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83 Multi Tasking Staff, LDC and Various Vacancy – DSSC,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:22 May,2021
Commandant, Defence Services Staff College (DSSC)
Tamil Nadu

Commandant, Defence Services Staff College, Wellington (DSSC) invites application forms from eligible Indian citizens willing to work as Multi Tasking Staff, LDC and Various 83 posts (Group ‘C’ Civilian posts).Applications should be made as per prescribed format and should be sent along with a recent passport sized photograph and relevant documents to the given address before the due date of 22-05-2021 .

Employment Notification 83 Multi Tasking Staff, LDC and Various Vacancy – DSSC,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post– Multi Tasking Staff, LDC and Various
No of post – 83
Pay Scale – Rs 25500-81100,Rs 19900-63200,Rs 18000-56900

Educational Qualification:
12th Class,Matriculation pass or equivalent.

Apply to 83 Multi Tasking Staff, LDC and Various Vacancy – DSSC,Tamil Nadu

General Instruction:

  • Application received after due date will not be considered. DSSC will not be responsible for any kind of postal delay.
  • Pre-scrutiny of the application in terms of age limit, minimum qualifications, documents and certificates will be carried out by the DSSC before calling the suitable candidates for the written test/skill test.
  • The venue for written test / skill test is DSSC, Wellington.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to attend written test/skill test.
  • Selected candidate will be subject to All India service liability.
  • Mere submission of application(s) does not entitle candidates to be called for test. Depending on the number of applications received, the number of candidates will be restricted for the test based on the marks obtained in the minimum essential qualification of exam prescribed for the post(s).
  • Separate applications should be submitted for each post.
  • Age for all posts mentioned in above table. The crucial date for determining age limit is the last date (22 May 2021)of application.
  • Relaxable by three years for OBC candidates, five years for SC and ST candidates, ten years for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) (addition five years in case of PwBD belonging to SC/ST category and three years for OBC category) and Ex-ServiceMan who have rendered not less than 06 months of continuous service in the Armed Forces shall be allowed to deduct the full period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the prescribed maximum age by more than three years, they shall be deemed to be within age limits.
  • 40 years for UR, 43 years for OBC and 45 years for SC/ST.
  • SC/ST/OBC candidate applying against UNRESERVED POST are not entitled to any relaxation in age limit, experiences etc.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 83 Multi Tasking Staff, LDC and Various Vacancy – DSSC,Tamil Nadu

  • Eligible candidates can apply to any of the above posts subject vacancies and qualifications.
  • All documents in support of Education Qualification, Age, Technical Qualification, Physically Handicapped, Experience Certificate & Caste Certificate (issued by the competent civil authorities in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates) etc to be accompanied with the application should be self-attested.
  • In case of appointment of OBC candidates against their reserved quota their caste should be listed under Central List of OBCs as candidate belonging to castes listed under Central list only are eligible for appointment to Central Services. The latest rules with regard to creamy layer
    in OBCs are to be followed. Candidates seeking reservation as OBC is required to submit alongwith application a certificate to the effect that he does not belong to any of the creamy layer.
  • No Objection Certificate is required for persons employed in Central/State Govt/PSU/Statutory body as permanent employee with minimum three years regular service.
  • In case of Ex-Serviceman self-attested photocopy of discharge book is to be submitted alongwith the application.
  • The following documents should be attached with the application form and should be arranged in the following order:-
    (i) Application form to be filled in English duly signed and affixed photograph to be selfattested.
    (ii) Acknowledgement Cards to be filled and affixed photograph to be self-attested.
    (ii) Self-attested copies of 10th, 12th Std Mark Sheet & Diploma/ITI Certificates, SC/ST certificate/OBC Non-Creamy Layer certificate/Discharge book, experience certificate, EWS certificate, as applicable.
    (iii) Self addressed envelope of 10 x 22 cms with Rs 22/- postage stamp(s) to be pasted.
  • Applicants to mention clearly on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “ and addressed to The Commandant, Defence Services Staff College, Wellington (Nilgiris) – 643 231. Tamil Nadu.
  • Application completed in all respect along with true copies of relevant testimonials may send to the given address before the last date of 22-05-2021 . All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions as on the last date of submission of application. Self addressed envelope of 10 x 22 cms with Rs 22/- postage stamp(s) to be pasted.

About Us:

  • The Defence Services Staff College (DSSC) is a joint-defence service training institution of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of India.
  • It trains officers of all three services of the Indian Armed Forces – (Indian Military Service, Indian Naval Service, Indian Airforce Service), selected officers from the Paramilitary forces and the Civil Services and officers from friendly foreign countries for command and staff appointments.
  • One of the oldest military institutions in India, it was founded in 1905 as the Army Staff college in Deolali (near Nashik). In 1907, it moved to its permanent location at Quetta (now Pakistan). After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, the Indian elements of the Staff College, Quetta led by the senior-most Indian Army instructor Colonel S D Verma moved to India. Verma was promoted Brigadier and appointed as the First Commandant and chose Wellington Cantonment in The Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu as the location of the Staff College in India.
  • The first staff course started in April 1948, months after the move. The first course had 46 officers from the Indian Army and 2 each from the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. Two officers from this course – Major Tapishwar Narain Raina and Squadron Leader Hrushikesh Moolgavkar went on to head their services as the Chiefs. The air wing was established in 1949 and the Naval Wing in 1950 and the college was rechristened Defence Services Staff College. The college threw open its gates to officers from friendly foreign countries from the fifth course and to civil servants from the sixth course.
  • DSSC has been affiliated to Madras University for the award of M.Sc. degree in ‘Defence and Strategic Studies’ and recognized as a research centre for MPhil and PhD degrees since 1990.
  • The Staff College when at Quetta adopted the crest of Staff College, Camberley which was the ‘Wise Owl’ with the latin motto Tam Marte Quam Minerva. In 1964, Owl perched on crossed swords and the motto in sanskrit Yuddham Pragya was adopted.
  • The Commandant of the College is assisted by the Chief Instructors (CI) of the Army, Naval and Air Wings, all two-star appointments. The CIs are drawn from the respective services. The Incharge of the Administrative wing (also a two-star appointment), and the Brigadier General Staff (BGS) also report into the Commandant.

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