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89 AGM & MO Vacancy – Food Corporation of India,All India

Last Date:31 March,2021
Food Corporation of India
All India

FCI has released an Official Notification for 89 Assistant General Manager & Medical Officer Vacancy in its offices from B.E./B.Tech, Post Graduate, LLB, MBBS pass candidates interested in sarkari result FCI AGM Online application can apply before 31 March 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Food Corporation of India FCI AGM Category I job opening at official website

Employment Notification 89 AGM & MO Vacancy – Food Corporation of India,All India

Name of the post– AGM & MO
No of post – 89
Pay Scale – 60,000 – 1,80,000/-,50,000 – 1,60,000/-

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate degree OR ACA/AICWA/ACS OR Bachelor‟s Degree in Law or 5 years Integrated Course in Law from recognized University with minimum 55% marks /M.B.B.S./ Degree in Law.

Apply to 89 AGM & MO Vacancy – Food Corporation of India,All India

General Instruction:

  • No person shall be eligible for initial appointment unless he has attained the age of 18 years.
  • Nationality: A candidate for appointment in the service of the Corporation shall be:
    i. a Citizen of India, or
    ii. a subject of Nepal, or
    iii. a subject of Bhutan, or
    iv. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1 st
    January,1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
    v. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Srilanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar),Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
  • Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the Government of India.
  • Candidates should indicate at the designated place in the Application Form whether they belong to any of the Minority Communities notified by Government namely, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jain or Zoroastrians (Parsis).
  • All the posts carry IDA pattern pay scales and usual allowances such as HRA, Leave Travel facilities etc. These scales carry DA on percentage basis. Gross emoluments would vary depending upon place of posting. All appointments will be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Corporation in- force from time to time. Other benefits like CPF, Gratuity, Leave Travel Concessions, Leave Encashment, Medicalreimbursement, Pension etc., shall be applicable as per the rules of the Corporation as amended from time to time.
  • Employees of the Central/State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings and Departmental candidates (FCI Employee)may note that they will have to produce the „No Objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of his/her interview.
  • Employees of the Central/ State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings and Departmental candidates (FCI Employee) will be allowed to join the Corporation only on producing vigilance clearance from their employer. It is further clarified that in case the vigilance status is not clear, then his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled.
  • Options should be exercised by the candidates carefully after going through the Advertisement and keeping in view fulfillment of eligibility conditions, educational qualifications, experience etc. prescribed for the posts. OPTION ONCE EXERCISED SHALL BE FINAL AND NO CHANGE WILL BE ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
  • Candidates are not permitted to use calculator and other electronic gadgets. They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the examination premises/venue.
  • Discrepancies if any in question paper may be brought to the notice at within 03 days of holding the examination. Representation received thereafter will not be entertained.
  • At the application stage, the scrutiny of the eligibility, category and other aspects will not be undertaken before issuing call letters for Online Test/Interview. However, the Candidates are advised to check carefully and satisfy themselves that they fulfill the eligibility conditions as stipulated in the detailed Recruitment Notice. Candidates who do not meet the qualifying criteria as specified in the Recruitment Notice areadvised not to participate in the selection process. If, at any stage, it is found that the candidate do not fulfil any of the conditions laid down in the Recruitment Notice for the post, his candidature will be summarily cancelled and he will be terminated / discharged from the service forthwith. Please note that
    your candidature for the above post is provisional.
  • Candidates in their own interest are advised to have and provide a valid personal email ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the completion of this Recruitment Process as it may be used forfuture correspondence. FCI may send intimation to download call letters for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID and mobile no. before applying on-line and must maintain that email account and mobile number.
  • It is mandatory for all the candidates to upload their Photograph, Signatures and any other document as specified without any exception.
  • Formats prescribed for furnishing certificates for SC/ST,OBC, EWS and PwBD are appended at Annexures A, B , C, D1/D2/D3 (as applicable for the relevant PwBD category), E and F respectively. Candidates may note that these Certificates/ Documents shall be required to be furnished along with other essential enclosures in case of their shortlisting on the basis of the Online Examination at the designated address which shall be informed / notified through the designated website.
  • For eligible PwBD candidates using their own Scribe in the above examination are required to submit Scribe Declaration Form (Annexure-F) on the day of examination at Examination Venue.
  • Mere submission of application and fulfilling the eligibility conditions confers no right to any candidate for appearing in Online Test etc.
  • Shortlisting in the Online Test and/or Interview for any post without fulfillment of eligibility conditions will not confer any claim to the candidate for final selection to the post.
  • Candidates should comply with additional instructions, if any notified by FCI.
  • Filling up of these vacancies is subject to the outcome of any litigation affecting the recruitment process.
  • No TA will be provided for the Written Test. However, candidates will be given 2nd class Rail fare or ordinary bus fare “to and fro” by the shortest route, subject to production of railway ticket/bus ticket for attending the interview.
  • Candidate must ensure to have fulfilled all the eligibility criteria, viz., qualification, experience, age as on 01/01/2021. Candidates should satisfy themselves that they fulfill the required qualification, experience and age before applying for the post.
  • Issue of Call Letter for the Online Test/Interview does not confer any right of acceptance of candidature and should not be construed as an acknowledgment of fulfilling the eligibility criteria. At the time of document verification the onus to ensure that documents brought by the candidate are complete in all respect as per the requirement for the concerned post shall lie on the candidate. The documents are subject to further
    verification at any stage.
  • Candidates, who fulfill all the eligibility criteria, will be selected as per merit list and as per vacancies.
  • No original Certificates/Documents are required to be sent in connection with the Application unless directed to do so. Candidates shall appear for the process of Document Verification in person and produce the documents in Original in support of the eligibility criteria such as Identity, Date of Birth, Category, Reservation if any, relaxation, Educational qualification, Experience, NOC, Name change etc. at the designated venue for verification in case of their shortlisting on the basis of online Examination which shall be informed/ notified through the designated website ( certificates will, however, be scrutinized /verified at the time of Document verification stage.
  • If any document/ certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of the same in English or Hindi duly attested by a Gazetted officer or notary is to be submitted.

