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923 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Government of Manipur

Last Date:21 January,2021
Government of Manipur

Government of Manipur Graduate Teacher Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. : AO/233/AGT/20L4(9)-DE(S)) and inviting application for the posts of 923 Graduate Teacher Vacancy from Graduate, B.Ed in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result Government of Manipur Graduate Teacher Online application can apply before 21 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Government of Manipur Graduate Teacher job opening at official website

Employment Notification 923 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Government of Manipur

Name of the post – Graduate Teacher
No of post – 923
Pay Scale – 13600/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
Candidates possessing Graduate Degree and B.Ed. Degree from a recognized University.

Apply to 923 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Government of Manipur

General Information:

  • In pursuance of Govt. convey Letter No. 33/14/2019¬SE(S) dated 18/11/2020 for approval of engagement/ appointment of 923 (nine hundred and twenty three) posts of Graduate Teachers on contract basis as approved by the state Cabinet in its meeting held on 06-08-2020 with the approval of Finance Department vide U.O. No. 98/ 2020-2021/ FD(PIC) dated 29-08-2020 and DP’s U.O. number 36/ 2020- 2021/ DP dated 13/11/2020, application is invited frofn the intending and eligible candidates possessing Graduate Degree and B.Ed. Degree from a recognized University for appointment of 923 (Nine Hundred and Twenty Three) posts of Graduate Teachers (614 – Arts Graduate Teacher and 309 – Science Graduate Teacher) on contract basis.
  • They shall be paid a remuneration of Rs 13,600/- per month.
  • The appointment shall be purely on Contract basis for the period from the date of contract agreement upto the closing of the financial year as per regulation prescribed by the Government and extendable from time to time with the approval of the Government.
  • Reservation of seat shall be as per the existing Manipur State Reservation Rule for Grade III employee. The age limit for the candidates shall be 18-38 years as on 11/12/2020. Candidate must have been born not earlier than 11/12/1982 and later than 11/12/2002. Upper age limit shall be relaxed by 3 years for OBC Candidates and 5 years for ST / SC Candidates. For PVVID Candidates also, additional relaxation as permissible under rules shall apply.
  • The mode of selection for engagement of eligible candidates as Graduate Teacher on contract basis shall be on the basis of written test only. Scheme of examination and syllabus is appended as Annexure A.
  • The appointment is District Specific and non-transferrable. The District-wise vacancies of posts and District Preference Sheet are appended as Annexures – B and C respectively.
  • Willing and eligible candidate should be sponsored by the concerned Employment Exchange Offices so as to reach the office of the undersigned on or before 11/01/2021.
  • Date of submission of duly filled in application form along with relevant documents duly attested /self-attested and application fees of Rs.300/- for General and OBC, Rs 200/- for SC and ST shall be notified shortly. Application fees for PWD Candidates will be exempted. However, supporting Certificates should be attached.
  • The number of posts may be increased or decreased from time to time as per requirement of the Government.
  • This Notification is uploaded in the Department’s Official Website for general information.
  • The examination question paper will consist of 100 Multiple choice Questions (MCO1 carrying equal weightage and consists of two parts I & II where part I is compulsory for every candidate. Optional subject 1 And Optional subject 2 of part II shall be for Science Graduate Teachers and Arts Graduate Teacher respectively.
  • Candidates should indicate in the District preference No. Column their choice of Districts for appointment/ engagement in order of their preferences with 1 being the most preferred and 2 the next and so on which shall be considered as per the merit list of the candidate in the final result of the Written Test in this regard.
  • If a candidate fails to indicate preference for any particular District/ s, he/ she shall be considered to have no interest/ willingness for selection in that district/s and will not be considered for appointment even though he/she is qualified.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 923 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Government of Manipur

  • The Government of Manipur also known as the State Government of Manipur, or locally as State Government, is the supreme governing authority of the Indian state of Manipur and its 16 districts. It consists of an executive, led by the Governor of Manipur, a judiciary and a legislative branch (Manipur Legislative Assembly).
  • Like other states in India, the head of state of Manipur is the Governor, appointed by the President of India on the advice of the Central government. His or her post is largely ceremonial. The Chief Minister is the head of government and is vested with most of the executive powers. Imphal is the capital of Manipur, and houses the Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly) and the secretariat. The high court of manipur exercises the jurisdiction and powers in respect of cases arising in the State.

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