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70 Prosecuting Officer Vacancy – JKPSC,Jammu and Kashmir

Last Date: 09 April,2021
Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC)
Jammu and Kashmir

JKPSC has released an Official Notification for the posts of 70 Prosecuting Officer in J&K Home Department from LLB pass candidates interested in sarkari result JKPSC Prosecuting Officer Online application can apply before 09 April 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply JKPSC Prosecuting Officer job opening at official website

Employment Notification 70 Prosecuting Officer Vacancy – JKPSC,Jammu and Kashmir

Name of the post– Prosecuting Officer
No of post – 70
Pay Scale – 47600 – 151100/-

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) form recognized University.

Apply to 70 Prosecuting Officer Vacancy – JKPSC,Jammu and Kashmir

General Instruction:

  • Applications through online mode are invited for filling up of 70 posts of Prosecuting Officer (G) in J&K Home Department in the pay scale of (47600-151100), in terms of the Provisions contained in S.0 41 dated 08-02-2021 issued by Home Department, Government of UT of Jammu & Kashmir, read with “Jammu & Kashmir Probationer (Conduct of Service, Pay & Allowance) and Fixation of Tenure Rules, 2020” notified vide S.O. 192 of 2020 dated: 17.06.2020, and The Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission (Business & Procedure) Rules, 1980, as amended from time to time, from the applicants who are domiciles of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, possessing the prescribed academic/professional qualifications and age for the posts.
  • Provided that the candidates who have appeared fully in the final examination of the Bachelor of Laws on or before the last date of receipt of application forms for Preliminary Examination from any such University the passing of which would render them eligible to appear in the examination, but the results of their examination has not been declared, or they have not been informed of the result, will also be eligible for admission and shall be allowed to appear in the Preliminary Examination. All such candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for taking the Main Examination shall have to produce proof of passing such examination with their applications for the Main Examination failing which such candidates shall not be admitted to the Main Examination.
  • The application Form submitted without deposition of the fee, which gets substantiated through
    reflection of the same on the application form, such application form shall be treated as incomplete and candidature shall be deemed to have been rejected without any notice. No representation against such rejection shall be entertained.
  • Submission of multiple applications by way of prefixing Mr/Ms or through generation of multiple User ID’s or any other mode, followed by either non-payment of fee particulars or fee particulars (TID) of one application (RID) being mentioned against another application with a different RID would lead to rejection of the online application. The applicants who are submitting multiple applications should note that only the applications with higher Registration ID (RID) number shall be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID number. Besides a strict disciplinary action shall be taken including the cancellation of candidature and debarment for future examinations of J&K PSC will be taken against such applicants.
  • The Application Form together with instructions for filling up the Application Forms will be available at the website of the Commission from 08.03.2021.
  • Candidates are advised to go through the instructions and all the eligibility conditions prescribed
    for the post before filing the online Application Form.
  • Last date for filing of online Application complete in all respects along with the requisite fee (online mode only) is 09.04.2021.
  • The last date for receipt of online applications provided in the notification shall be the cut-off date
    for determining the eligibility as regards acquisition of Domicile Certificates and educational and professional qualifications. The minimum and maximum age will however be reckoned with reference to 1st January, 2021.
  • Candidates are not required to submit a hard copy or any other documents to the Commission. However, such of the candidates, declared as qualified on the basis of Written Test shall be required to submit a hard copy of the downloaded online application form alongwith online fee receipt and the other requisite documents at JKPSC Office Solina Srinagar/Resham Ghar Colony Bakshi Nagar Jammu.
  • Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability or failure to login to the online application portal on account of heave load on the website during the closing days.
  • Candidates who have successfully submitted the online application form along with requisite fee will be allowed to edit their submitted online application form within three days after the cut-of date i.e. on 10th April, 2021 (12:00AM) upto 12th April 2021 (11:59PM).

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 70 Prosecuting Officer Vacancy – JKPSC,Jammu and Kashmir

  • Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission widely known as JKPSC, is a constitutional body formed by the Government of India under articles 128 and 133 which conducts the civil services examination for appointment to various civil services in the Indian administered union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.The JKPSC, autonomous body select the officers for various key positions in state civil services according to the merits of the candidates and the rules of reservation.
  • The history of Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission begins with the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Regulation volume-II, which explains the civil services of the state. The concept of conducting statewide competitive examination for appointment to specific posts came into consideration way back between 1954-1957. During the Dogra Rule Maharaja Hari Singh had introduced Civil Service examination for the first time in the state in 1941.Before that the Maharaja used to nominate candidates for civil service training who after completing the training would join the state government. Agha Nasir Ali was the first Kashmiri to top the civil service examination when they were introduced for the first time in 1941.He was the first Deputy Commissioner of Srinagar.Later, previous rules were revoked by the Kashmir Civil Service Rules-1954. The formation of JKPSC is revealed by the Indian public service commissions which further explains the Constitution of India in Part XXI along with Article 370, giving autonomous status. Section 128 of the Constitution of J&K describes the formation of JKPSC which indicates the commission was set up on 2 September 1957.
  • The Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission is the top-most constitutional body and senior-most civil services of the Government of India. Its headquarters are located in Solina area of Srinagar city, 190009.The Commission is headed by its chairman who is responsible for the recruitment process, JKPSC policy formulation, and its implementation. The commission chairman including other members are appointed by the state governor. The governor has the right to determine the number of members as well as the members of the commission and their terms of service under certain sections of J&K state.
  • Every year, the commission shift its office from one capital to another for the period of six months. It occurs twice in a year, making the JKPSC functioning from May to October in summer capital Srinagar and from November to April in winter capital Jammu.In 1872, Maharaja Gulab Singh started this practice to escape the extreme heat during summers in Jammu and freezing wave of winter in Srinagar where temperature often drop as low as -6 to -4 degrees Celsius.

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