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71 Junior Assistant, Stenographer and Various Vacancy – VPCI,Delhi

Last Date: 20 December,2020
Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute (VPCI)

Applications are invited in prescribed form from individuals for filling up 71 positions of Junior Assistant, Stenographer and Various in Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute (VPCI).Duly filled in application form along with attested copies of required certificates should reach the given address either in person or by Registered Post with Acknowledgement due on or before the last date of 20-12-2020 .

Employment Notification 71 Junior Assistant, Stenographer and Various Vacancy – VPCI,Delhi

Name of the post – Junior Assistant, Stenographer and Various
No of post – 71
Pay Scale – pay level 10,7,6,4

Educational Qualification:
10th/12th/Master Degree /Graduate/BPharma/ D.Pharma.

Apply to 71 Junior Assistant, Stenographer and Various Vacancy – VPCI,Delhi

General Instruction:

  • A separate application form has to be submitted for each post. Application form available on the Institute’s website i.e.
  • Before filling up the form, candidates are advised to carefully go through the advertisement available on the Institute website and confirm their eligibility with regard to qualification/experience/age etc., before submitting the application form.
  • Consequent upon adoption of self-certification provisions as required by the Govt. of India,the Institute shall process the application entirely on the basis of information/ documents submitted by the candidates. In case the information/documents are found to be false/incorrect by way of omission or commission, the responsibility and liability shall lie solely with the candidate. Application received without complete information shall be rejected.
  • Candidates should possess the prescribed educational qualification and experience before filling the form or as on last date. It is the responsibility of the candidate to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the advertisement. If it is detected at any time in future (during the process of selection or even after appointment) that the candidate was not eligible as per the prescribed qualification, experience, etc., which could not be detected at the time of selection for whatever reason, his/her candidature/appointment shall be liable to be cancelled/terminated as per rules.
  • As per directives of the University of Delhi vide its OM No.Estab.IV/047/2016/01/RR-OM dated 02.12.2016, it has been decided to discontinue interviews for recruitments to all Group ‘C’, Group ‘D’ (which are now reclassified at Group ‘C’) posts and for non-gazetted posts of Group ‘B’ category and all such equivalent posts in the light of DoPT OM No.39020/01/2013-Estt.(B)-Part dated 29.12.2015.
  • All the posts except Nursing Officer will be filled as per the Recruitment Rules of the University of Delhi. The qualifications and other service conditions shall be such as prescribed by the University of Delhi from time to time. The post of Nursing Officer will be filled as per Recruitment Rules as approved by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
  • The upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment shall be relaxable in case of candidates belonging to the reserved categories in accordance with the instructions received from the Government of India in this regard from time to time as applicable to Central Government establishments.
  • The upper age-limit prescribed for direct recruits shall also be relaxable up to a maximum of five years or the number of years (in completed years) whichever is less provided they have rendered at least three years regular service in organization(s) under Government Departments/Statutory or Autonomous bodies/Universities or their affiliated or constituent colleges/Public Sector Undertakings.
  • The upper age-limit as prescribed for direct recruits shall not be insisted upon in the case of departmental candidates of the University/College(s).
  • The upper-age limit will also be relaxed to the extent of service rendered by them in respect of persons who are already working on contract/daily wages/ad-hoc basis in the University or its Colleges provided they have put in atleast one year of service.
  • (The relaxation will be subject to other applicable rules and also production of relevant experience certificate from the University or the Concerned College where the applicant has served.)
  • The applicants should not cross the upper age-limit on the date of advertisement even after relaxation in upper age-limit as per rules.
  • For Direct Recruitment wherever a percentage has been prescribed for the minimum qualifying education qualification in these rules, there will be a relaxation of 5% for the applicants belonging to the various designated reserved categories in accordance with the instructions received from the Government of India/University Grants Commission in this regard from time to time.
  • In regard to matters not specified or referred to in these Rules, the employees in the posts specified in the Schedule shall be governed by the Act, Statues, Ordinances, Executive Council Decisions/Regulations and other orders issued by the Government of India from time to time.
  • Applicants serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including Boards/Autonomous Bodies) are required to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer, at the time of examination, if not submitted the application earlier. The NOC should also indicate the vigilance clearance from the parent departments.
  • The reservation for applicants from SC, ST, EWS, OBC (non-creamy layer) and Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) categories will be applicable as per Central Government norms.
  • Applicants seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD categories must submit the necessary documents justifying the claim of respective reservation as per Govt. of India lists/rules/norms, The Certificate submitted should be in the format prescribed by the Union Government.
  • In case the applicant wants to claim benefits under the PwBD category, the applicant’s relevant disability should not be less than 40 per cent. Proof to this effect in the form of a valid Disability Certificate must be attached with the application.
  • Applicants applying for the post(s) reserved for OBC must submit certificate of OBC (non-creamy layer) in the prescribed form issued by Competent Authority. The certificate should be of the current financial year, in accordance with instructions issued by the Union Government in this respect from time to time. Applicants should ascertain that they belong to the reserved categories (caste) enlisted in the Central List for the Other Backward Classes.
  • Applications in prescribed format only will be accepted.
  • Consequent upon adoption of self-certification provisions as required by the Govt. of India, the Institute shall process the applications entirely on the basis of information/documents submitted with the application. In case the information/documents are found to be false/incorrect by way of omission or commissiort, the responsibility shall lie solely with the applicant and the applicant shall be liable for action as per law.
  • Applicants are advised to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in detail specification before applying to the post.
  • Applicants should have fulfilled the minimum eligibility such as education, experience & research publications on the date of submission of application.
  • Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.
  • Applications which do not meet the criteria given in the advertisement and/or incomplete application are liable to be summarily rejected at any stage.
  • Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any material/information while submitting the application are self-certified copies/testimonials.
  • The numbers and nature of posts advertised may increase or decrease/vary and the Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised, if the circumstances so warrant.
  • The Institute reserved the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reason.
  • The Institute shall not be responsible for any delay/loss due to postal or technical reasons.
  • Candidates called for written test & skill test shall do so at their own expenses. No TA/DA shall be paid.
  • There will be reservation of 4% for Persons with Disability Candidates.
  • Candidates already working are required to submit “No Objection Certificate” along with application.
  • Applications, received after the stipulated time, will not be entertained under any circumstances.
  • The application form with Admit Card duly filled by candidate along with the self-attested copies of all testimonials must reach to the Joint Registrar, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi within 30 days from the date of publications of the advertisement in the Employment News. If 30th day falls on holiday, the next working day will be last of issue/submission.
  • The Institute reserves the right to amend the number of posts or not to fill any of the posts mentioned in the advertisement at its discretion without assigning any reason thereof.
  • Any consequential vacancies arising at the time of finalization may also be filled up from the available shortlisted candidates.
  • The Institute will verify the antecedents of the applicant at the time of appointment or anytime during the tenure of the service. In case it is found that the documents/information submitted by the candidate is false or the candidate has suppressed relevant information, the services of the candidate shall be terminated without prejudice to any other action initiated by the Institute.
  • In case of the any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of offer letter, the Institute reserves right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the applicant.
  • In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Institute shall be final. Applicants are adviged to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.
  • Any dispute regarding the recruitment will fall under the jurisdiction of Delhi.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 71 Junior Assistant, Stenographer and Various Vacancy – VPCI,Delhi

  • Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute is a Postgraduate Medical Institute located in New Delhi and is supported by the University of Delhi. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of Government of India takes care of its endowment. It has been categorized as one of the constituent college of the University.The study and training of the students emphasizes chest diseases. The institute also provides services to people suffering from chest diseases.The institute is maintained under the statute XX(2) of the University.
  • The history of the institute dates back to the pre-independence era of India. The Bhore Committee report formed by the Ministry of Health pointed out the need of trained personnel and an institution in the field of chest diseases country. Officials, then decided to establish such an institution in the country which would train people in this field. The Directorate of Ministry of Health, Government of India, lodged an application to Sir Maurice Gwyer, the then Vice-Chancellor of University of Delhi, to start a course in chest diseases at the earliest. In 1946, Sir Maurice Gwyer constituted a committee for this purpose. On the recommendation of committee a proposal was submitted to the Government by the Vice-Chancellor for the establishment of a new institute. In the beginning, the teaching and training facilities of the Lady Hardinge Medical College, Irwin and Silver Jubilee Hospitals in Delhi, were used by the institute. A diploma course in chest diseases was started in 1947 and Dr. R. Viswanathan, the then Deputy Director General, Health Services, Government of India, was appointed as the Honorary Director of the course. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the then Deputy Prime Minister of India, laid the foundation stone of the institute on 6 April 1949. The institute is also named after him. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur opened the institute on 12 January 1953 and R. Viswanathan served as the first Director of the Institute. The hospital wing of the institute, named after Dr. R. Viswanathan, is called Viswanathan Chest Hospital [formerly known as Clinical Research Centre]. The hospital started working in 1956 but it was inaugurated on 25 October 1957 by the then President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
  • Institute, today, fulfils the national need to provide medical education in field of chest diseases and relief to large number of patients in the community suffering from chest diseases. Postgraduates are trained in pulmonary medicine and allied subjects in the institute. Research and new diagnostic technologies are developed. The institution provides the infrastructure for specialized clinical and investigative services to patients.The institute has also played a role in conducting investigations for the pandemic influenza H1N1 virus.

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the employment notification

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