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85 Administrative Assistant Vacancy -IISC,Karnataka

Last Date: 07 November,2020
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISC)

IISC has invited application from eligible candidates to apply for 85 posts of Administrative Assistant.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 07-11-2020 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 85 Administrative Assistant Vacancy -IISC,Karnataka

Name of the post – Administrative Assistant
No of post – 85
Pay Scale – Rs 21700

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor’s Degree with min 50% marks and knowledge of computer applications.

Apply to 85 Administrative Assistant Vacancy -IISC,Karnataka

General Conditions:

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • The appointments are on regular basis with a probation period of 2 years, till the end of the last day of the month in which the appointee attains the age of superannuation.
  • Uploading and submission of Marks Cards & Certificates in support of Qualification (starting from Class 10th onwards), marks obtained by them in the essential qualification degree, Caste, Experience etc. is mandatory along with application form. Applications will be summarily rejected without these attachments. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard .
  • The details filled-in by the applicants in the application form will be duly verified before publishing the results. If the candidates fail to provide the authentic proof for the details filled-in by them, their andidature will be summarily forfeited.
  • All the employees appointed to Institute service on or after 01.01.2004 are covered under the New Pension Scheme (NPS).
  • As per the Cadre & Recruitment Rules of the Institute, wherever direct recruitment is provided as a method of recruitment, the posts can also be filled by deputation or on contract, at the discretion of the Director. During the period of service, every employee shall observe, obey and abide by the Scheme, Regulations and Byelaws (SRB), Administrative Manuals, other statutory documents, CCS (Conduct) Rules and CCS (CCA) Rules etc.
  • Cumulative age relaxation is allowed for Temporary/Project staff working at the Indian Institute of Science, candidates with benchmark disabilities and Ex-servicemen, along with age relaxation available for SC, ST and OBC, for the vacancy reserved for them.
  • The prescribed qualifications are the minimum required and the mere fact that a candidate possesses the same will not entitle them for being called for a written test.
  • Candidates have to apply only through the IISc recruitment portal, online. Candidate should take a print-out of application submitted online and retain the same with them for future reference.
  • Candidates working in Government / PSU / Autonomous Bodies should obtain NOC from the present employer and upload online. However, application without NOC will also be considered provided the candidate uploads a duly signed undertaking that the NOC will be submitted at the time of verification of certificates.
  • Candidates should submit applications well in advance, without waiting until the last date.
  • Call letters to attend the written test will be sent only to the eligible candidates and only by e-mail. Candidates are required to check their registered mail frequently. No correspondence will be made with applicants who are not eligible for the written test.
  • The Institute reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. The Institute also reserves the right to cancel the advertisement/ recruitment at any stage due to any administrative reason. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  • Candidates will have to appear for written test at their own cost.
  • The Institute reserves the right to verify the antecedents and documents submitted by the candidate. In case it is found that the documents submitted by the candidate are not genuine, then the services shall be terminated after due process, and disciplinary/criminal proceedings will be
    initiated of such candidates even after appointment.
  • The recruitment portal will be open from 11.10.2020 to 07.11.2020 for submission of applications online.
  • Interested individuals are requested to go through the Institute website: for the notification and other details.

Selection Process :

Vacancy Notice 85 Administrative Assistant Vacancy -IISC,Karnataka

  • Based on Written Aptitude Test (80% weightage) and Academic performance (20% weightage) in bachelor’s degree including language papers.
  • Weightage for academic performance will be calculated based on the percentage of marks provided by the candidates in the application. Wherever, the candidates have obtained grades in place of marks, candidates have to convert the grades into marks based on the conversion formula meant for their University/Institute and fill-in in the application form. The onus is on the candidate provide documentary evidence for the conversion formula at the time of certificate verification.
  • The Written Aptitude Test will be a computer based MCQ test. The scheme of examination and syllabus is at Annexure .

About Us:

  • The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is a public, deemed, research university for higher education and research in science, engineering, design, and management. It is located in Bangalore (Bengaluru), in the Indian state of Karnataka. The institute was established in 1909 with active support from Jamsetji Tata and thus is also locally known as the “Tata Institute”.It was granted the deemed to be university status in 1958 and the Institute of Eminence status in 2018.
  • In 2019, IISc launched its brand statement: “Discover and Innovate; Transform and Transcend; Serve and Lead”.
  • After an accidental meeting between Jamsetji Tata and Swami Vivekananda, on a ship in 1893 where they discussed Tata’s plan of bringing the steel industry to India, Tata wrote to Vivekananda five years later: “I trust, you remember me as a fellow-traveller on your voyage from Japan to Chicago. I very much recall at this moment your views on the growth of the ascetic spirit in India… I recall these ideas in connection with my scheme of Research Institute of Science for India, of which you have doubtless heard or read.
  • Impressed by Vivekananda’s views on science and leadership abilities, Tata wanted him to guide his campaign. Vivekananda endorsed the project with enthusiasm, and Tata, with the aim of advancing the scientific capabilities of the country, constituted a Provisional Committee to prepare a plan for setting up of an Institute of research and higher education. The committee presented a draft proposal to Lord Curzon on 31 December 1898. Subsequently, Sir William Ramsay, a Nobel Laureate, was called on to propose a suitable place for such an institution who suggested Bangalore as the best location.
  • The land and other facilities for the institution were donated on behalf of the state of Mysore by Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, and Tata himself. The Karnataka donated about 371 acres (1.50 km2) of land. (now valued about Rs 200 billion). Tata gave several buildings towards the creation of IISc. State of Karnataka also contributed Rs 500000 (now valued 12.5 million) towards capital expenditure and Rs 50000 (now valued 1.25 million) for annual expense.The 7th Nizam of Hyderabad- Mir Osman Ali Khan also contributed in terms of money which amounted to 3 lakh Rupees over a period of 31 years.
  • The constitution of the Institute was approved by the Viceroy, Lord Minto, and the necessary Vesting Order to enable it to function was signed on 27 May 1909.Early in 1911, the Maharaja of Mysore laid the foundation stone of the Institute, and on 24 July, the first batch of students were admitted to the Departments of General and Applied Chemistry under Norman Rudolf and Electro-Technology under Alferd Hay. Within two months, the Department of Organic Chemistry was opened. In 1958 the institute was granted the deemed university status by the UGC.
  • At the time of the inception of IISc in 1909, Morris Travers, Sir William Ramsay’s co-worker in the discovery of the noble gases, became its first Director. For Travers, this was a natural continuation of his work on the Institute, since he had played a role in its founding. The first Indian Director was the Nobel Laureate Sir C.V. Raman.
  • The Institute was the first to introduce Masters programs in Engineering. It has also started integrated doctoral programs in Biological, Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences for natural science graduates.

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08 JRF, SRF vACANCY – JSAC,Ranchi (Jharkhand)