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86 Senior Resident (Delhi) Vacancy – ESIC,Delhi

Last Date:09 April,2021
Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)

Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) invites suitable candidates for appearing in walkin Interview for 86 positions of Senior Resident (Delhi) to be conducted on 08-04-2021 & 09-04-2021 (9 AM) at given venue.All interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down for these posts may appear for the Walk-In Interview on 08-04-2021 & 09-04-2021 (9 AM).

Employment Notification 86 Senior Resident (Delhi) Vacancy – ESIC,Delhi

Name of the post– Senior Resident (Delhi)
No of post – 86
Pay Scale – Rs 101000

Educational Qualification:
MBBS with PG Degree/ Diploma/ DNB in concerned specialty.

Apply to 86 Senior Resident (Delhi) Vacancy – ESIC,Delhi

General Condition:

  • Final No. of vacancies may vary.
  • Candidates who have completed 3 years Senior Residency need not appear for interview.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in interview.
  • The candidate who is in Service should submit “No Objection Certificate” from the employer at the time of interview.
  • The selected candidate will have to furnish a DD/Bankers Cheque for an amount of Rs. 30,000/-(Rupees Thirty Thousand Only) drawn in favor of “ESI Saving Fund Account No. 2” payable at New Delhi, towards security deposit.
  • 3% of total 67 posts for SR under 3 years residency scheme and 19 posts for SR against GDMO for 1 year on contractual basis respectively are reserved for the person with disabilities (PWD- OL, OA, & ND).
  • 06 of total vacant post are reserved for EWS category i.e CT/MRI-01, Medicine-02, Anaesthesia-02 & Surgery-01 against the Senior Residents (Regular) and 01 post in Surgery Department is reserved for EWS category against the Senior Residents against GDMO (1 Year). (8) The candidates who wish to appear for both Senior Resident (3Years) and Senior Resident against GDMO (I year) posts, shall be required to apply separately for each post.
  • All eligible and Interested candidates may appear for walk-in-interview along with all the testimonials in original and their one self-attested copy as per schedule of “Walk-in-interview” on the date & time mentioned against their respective specialty.
  • Documents required:
    1.Age proof
    2.MBBS Certificate.
    3.Two Photographs (PP Size)
    4.Caste Certificate for SC/ST/OBC Candidates.( OBC candidates are required to submit latest OBC Certificate as per Central Govt. Proforma (not more than one year old) from the date of Interview.)
    5.PG Degree/Diploma Certificate.
    6.DMC Registration Certificate with MD/MS/DNB qualification
    7.No Objection Certificate from present employer, if applicable
    8.Experience Certificates, if applicable
    9.Inconie and Asset certificate from issuing Authority as per DOPT letter no. 36039/1/2019- Estt.(Res) dated 31″ January, 2019 must be submitted for the reservation for EWS Category.
  • Demand draft of Rs.300/-. In case of candidate belongs to SC/ST — Rs. 75/- (Non Refundable) drawn in favour of “ESIC Saving Fund Account No. 2” payable at New Delhi, PWD and female candidates are exempted from payment of Fee.
  • Applications complete in all respects, in the prescribed form attached, should submit at the time of Interview on 08-04-2021 & 09-04-2021 (9 AM). Candidates are required to bring the documents of 2 passport size photographs, Filled up Application Form, Certificates of Educational qualifications, age etc at the time of Interview.
  • Candidates will be allowed to appear in Interview after verification of eligibility so candidates must bring all their relevant documents in support of their suitability for concerned posts.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 86 Senior Resident (Delhi) Vacancy – ESIC,Delhi

  • Employees’ State Insurance (abbreviated as ESI) is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. The fund is managed by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) according to rules and regulations stipulated in the ESI Act 1948. ESIC is a Statutory and an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
  • In March 1943, Prof. B.P.Adarkar was appointed by the Government of India to create a report on the health insurance scheme for industrial workers.The report became the basis for the Employment State Insurance (ESI) Act of 1948.The promulgation of Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 envisaged an integrated need based social insurance scheme that would protect the interest of workers in contingencies such as sickness, maternity, temporary or permanent physical disablement, death due to employment injury resulting in loss of wages or earning capacity. The Act also guarantees reasonably good medical care to workers and their immediate dependents. Following the promulgation of the ESI Act the Central Govt. set up the ESI Corporation to administer the Scheme. The Scheme thereafter was first implemented at Kanpur and Delhi on 24 February 1952. The Act further absolved the employers of their obligations under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923. The benefits provided to the employees under the Act are also in conformity with ILO conventions.
  • The act was initially intended for factory workers but later became applicable to all establishments having 10 or more workers. As on 31 March 2016, the total beneficiaries are 82.8 million.
  • Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), established by ESI Act, is an autonomous corporation under Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. As it is a legal entity, the corporation can raise loans and take measures for discharging such loans with the prior sanction of the central government and it can acquire both movable and immovable property and all incomes from the property shall vest with the corporation.The corporation can set up hospitals either independently or in collaboration with state government or other private entities, but most of the dispensaries and hospitals are run by concerned state governments.

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