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899 Medical Officer Group A Vacancy – Maharashtra Public Health Department

Last Date:20 April,2021
Maharashtra Public Health Department

Candidates willing to work on 899 positions of Medical Officer Group A in Maharashtra Public Health Department (Maharashtra PHD) should send their applications in given format along with documents of qualification, experience, age etc to the given address on or before last date of 20-04-2021 .

Employment Notification 899 Medical Officer Group A Vacancy – Maharashtra Public Health Department

Name of the post– Medical Officer Group A
No of post – 899
Pay Scale – Rs 56100-177500

Educational Qualification:
MBBS OR Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Statutory.

Apply to 899 Medical Officer Group A Vacancy – Maharashtra Public Health Department

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from eligible candidates for direct recruitment to the post of Medical Officer, Maharashtra Medical & Health Services, Group „A‟. by selection in all districts of Maharashtra.
  • The final offer would be made on the basis of performance in the personal interview, work experience, and academic background of candidates.
  • Application fees of Rs 500/- for OBC candidates and Rs 1000/- for other candidates is to be paid through Demand Draft of nationalized bank mode only.
  • Format of the Application form is available on website.
  • Candidates are requested to download the Application form from the above mentioned website. The dully filled application form along with Original affidavit and attested copies of all specified documents/ certificates be sent it by hand / by post to “The Director, commissinorate of Health
    Services, Arogya Bhavan, st. Georges Hospital, Compound Mumbai.-400 001”
  • Selected candidates will be on probation for a period of two years.
  • There are prospects of promotion to the post of Maharashtra Medical & Health Services Gr-A (S-23, 56100-177500) provided candidate fulfills the prescribed criteria.
  • Selected candidates will be debarred from doing any private practice, but will be paid non practice allowance in lieu of private practice according to the rules.
  • Selected candidates will be required to sign bound to serve Government for a period of five years or in default to pay a penalty amount as may be prescribed by the Government time to time.
  • Selected candidates will have to get themselves registered with the Maharashtra Medical Council Act, 1965 (Mah.XLVI of 1965), or his/her name should be enrolled in the Indian Medical Register maintained as per the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) before joining duty.
  • Candidates are required to furnish an self-declaration on Rs.100 Stamp paper in respect of correctness and authenticity of the information mentioned in the Application Form. Information if found incorrect then concerned candidate is liable for prosecution as per prevailing rules.
  • Specimen of affidavit is published on the
  • The application Form should be accompanied by the self-declaration, failing which it will be treated as incomplete and will be rejected.
  • The candidate should submit all the original certificates at the time of document verification.
  • As per Govt. Notification, Public Health Department, No.Apang.2004/55/Aa-2, dated 27.02.2009 Physically Challenged candidates with low vision and Locomotor Disability (Only one leg affected) are only eligible for this posts and candidates should submit certificate of competent authority mentioning clearly type of disability will only be considered for the post.
  • The reservation for Physically Challenged persons is as per Government Resolution, General Administrative Dept. No.Divyang-2018/C.R.144/16A, dated 29.05.2019.
  • As per seventh pay commission S-20, Rs.56100-177500 and other admissible allowances as per prevalent rules
  • As per Government Resolution, Public Health Department, No.MMO.2011/CR No.776/ Seva-3, dated 14th December, 2011 the post graduate diploma holders are entitled for three additional increments and the post graduate Degree holders entitled for six additional increments. Hence the salary of the Medical Officers(Specialists) will be higher than that of Medical Officers(MBBS). However, Post Graduates Degree/Diploma Holder Candidates will be posted according to their educational qualification and as per staffing pattern of the health institution and after such posting they will entitled for additional increment.
  • As per existing rules as on 1 st April, 2021, not more than 38 years. Relaxable as per rules in case of backward class candidates.
  • Candidates must submit his/her applications through proper channel along with the certificates on or before 20-04-2021 . Incorrect information or not meeting the eligibility criteria will lead to disqualification of candidates.
  • Candidates shall superscribe the envelope properly as “Application for the post of …. Medical Officer Group A

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 899 Medical Officer Group A Vacancy – Maharashtra Public Health Department

  • To provide adequate and qualitative preventive and curative health care to the people of the State.
  • To ensure greater access to primary health care by bringing medical institutions as close to the people as possible or through mobile health units, particularly in the under-served and backward districts.
  • To improve maternal and child health with a view to reducing maternal and infant mortality.
  • To improve hospital services at the secondary levels both in terms of infrastructure and personnel.
  • To give training to doctors, nurses and other paramedical staff to meet the needs of health care in the State by upgrading their skills and knowledge.
  • To improve the maintenance of buildings
  • To implement various national health programmes
  • To give health education for improving knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the community

click above to download
the employment notification

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