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62 Electric Crane Operator, Fire Fighters and Various Vacancy – MDL,Karnataka

Last Date:10 January,2021
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL)

MDL is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 62 contractual posts of Electric Crane Operator, Fire Fighters and Various.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 10-01-2021 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 62 Electric Crane Operator, Fire Fighters and Various Vacancy – MDL,Karnataka

Name of the post – Electric Crane Operator, Fire Fighters and Various
No of post – 62
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
SSC or equivalent with Diploma/ Certificate in Fire Fighting of minimum six months’ duration and valid Heavy Duty Vehicle Licence. / Certificate of competency (Licence to Act Engineer) and mi 2 yrs experience.

Apply to 62 Electric Crane Operator, Fire Fighters and Various Vacancy – MDL,Karnataka

General Information:

  • Before applying for the post, candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioning in the advertisement.
  • Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
  • The Qualifying Requirements & Age limit shall be reckoned as on 01 Jan ‘21.
  • Outstation Candidates SC/ST called for Trade Test shall be reimbursed Travelling Expenses by the shortest route by Second Class / Bus from the
    correspondence address mentioned in the application form on production of tickets as given below.
  • Travelling Allowance will not be paid to the candidates who are found Ineligible after verification of documents at the time of Trade Test.
  • MDL reserves the right to cancel/ modify/ restrict/ enlarge/ alter the recruitment process, if need so arises without issuing any further notice or
    assigning any reason thereof.
  • List of ‘Eligible Candidates’, list of ‘Not-Eligible Candidates’, ‘Trade Test Schedule’, ‘Result’ etc. will be hosted only on MDL Website under the head
    “Career->Non-Executives”. Candidates are requested to visit MDL website time to time to get themselves updated on the recruitment status.
  • In case of any ambiguity/ discrepancy in the online recruitment portal the terms & conditions as mentioned in this advertisement will prevail.
  • Any further Information/ Corrigendum/ Addendum would be uploaded only on MDL website.
  • MDL reserves the right to fill up all the vacancies advertised or part or cancel the entire recruitment process at any point of time during the recruitment process.
  • Decision of the Management in all matters regarding eligibility criteria, trade test, interview, selection would be final and binding on all candidates.
    No representation or correspondence will be entertained by the Company in this regard.
  • MDL Management reserves the right to cancel/change the Test Centre of the candidates in the event of less number of candidates opting for the
    particular centre and any other reasons.
  • Camera / Mobile with camera is not permitted inside the company premises.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for appointment .
  • Any dispute with respect to this recruitment is subject to Mumbai.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 62 Electric Crane Operator, Fire Fighters and Various Vacancy – MDL,Karnataka

  • Log on to MDL website
  • Go to Careers >> Online Recruitment >> Non-Executive
  • Click on Non- Executive Tab
  • Register by filling up relevant details & click on “Submit” button.
  • Click on the validation link sent on email.
  • Login to MDL Online Portal with “Username” & “Password”
  • Select the job under Non-Executive Tab & view the “Eligibility Criteria”
  • While applying, candidate should have the scanned copy of recent passport size colour photograph, their signature & other relevant Certificates in JPEG format.
  • Read the instructions carefully and fill up all the details in the Online Application Form.
  • Candidates may enter ‘NA’ in the mandatory fields not applicable to them .
  • Check preview of the Application form and make corrections, if any. Any changes in the application form need to be edited before clicking on “Submit”. No other means of communication or correspondence will be entertained for correction in the Online Application Form.
  • Candidate belonging to General / OBC category are required to pay the application fees of ` 100/-. Detail instructions for payment of processing
    fees may be referred at Para-16.
  • (Applicants belonging to SC/ ST/ EWS are exempted from such payment of processing fee.)
  • Click on “Home” tab and ensure your application submission status to be “Successfully Submitted”.
  • Take a print of your application form with unique registration no. on or before the last date of application for future reference. Option for printing of application form will not be available after the last date of application.

About Us:

  • Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) (IAST: Majhagānv Dawk Limiṭeḍ), formerly called Mazagon Dock Limited, is a shipyard situated in Mazagaon, Mumbai. It manufactures warships and submarines for the Indian Navy and offshore platforms and associated support vessels for offshore oil drilling. It also builds tankers, cargo bulk carriers, passenger ships and ferries.
  • The shipyards of MDL were established in the 18th century. Ownership of the yards passed through entities including the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company and the British-India Steam Navigation Company. Eventually, ‘Mazagon Dock Limited’ was registered as a public company in 1934. The shipyard was nationalised in 1960 and is now a Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of India.
  • Vice Admiral Narayan Prasad, AVSM, NM, IN (Retd), is the Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited. The retired Naval Officer took over his current position on 30 Dec 2019.[5] The activities at the yard are shipbuilding, submarine building, and fabrication of offshore structures. It has manufacturing facilities in Mumbai and Nhava.
  • The yard has the capability to build warships, submarines, and merchant ships up to 30,000 dead weight tons (DWT).[6] It can fabricate wellhead platforms, process and production platforms, and jack-up rigs for oil exploration.
  • MDL builds offshore oil drilling platforms. It operates facilities at Alcock, Mumbai and at Nhava Yard for construction of platforms with wellhead, water injection and production separator and glycol process capabilities, as well as jackup rigs, SBMs and other offshore structures.

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