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77 Professor, Director and Various Vacancy – Nagaland University,Nagaland

Last Date: 07 November,2020
Nagaland University

Nagaland University) invites application forms from candidates, possessing consistently good academic record and requisite qualifications and experience for 77 contractual posts of Professor, Director and Various for a given project.Eligible and interested candidates may send completed applications to the given address along with Self attested qualification Certificate, Age proof certificate etc latest by 07-12-2020 .

Employment Notification 77 Professor, Director and Various Vacancy – Nagaland University,Nagaland

Name of the post – Professor, Director and Various
No of post – 77
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
Master’s Degree .

Apply to 77 Professor, Director and Various Vacancy – Nagaland University,Nagaland

General Instruction:

  • Application fee (excluding bank charges) of 1000/-(one thousand) for General/OBC category and 500 (five hundred) for SC/ST/EWS category must be deposited to Nagaland University Account No.33797581389, State Bank of India, Lumami Branch (IFSC No. SBIN0013380). Counterfoil issued by the Bank/University Challan shall be attached to the application as proof of payment of fees. Application fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. However, the candidates from PWD category are exempted from payment of application fee. Applications not accompanied by the prescribed fee shall not be considered for recruitment and be summarily rejected. No representation there after against such rejection will be entertained. It must be noted that the fee sent through Money Order/ Indian Postal Orders/ Crossed Cheques/ Currency Notes/ Treasury Challans/Demand Draft etc. will not be accepted by the University. Such applications will be treated as without fee.
  • Sending of loose applications may be strictly avoided. The University shall not be responsible for any loss of documents in transit.
  • The period of time taken by candidates to acquire M. Phil and/or Ph .D Degree shall not be considered as teaching/ research experience to be claimed for appointment to the teaching positions.
  • Candidates should send self-attested copies of their certificates and mark-sheets from matric onwards in support of their educational qualifications, experience etc. Original must be produced at the time of interview for verification.
  • Candidates should send self-attested copies of their certificates and mark-sheets from matric onwards in support of their educational qualifications, experience etc. Original must be produced at the time of interview for verification.
  • Application received after the last date shall be rejected.
  • The University will not be responsible for non-receipt of any application due to postal delay.
  • No interim correspondence shall be entertained & canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  • Separate applications Form and Fee are required for each post in case candidates intending to apply for more than one post.
  • Persons who are already working in the service under State/ Central Government or any other organization should send their applications through proper channel. However, advance copy may be submitted. In such cases “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the employer must be produced at the time of interview.
  • The University shall have the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview on the basis of qualifications and experience who posses higher than the minimum prescribed or by any other conditions as per the rules. The decision of the Screening Committee in regard to short listing the candidates from amongst the total number of applications received,’shall be binding for all.
  • The University, after considering the applicants for the post applied for, if it is of the opinion that he/she will be suitable choice for the next lower post, may make such offer, on availability of vacancy.
  • University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by candidates at any time during the process of recruitment/service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidates has a clandestine antecedents/background for which he/she has been convicted by any court and has suppressed the said information, then his/her service shall be liable to be terminated.
  • Submission of wrong/false information, if detected at any stage of the recruitment, the University reserves the right to withdraw/cancel any appointment made to the candidates.
  • In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of Selection, the decision of the University shall be final and binding.
  • A relaxation of 5% may be provided at the graduate and Masters level for the SC/ST/Differently-abled (physically and visually differently-abled)/Other Backward Classes (OBC) (Non-creamy layer) categories for the purpose of eligibility and for assessing good academic records during direct recruitment to teaching positions. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible, based on only the qualifying marks without including any grace mark procedures.
  • Candidates claiming relaxation under reservation should submit a certificate of proof and clearly indicate in their application as “Reserved Category”.
  • Person suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation for Person with Disabilities.
  • Candidates applying against OBC Reserved post must submit Non-Creamy Layer Certificate.
  • The University reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of posts and accept or reject application(s) without assigning any reasons.
  • The Selection Committee may decide its own method of evaluating the performance of the
  • The rules of UGC/Govt. of India in regard to Pay and Allowances, Leave, Pension & Provident Fund shall be followed subject to amendments if any, from time to time. New entrants shall be covered by the National Pension Scheme (NPS).
  • Applications received late or without necessary supporting documents, Degree/ Certificate/ Mark sheets and experience certificate, not self attested or not accompanied by the prescribed counter foil of the prescribed fee shall be rejected summarily.
  • The selected candidates for appointment shall have to enter an agreement with the University to serve at least for a minimum period of 5 (five) years from the date of joining.
  • Wherever the grading system is followed, equivalent percentage must be indicated in the relevant column of the application.
  • Any Corrigendum/change/update related to the recruitment process shall be placed only on the official website of Nagaland

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 77 Professor, Director and Various Vacancy – Nagaland University,Nagaland

  • Nagaland University is a Central University established in the state of Nagaland by an Act of Parliament by the Government of India in 1989.It is headquartered at Lumami, Zunheboto. Two other permanent campuses are at Kohima (Merima) and Medziphema. Also there is a temporary campus in Dimapur where B.Tech courses are offered. Altogether 66 colleges are affiliated to the University with a total student population of around 24,000. Different Courses in 43 disciplines are offered at University and college levels in M.A, M.Sc, M.Com, MBA, M.Ed, M.Sc (Agri.), B.Tech, B.Sc (Agri.), LL.B, B.Ed, B.Sc, B.A, B.Com, BBA, BCA, B.Sc (Nursing) and B.Voc.
  • The University offers MBA degree and the Department of Management is known as the School of Management Studies is situated at the kohima, Nagaland(Nu kohima campus). The Department of Management Studies under the School of Management Studies was inaugurated on 29 October 2007, and the first batch of MBA students was admitted in 2008.
  • The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a two-year (4 semesters) full-time programme and is approved by the AICTE. The School of Management Studies organizes annual Management festival which is known as ZOOMMAX.
  • Admission for MBA Programme is done on the basis of MAT conducted by AIMA since its inception of the department which is a national level entrance test. Today, the department in spite of its young age can proudly say that it has come up at par with others.
  • The School of Engineering Technology(SET) has been shifted to Meriema Campus, Kohima as per the University authority’s decision. There are four Student bodies under Nagaland University viz. Nagaland University Students’ Union, Lumami Campus Hqrs, Post Graduate Students Union,(PGSU) Meriema Campus, Post Graduate Students’ Union, SMS and School of Engineering and Technology Students’ Union(SETSU). However it is likely that the PGSU, SMS and SETSU will be merged with PGSU, Meriema Campus.

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