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88 Specialist & GDMO Vacancy – ITBP,All India

Last Date:17 May,2021
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP)
All India

Eligible candidates may appear in a walkin Interview to be organized by Indo Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) on May 10-17, 2021 (10 AM) for 88 contractual posts of Specialist and GDMO.Interested Candidates may appear in walkin Interviews with filled application in, Bio data and all original documents, photocopies of all certificates in the proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs at the given venue.

Employment Notification 88 Specialist & GDMO Vacancy – ITBP,All India

Name of the post– Specialist & GDMO
No of post – 88
Pay Scale – Rs 85000,Rs 75000

Educational Qualification:
PG Degree/ Diploma/ DNB in concerned specialty and related experience.

Apply to 88 Specialist & GDMO Vacancy – ITBP,All India

General Instruction:

  • Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBPF) proposes to engage Specialists & General Duty Medical Officers (GDMOs) for its various locations/formations throughout the country (purely on contract basis) as per the terms & conditions mentioned below and details attached at Annexu re-A.
  • This consolidated amount shall remain fixed for the whole tenure of contract which limited to three years.
  • All doctors appointed will not continue on the post once he/she reaches 70 years of age.
  • The contractual employment will be for a period of three years only or till regular incumbent joins whichever is earlier or he/she reaches 70 years of age. However, the initial contractual appointment will be for 3 years which may be extended by the ITBP for further 2 years on year to year basis subject to the maximum age limit of 70 years. The services of the appointee are also terminable before expiry of the contractual period by either side after giving one month notice or salary in lieu thereof The selection is purely contractual in nature and does not carry any right for regularization or permanent absorption.
  • Leave. The leave entitlement of the appointee shall be governed as per DOP&T O.M. No. 12016/3/84-Estt(L) dated 12th April 1985, as amended from time to time.
  • No TA/DA is admissible for the interview. Suitable and willing candidates may WALK IN FOR INTERVIEW on the date & time at any of these venue as given in the Annexure-A along with original and photocopies of all relevant documents (like Graduate & Post Graduate Degree, age proof, internship completion certificate and experience certificate etc.) and application in plain paper superscripting the name of the post applied for with minimum three choices for place of posting in order of preference and five passport size recent photographs.
  • The competent authority reserves the right for any amendment, cancellation and change in this advertisement in whole or part thereof without assigning any reason.
  • A recognised medical qualification included in the first or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than that licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II or the Third Schedules should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in sub-section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
  • Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned specially as mentioned in section-A of section-b of schedule-VT or equivalent.
  • 11/2 years experience for postgraduate degree holder & 21/2 years for diploma holder in the concerned specialty after obtaining the Post Graduate Degree/Diploma or equivalent.
  • andidates will be medically examined by a board of Medical Officers detailed for the purpose. Appointment will be subject to medical fitness.
  • The candidates may also visit website of ITBP Police i.e. http:/ and http:/ The candidates should read all the information carefully before appearing in the walk-in-interview.
  • Interested applicants may come and appear in walkin interviews to be held on May 10-17, 2021 (10 AM) with application in the given format and certificates (original and attested photocopies) of qualification, experience, age, cast etc to the given venue.
  • Applicants must bring their all original certificates at the time of interview and reach the venue well before time of interview.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 88 Specialist & GDMO Vacancy – ITBP,All India

  • Indo-Tibetan Border Police was raised on October 24, 1962 for reorganizing the frontier intelligence and security set up along the Indo-Tibetan border. Only four Battalions were sanctioned to begin with. ITBP was initially raised under the CRPF Act. However, in 1992, parliament enacted the ITBPF Act and the rules there under were framed in 1994.
  • With additional tasks entrusted to ITBP from time to time on border guarding, counter insurgency and internal security roles, the number of ITBP Battalions increased gradually and ITBP presently has 56 service Battalions, 4 Specialist Battalions, 17 Training Centres and 07 logistics establishments with a total strength of approx. 90,000 personnel.
  • In the year 2004, in pursuance of GoM recommendations on “One Border One Force”, the entire stretch of India-China Border comprising 3488 Kms was assigned to the ITBP for Border Guarding duty and, accordingly, ITBP, replaced Assam Rifles in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh in 2004.
  • The motto of the Force is “Shaurya-Dridhata-Karma Nishtha” (Valour – Determination – Devotion to Duty). All ranks of ITBP are dedicated to guard the borders with valour, determination and devotion to duty. The Force has earned number of decorations like Padmashree-7, Kirti Chakra-2 Shaurya Chakra-6, Sena Medal-1, President’s Police Medal for Gallantry-19, Police Medal for Gallantry -91, Parakram Padak-79, President’s Police and Fire Service Medals for Gallantry-2, Prime Minister’s Life Saving Medal-86, Jeewan Raksha Padak -06, Sarvottam Jeewan Raksha Padak – 02, Uttam Jeewan Raksha Padak – 13, Tenzing Norgay Adventure Award -12 etc. for its numerous achievements in the past.
  • Being the first responder for natural Disaster in Himalayas, ITBP was the first to establish 7 Regional Response Centres and carried out numerous rescue and relief operations in all disaster situations, which took place in our areas of responsibility as well as other parts of the country. In a historic rescue and relief operation in 2013, the ITBP saved 33,009 pilgrims from grave situation from char dham yatra routes in Uttarakhand in the 15 day rescue effort by the Force. 15 Himveers laid down their lives on 25th June, 2013 in a Helicopter crash during this rescue operation.

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the employment notification

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