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85 Junior Engineer (Civil- 81 & Mechanical/Electrical -04) Vacancy – PPSC,Punjab

Last Date:18 December,2020b
Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC)

PPSC invites Application for the post of 85 Junior Engineer Vacancy. Apply before 18 December 2020. Qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…

Employment Notification 85 Junior Engineer (Civil- 81 & Mechanical/Electrical -04) Vacancy – PPSC,Punjab

Name of the post – Junior Engineer (Civil- 81 & Mechanical/Electrical -04)
No of post – 85
Pay Scale – 35400/-

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 85 Junior Engineer (Civil- 81 & Mechanical/Electrical -04) Vacancy – PPSC,Punjab

General Information:

  • The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) has been established under Article 315 of theConstitution of India, with the basic purpose of recruiting officials in various departments ofthe Government as per the requisitions sent by the Government in this regard from time to time.
  • The Punjab Public Service Commission invites Online Application Forms from eligible candidates for recruitment to 81 posts of Junior Engineers (Civil) and 04 posts of Junior Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical) in the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, Punjab.
  • This Advertisement is being published as per the requisition received from the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, Government of Punjab vide letter No.1/23/19 -5B&R2/883 dated 08/07/2020, letter No. WSSDBR201/74/2020-5BR2I/92790/2020 dated 21/10/2020 and letter No. WSSDBR201/74/2020-5BR2I/93528/2020 dated 21/10/2020. and Department of Social Security, Women and Child Welfare No.GSR 87/Const./Arts 309 and 15/2020 dated 21/10/2020.
  • The reservation of the posts for persons with disabilities is as per the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India’s notification no. 16-15/2010-DD.III dated 29-07-2013 (Available on website –, Government of Punjab’s letter no. 3/39/2014-3Dis.Br./972-980 dated 10.07.2014.
  • The number of vacancies and reservation of posts is liable to alteration without any notice.
  • The notification of department of Social Security, Women and Child Development dated 21/7/2020, the Punjab Civil Service (Reservation for Women) Rules, 2020 providing 33% reservation for Women will be implemented. Notification is attached as Annexure-V with General Information for Candidates.
  • Rs. 35400/- Initial Pay as per notification dated 21/10/2020 issued by the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, Punjab attached Annexure-A.
  • As per existing Government orders regarding the pay of the appointed candidates, Notification No. 1/62016-4P.P.1/834680/1 dated 07/09/2016 Govt. of Punjab Department of Personnel (Personnel Policies-1 Branch), Chandigarh fixed emolument equal to Minimum of the Pay Scale will be paid during the probation period of three years. Besides above, Annual increment or any other allowance except travelling allowance will not be paid during the probation period of three years. However, this issue is under litigation in Hon’ble High Court. So there may be some change in rule in due course, but so far the Rule stands.
  • The candidates MUST possess the requisite qualification before or by 31/12/2020.
  • Candidates should not be below 18 years and above 37 years of age as on 01.01.2020
  • Upper age limit may be relaxed up to 45 years for Punjab Govt. and its Board/Corporation/Commission and Authorities employees, all States/ Central
    Government employees.
  • The Upper age limit is relaxed up to 42 years for Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes of Punjab.
  • Ex-servicemen of Punjab Domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the Service Rules concerned by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
  • Upper age limit is also relaxable up to 42 years for Widows, Divorcees and certain other Categories of Women.
  • Upper age limit is also relaxed upto 47 years for Persons with Disability of Punjab.
  • Only Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, Ex-Servicemen/ LDESM, Persons with disability, Freedom Fighter & Sports Persons of Punjab domicile are eligible for the benefit of reservation.
  • A candidate should indicate the specific category for which he/she wants tobe considered and category once opted cannot be changed under any circumstances.
  • SC/ST Candidates belonging to other States are required to fill their Post Category as General Category (Code 71). They are entitled only to fee concession but not entitled to avail reservation/age relaxation.
  • Ex-servicemen/Lineal Descendent of Ex-Servicemen (LDESM)/Grand children of Gallantry Award Winners who have domicile of Punjab are eligible for
    reservation under the Ex-Servicemen category. LDESM/Grand children of Gallantry Award Winners shall be considered against the vacancies for Exservicemen ONLY IF no Ex-servicemen are available. In case sufficient numbers of Ex-servicemen are available, then LDESM shall be treated in his/her basic category.
  • Candidates should select their categories carefully, because candidates belonging to categories other than category 71 (General), are entitled to fee
    concession/exemption, age relaxation and job reservation. The category once selected by a candidate will not be changed under any circumstances. Candidates shall submit certificates issued by the Competent Authority in support of their claim to a particular category.
  • Candidates can apply for a post in only one category. If any candidate applies for the same post in more than one category, the category in which he/she registered fist will be considered and the subsequent applications will automatically stands rejected.
  • The candidates entitled to fee concession/exemption MUST submit with their ApplicationForm, a self attested copy of the certificate certifying their claim for feeconcession/exemption. Candidates who do not submit such a certificate shall not beentitled to fee concession/exemption under any circumstances.
  • Application fee MUST be submitted through any Branch of State Bank of India only.Candidate should carefully fill the details in the Online Application Form and click onthe “SUBMIT” button at the end of the Online Application Format. Before pressing the”SUBMIT” Button, candidates are advised to verify every detail filled in the application.After submitting the online application form, the candidate should take a printout of thesystem generated Bank challan. No Change/Edit will be allowed after Submitting theApplication Form. The application fee is non-refundable.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 85 Junior Engineer (Civil- 81 & Mechanical/Electrical -04) Vacancy – PPSC,Punjab

  • The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), formerly known as the Joint Public Service Commission, is a government agency and topmost constitutional body of the Government of Punjab, India. It is responsible for conducting civil services and competitive examinations to various civil services and departmental posts in the jurisdiction of Punjab, India.
  • Punjab Public Service Commission was originally formed as Joint Public Service Commission at Lahore on 1 May 1937 before Partition of India. It was functioning under Khyber Pass and Yamuna River near Delhi. After British ended its governance in the country, the two newly independent countries India and Pakistan were born. In February, 1948, the two countries revised their provisions at Shimla that led the Punjab Public Service Commission to came into existence extending over the province of East Punjab. India, later merged Punjab and Patiala and East Punjab States Union that made the government to shift the commission to Patiala on 1 November 1956.The commission was working under PEPSU’s jurisdiction. But on 1 November 1966, its territorial jurisdiction was decreased due to the formation of the States of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh and Indian-based commission came into existence by splitting the earlier formed commission in two constitutional bodies; one in India and another in Pakistan.
  • The state chief Secretary prepares the list of members and send it to state governor for their final appointments. State public service commission consists various members with different designations to perform their duties.
  • In 2018, the selection process of the commission-members triggered controversies when News media reported questions raised by the leaders. The selection panel was cited arbitrary and possible political links behind the criteria for choosing members of the Punjab Public Service Commission.

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the employment notification

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