    About Us:

  • The Food Corporation of India is an organization created and run by the Government of India. It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India, formed by the enactment of Food Corporation Act, 1964 by the Parliament of India. Its top official is designated as Chairman. It was set up in 1965 with its initial headquarters at Chennai. Later this was moved to New Delhi. It also has regional centers in the capitals of the states. Important regions of the state also serve as district centers.
  • The Food Corporation of India or the FCI was set up on 14 January 1965 having its first District Office at Thanjavur – rice bowl of Tamil Nadu – and headquarters at Chennai (later shifted to Delhi) under the Food Corporations Act 1964to implement the following objectives of the National Food Policy:
  • Effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the poor farmers Distribution of foodgrains throughout the country for Public Distribution System (PDS) Maintaining a satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of foodgrains to ensure National Food Security
    Regulate market price to provide foodgrains to consumers at a reliable price
  • It is one of the largest Corporations in India started by the government and probably the largest supply chain management in Asia.[citation needed] It operates through five Zonal offices and 24 Regional offices. Each year, the Food Corporation of India purchases roughly 15 to 20 percent of India’s wheat output and 12 to 15 percent of its rice output. The purchases are made from the farmers at the rates declared by the Government of India. This rate is called MSP (Minimum Support Price).There is no limit for procurement in terms of volume, any quantity can be procured by FCI provided the stock satisfies FAQ (Fair Average Quality) specifications with respect to FCI.
  • Food Corporation of India operates through its Depot headed by Manager (Depot). Every district has few depots to cater to the requirement of the district’s population(beneficiarie). The depot reports to Divisional Office, headed by an Assistant General Manager, designated earlier as an Area Manager and now as Divisional Manager. Assistant General Manager (Quality Control) is also posted who is looking after the QC work that includes ensuring the food grains are pest free and subjected to regular pest control measures. Under Divisional Manager’s control, there are Managers to deal with sections viz., Depot, Sales, Contracts, Procurement, SL-TL, Movement, Establishment, Quality Control (QC), Operational accounts, Civil Engineering and Electrical & Mechanical Engineering etc., who consolidate the field level operations and through the Divisional Managers’ authorization, they transmit the necessary information and periodical statements to Regional Offices of their respective regions. Under the Managers are Assistant Grades -1, 2 and 3 and Junior Engineer (Both Civil and Electrical & Mechanical) who help the managers in day-to-day operations of the organization. There are 21,847 employees working in FCI as of 2019.

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Vacancy Notice 89 AGM & MO Vacancy – Food Corporation of India,All India

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18 Junior Assistant, Junior Technician and Various Vacancy – IIITDM,Tamil Nadu