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86 Energy Assistant (Junior Linemen) Vacancy – APCPDCL,Odisha

Last Date:03 May,2021
Central Power Distribution Company of AP Limited (APCPDCL)

Central Power Distribution Company of AP Limited (APCPDCL) released an Official Notification for the posts of 86 Energy Assistant (Junior Linemen) to work in Village/Ward Secretariats in the Districts covered from 10th, ITI pass candidates interested in sarkari result APCPDCL Energy Assistant Online application can apply before 03 May 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply APCPDCL Energy Assistant govt job opening at official website

Employment Notification 86 Energy Assistant (Junior Linemen) Vacancy – APCPDCL,Odisha

Name of the post– Energy Assistant (Junior Linemen)
No of post – 86
Pay Scale – As per APCPDCL rules

Educational Qualification:
SSC/10th Class from a recognized Board and ITI qualification in Electrical Trade or Wireman Trade or Intermediate Vocational Course in Electrical Domestic Appliances and Rewinding (EDAR)/ Electrical Wiring & Contracting (EWC) / Electrical Wiring and Servicing of Electrical Appliances (EW & SEA) and Electrical Technician from a recognized Institution/Board.

Apply to 86 Energy Assistant (Junior Linemen) Vacancy – APCPDCL,Odisha

General Information:

  • Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling-up 86 Nos. backlog vacancies of ENERGY ASSISTANTS to work in Village/Ward Secretariats in the Districts covered in APCPDCL with the age group of 18 to 35 years as on 31.01.2021.
  • The candidates on selection and appointment will be paid Rs.15,000/- PM on consolidated pay for a period of 2 years. The selected candidates on appointment will be deployed to work in the Village Secretariats/Ward Secretariats established in the Gram Panchayats/Wards as per G.O.Ms.No.110, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development (MDL-1) department dated, 19.07.2019 and G.O.Ms.No.217, MA & UD (UBS) Dept., Dt.20.07.2019.
  • The online application will be available on the Website (APCPDCL Website from 07.04.2021 to 03.05.2021 (Note: 03.05.2021 is the last date for payment of fee up to 17.00 Hrs.).
  • The applicant is required to visit the website “APCPDCL Website https:” regularly to keep himself updated until completion of
    the recruitment process. The APCPDCL Website information is final for all correspondence.
  • All desirous and eligible candidates shall apply online after satisfying themselves that they are eligible as per the terms and conditions of this
    recruitment notification. Submission of online application by the candidate is taken as authentication that he/she has read the notification and shall
    abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under.
  • Single certificate, whether of study or Residence would suffice for enabling the candidate to apply as a “LOCAL CANDIDATE”.
  • Residence certificate will not be accepted, if a candidate has studied in any Educational Institution up to S.S.C or equivalent examination, such candidates have to produce study certificates invariably.
  • The following percentage of reservation of posts in respect of local candidates shall be followed while making direct recruitment in APCPDCL for following the spirit of Presidential Order.
  • “80% of the posts to be filled by Direct Recruitment shall be reserved for local Candidates in respect of Energy Assistant in O&M Service in each District as unit which was declared as local area for the said post. The remaining 20% of the posts shall be filled by open competition wherein local and non-local candidates can compete.”
  • The candidates shall apply online through the APCPDCL website ( from 07.04.2021 to 03.05.2021 at 17:00 Hrs.
  • The Candidate has to logon to the website and click on APPLY ONLINE link to view the detailed notification, User Guide
    and Application Form. The applicants shall invariably fill all the relevant fields in the Application. Immediately on submission of application and
    payment of fee, the Applicant will get an acknowledgement in the form of a downloadable pdf document.
  • The candidate has to pay the prescribed fee as detailed below.
  • Applicant must pay Rs.700/- (Rupees seven hundred only) towards Application Processing fee in respect of OC/BC Candidates and in
    respect of SC & ST the application process fee is Rs.350/- (Rupees three hundred and fifty only).
  • Starting date for online application and Payment of fee submission is 07.04.2021.
  • Last date for submission of Application and for payment of fee is 03.05.2021 up to 17:00 Hrs

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 86 Energy Assistant (Junior Linemen) Vacancy – APCPDCL,Odisha

  • AP Power Sector Reforms envisage creation of Distribution Companies as Government Undertakings. The Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.37 published by the Government of Andhra Pradesh on Friday the 31st of March 2000 declared formally formation of Distribution Companies. In this process, Andhra Pradesh Southern Power Distribution Company was formed for the following six districts of Andhra Pradesh. The Corporate Office and Headquarters of APSPDCL is atTirupati City
  • Quality power at economic rates acts a catalyst in transforming the state by fostering growth in agricultural, industrial and commercial areas while meeting the increasing domestic demand. On Feb 1, 1999, Government of Andhra Pradesh initiated the first phase of reforms and restructuring in AP’s power sector by unbundling APSEB into APGENCO and APTRANSCO to cater to Generation and Transmission & Distribution respectively. APTRANSCO was further reorganized into four distribution companies to cater to the needs to the different districts of AP.
  • APSPDCL was formed in April 1, 2000 to serve Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore, Chittoor and Kadapa districts with a vision to become an efficient utility supplying reliable and quality power, promoting economic development and being self-reliant commercially.
  • After the bifurcation of the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh into the two new states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on 2nd June-2014, two more districts Anantapur and Kurnool were added to the Southern Power Distribution Company of AP Ltd.

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