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80 Assistant (Group-B) Vacancy – ICMR,All India

Last Date:03 December,2020
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
All India

ICMR Assistant Recruitment 2020 is open (ICMR/Assistants/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 80 Assistant Vacancy from Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result ICMR Assistant Online application can apply before 03 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Indian Council of Medical Research ICMR Assistant job opening at official website

Employment Notification 80 Assistant (Group-B) Vacancy – ICMR,All India

Name of the post – Assistant (Group-B)
No of post – 80
Pay Scale – 35400 – 112400/-

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University/ Institute and Working Knowledge of Computer (MS Office / Power Point).

Apply to 80 Assistant (Group-B) Vacancy – ICMR,All India

General Instruction:

  • Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the instructions given in the notice of test very carefully.
  • The candidate must write his name and date of birth strictly as recorded in the matriculation/ secondary certificate. If any variation in the date of birth is observed at the time of entry in the examination venue, he/she shall not be allowed to appear in the examination. Further, if any variation in the name and date of birth is observed at the time of document verification, his/ her candidature will be cancelled.
  • The candidate must write his name and date of birth strictly as recorded in the matriculation/ secondary certificate. If any variation in the date of birth is observed at the time of entry in the examination venue, he/she shall not be allowed to appear in the examination. Further, if any variation in the name and date of birth is observed at the time of document verification, his/ her candidature will be cancelled.
  • ICMR will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination and, therefore, candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age, physical and medical standards etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s). Copies of self-attested supporting documents along with print out of the online application form will be sought at the time of Scrutiny Stage from the shortlisted candidates for the said
    stage of scrutiny as per Selection Procedure mentioned in this Notice and at the time of Document Verification. When scrutiny of documents is undertaken at any stage of the recruitment process or thereafter, if any, claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature/ selection will be cancelled and the ICMR’s decision shall be final.
  • Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwBD/ EWS etc must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim.
  • Candidates with benchmark physical disability only would be considered as Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and entitled to reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
  • When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted ‘Provisionally’. Candidates should take printout of the application form for submission at the scrutiny stage as and when called for by ICMR after conduct of the Computer Based Test as well as for their own records.
  • Only one online application is allowed to be submitted by a candidate for the post. Therefore, the candidates are advised to exercise due diligence at the time of filling their online Application Forms. In case, more than one application of a candidate is detected for one post, all applications will be rejected and his/her candidature for the recruitment process shall be cancelled.
  • The candidates must write their father’s name and mother’s name strictly as given in the Matriculation/ Secondary Certificates, otherwise their candidature may be cancelled at the time of Document Verification or as and when it comes into the notice of ICMR.
  • Applications with blurred/ illegible Photograph/ Signature will be rejected summarily.
  • Request for change/ correction in any particulars in the Application Form, once submitted, will not be entertained under any circumstances.
  • Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail addresses and mobile number in the online application as correspondence may be made by the ICMR through e- mail/ SMS only.
  • In case of fake/ fabricated application/ registration by misusing any dignitaries name/photo, such candidate/ cyber cafe will be held responsible for the same and liable for suitable legal action under cyber/ IT act.
  • All the posts carry All India Service Liability (AISL) i.e. the candidate, on selection, may be asked to serve anywhere in the country.
  • No admission certificates for aforesaid Test will be issued by post. Candidates are required to download admission certificate for the Test from the website of ICMR.
  • After successful submission of online Application Form, candidates must take a print out of the online Application Form for submitting the same along with requisite documents,duly self-attested,as and when called for by the ICMR after the conduct of Computer Based Test.
  • If a candidate is finally selected and does not receive any correspondence from ICMR within a period of one month after declaration of result, he/ she must communicate immediately with ICMR.

Selection Process:

Vacancy Notice 80 Assistant (Group-B) Vacancy – ICMR,All India

  • Recruitment to Selection Posts will be made through Written Test in Computer Based Mode consisting of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions.
  • All candidates who register themselves in response to this advertisement by the closing date and time and whose applications are found to be in order and are provisionally accepted by the ICMR, as per the terms and conditions of this Notice of Test, will be assigned Roll numbers and issued Admission Certificate (AC) for appearing in the Computer Based Test where the candidate opted for Centre of Test.
  • Candidates will have to appear at the selected exam centre at their own cost. No TA/DA etc. will be paid for attending the exam and document verification.
  • Applications which have blurred / no photographs, blurred / no signature / fee not received / incomplete application/ etc. will be rejected.
  • The candidates who are shortlisted for the next stage of selection will be required to submit self-attested copies of all the supporting documents in respect of Educational Qualification (EQ), Experience, Category, Age, Age-relaxation, etc. (as applicable) in hard copy, along with the print out of their online application form.
  • Skill Test, wherever prescribed for any category of post will be conducted from amongst the candidates whose hard copies of documents are received and found in order at Scrutiny stage, by the Regional / Sub-Regional Offices of the ICMR.
  • The information furnished by the candidates in their applications will be verified by the ICMR with their original documents after the Computer Based Test or thereafter.During verification of documents, if it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in the application form is wrong or misleading, his / her candidature will be rejected forthwith during or after the recruitment process. No appeal or representation against such rejection of candidature will be entertained. The candidates should ensure that they have furnished correct information in the
    application form.
  • Scores / Marks of the selected candidates will only be disclosed / made available on the website of ICMR, New Delhi.
  • The SC, ST, OBC, EWS and PwBD candidates, who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such candidates will be accommodated against the general / unreserved vacancies in the post as per their position in the overall merit or vacancies earmarked for their category, whichever is advantageous to them. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SC, ST, OBC, EWS and PwBD candidates.
  • The SC, ST, OBC, EWS and PwBD candidates who qualify on the basis of any of the relaxed standards viz. age limit, experience or qualifications, permitted number of chances, extended zone of consideration, etc., irrespective of his / her merit position, is to be counted against reserved vacancies and not against un-reserved vacancies. Such candidates may also be recommended at the relaxed standards to the extent of number of vacancies reserved for them, to make up for the deficiency in the reserved quota, irrespective of their rank in the order of merit. In so far as cases of PwBD candidates, relaxation of 10 years in upper age limit will not be termed as relaxed standards.
  • A person with disability (PwBD) who is selected on his / her own merit can be appointed against an unreserved vacancy, provided the post is identified suitable for Persons with Benchmark Disability of relevant category.
  • Candidates on final selection may be allotted initial place of posting on All India basis. No requests for specific postings shall be considered by ICMR.

About Us:

  • The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research, is one of the oldest and largest medical research bodies in the world. The ICMR is funded by the Government of India through the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.In 2007 the organization established the Clinical Trials Registry – India, which is India’s national registry for clinical trials.
  • ICMR’s 26 national institutes address themselves to research on specific health topics like tuberculosis, leprosy, cholera and diarrhoeal diseases, viral diseases including AIDS, malaria, kala-azar, vector control, nutrition, food & drug toxicology, reproduction, immuno-haematology, oncology, medical statistics, etc. Its 6 regional medical research centres address themselves to regional health problems, and also aim to strengthen or generate research capabilities in different geographic areas of the country.
  • The council’s research priorities coincide with National health priorities such as control and management of communicable diseases, fertility control, maternal and child health, control of nutritional disorders, developing alternative strategies for health care delivery, containment within safety limits of environmental and occupational health problems; research on major non-communicable diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, blindness, diabetes and other metabolic and haematological disorders; mental health research and drug research (including traditional remedies). These efforts are undertaken with a view to reduce the total burden of disease and to promote health and well-being of the population.

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