to 57 Junior Engineering Assistant & Junior Quality Control Analyst Vacancy – IOCL,Panipat (Haryana)

General Instruction:

  • The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized Indian University/Institute as a regular full time course / Diploma course (including a sandwich diploma course with industrial training as part of the course; with no break) with minimum 50% marks (45% for SC and PwBD category candidates) in aggregate.
  • Candidates holding a qualification acquired through part-time/correspondence/ distance education mode are not eligible.
  • Candidates possessing Diploma under recognized lateral entry scheme (Class—XI! (Sc.)! ITI admitted in 2nd year of Diploma course) shall also be considered eligible subject to meeting prescribed percentage of marks on the basis of aggregate of 4 semesters in the diploma course.
  • Qualification of MSc (Chemistry) shall not be considered a disqualification for post code 101 & 104. However, percentage requirement shall be applied on graduation level exam (BSc—PCM) only.
  • Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as Engineering Graduates/MBA/MCA/CA/CS/ICWA/LLB or those claiming possession of a Qualification equivalent to the Qualification prescribed shall not be considered for any of the above posts.
  • A candidate is allowed to apply for only one discipline. In case of receipt of more than one application for more than one discipline, all the applications will be rejected.
  • Qualification for the purpose of this clause would mean the qualification based on which candidature is offered or considered claimed by a candidate. Prescribed qualification shall be strictly adhered to.
  • The criteria for full time regular course shall not be insisted upon in case of Ex-Servicemen, provided they possess a requisite EQUIVALENT qualification that has been acquired during the service period and is recognized byAICTE/MHRD, Gol and have secured the prescribed minimum percentage of marks.
  • Work experience as prescribed of technical or professional nature is essential for being considered eligible.
  • For Ex Servicemen, a declaration of same area of work experience will be sufficient and no work experience related document will be required.
  • Ex-servicemen claiming equivalence in qualification shall be required to produce a copy of equivalence certificate by the concerned Ministry.
  • The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/ testimonials, etc.
  • Suppression of information regarding possession of or pursuing higher qualification shall render a candidate ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and termination at anytime during employment, if recruited.
  • Large Industrial Establishment would mean industrial/manufacturing Units whose investment in plant & machineries exceed Rs. 10 crores and which has been in operation.
  • Candidates shall be required to attach a copy of the relevant page of the last published Balance sheet of the establishment with the physical application under self-certification by the candidate.
  • Candidates employed, directly or by or through any agency (including a contractor) by a Large Industrial Establishment shall also be eligible to apply, provided they furnish copy of the work order issued to the agency/contractor alongwith the page of the balance sheet.
  • Candidates who are registered with Local Employment Exchange(s)/ District Sainik Resettlement Board/Special Employment Exchange and meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, whose names are sponsored to Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex against this notification, are advised to apply On-line, failing which their candidature will not be considered.
  • A Person with a specified disability listed in the Schedule but not covered under Section 34 (1), if certified by a Certifying Officer as a person with disability of 40% or above, in terms of provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 shall be allowed concessions / relaxations available to PwBDs against post code102, 103 & 104 only, and if selected on merit against unreserved vacancies, he shall be declared successful. His candidature will not be considered / adjusted against reservation provided to PwBDs under Section 34 (1) of theAct of 2016.
  • A PwBD candidate availing of any age-relaxation (no relaxation in eligibility qualification marks / in written test qualifying marks) shall be considered against unreserved vacancy in order of merit in the select list before being considered against a reserved post.
  • Candidates are hereby informed that any Corrigendum/Addendum etc. with regard to this advertisement will be made available on only. Candidates are advised to refer to the above website periodically for updates. All future correspondence with respect to the advertised posts will be made only through

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 57 Junior Engineering Assistant & Junior Quality Control Analyst Vacancy – IOCL,Panipat (Haryana)

  • Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), d/b/a IndianOil is an Indian public sector oil and gas company headquartered in New Delhi. It is the largest commercial oil company in the country, with a net profit of ₹19,106 crore (US$2.848 billion) for the financial the year 2016–17.It is ranked 1st in Fortune India 500 list for year 2016 and 117th in Fortune Global 500 list of world’s largest companies in the year 2019.As of 31 March 2017 IndianOil’s employee strength is 33,135, out of which 16,545 are in the officer cadre.It is India’s largest downstream oil company, with a workforce of more than 33,000 employees, a turnover of ₹5,06,428 crore and a net profit of ₹21,346 crore in 2017–18.
  • IndianOil’s business interests overlap the entire hydrocarbon value-chain, including refining, pipeline transportation, marketing of petroleum products, exploration and production of crude oil, natural gas and petrochemicals.
  • IndianOil has ventured into alternative energy and globalisation of downstream operations. It has subsidiaries in Sri Lanka (Lanka IOC),Mauritius (IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd) and the Middle East (IOC Middle East FZE).
  • In May 2018, IOCL become India’s most profitable state-owned company for the second consecutive year, with a record profit of ₹21,346 crores in 2017–18, followed by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, whose profit stood at ₹19,945 crores.In February 2020, the company signed a deal with the Russian oil company Rosneft to buy 40,000 barrels per day of crude in year 2020.From 1 April 2020, The Indian Oil is in absolute readiness to launch BS-VI (Bharat Stage VI) fuels in all its retail outlets in Telangana and adopt world-class emission norms.

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