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972 Lecturer (DP Posts) Vacancy – SSB,Odisha

Last Date:21 April,2021

SSB Odisha has released an Official Notification for 972 Lecturer (DP Posts) vacancies in Non Government Aided Colleges of Odisha from Post Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result SSB Odisha Lecturer Online application can apply before 21 April 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply SSB Odisha Lecturer Job opening at official website

Employment Notification 972 Lecturer (DP Posts) Vacancy – SSB,Odisha

Name of the post– Lecturer (DP Posts)
No of post – 972
Pay Scale – 44900 – 142400/- Level-10

Educational Qualification:
Candidates Should Possess Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from a recognised university with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade.

Apply to 972 Lecturer (DP Posts) Vacancy – SSB,Odisha

General Information:

  • Online applications are invited from the prospective candidates for recruitment of 972 (Nine hundred seventy two) posts of Lecturers(DP Posts) in the SCALE of Pay is Rs. 44,900/- – Rs.1,42,400/- (as per Matrix Level 10) of ORSP Rules 2017 plus usual DA as admissible from time to time for the Non-Government Aided Colleges of Odisha in different subjects. Candidates are required to apply online through website at the link available on this site. No other means / mode of submission of applications will be accepted.
  • The candidates belonging to PwD/Ex-Servicemen/Sports Person when selected as per reservation provided for them (i.e.4%, 3% & I% respectively) shall be adjusted against the categories to which they belong. Out of 4% (four percent) reservations for Persons with Disabilities, one per cent reservation shall be earmarked for women with disabilities. Again, out of those 4 % reservations of Persons of PwD , 1% in each Sub- category i.e. (i) Category I – Blindness and Low vision , (ii) Category H — Deaf and hard hearing , (iii) Category III Locomotors disabilities and (iv) Category IV — Multiple disabilities from among the persons under clause (a) to (c) including Deaf – Blindness in the post identified in each disability will be made Subject wise.
  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • The candidate should be able to speak, read and write Odia fluently and must have passed at least an examination in Odia langiinge equivalent to that M.E. School standard conducted by the B.S.E., Odisha
  • A candidate, who has more than one spouse living, will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons.
  • Candidates who are working in any government / public or private sector undertakings / private or private aided colleges or schools / private sector, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply, provided that they must inform their respective head of office in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and produce “No Objection Certificate” by the date of Viva-Voce.
  • Each selected candidate will have to submit a medical fitness certificate from a doctor not below the rank of a CDMO/CMO to the appointing authority.
  • Admission to the Written Examination/Viva Voice test will be provisional. If, on verification at any stage before or after the Written Examination/Viva Voice test, it is found that a candidate does not fulfill all the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be liable for rejection. Decision of the State Selection Board in regard to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be final.
  • This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Authority to make recommendation for appointment.
  • The date of conduct of written examination will be notified later on in the Website of SSB i.e.
  • The eligible candidates will be required to download their Admit Card from
    the Website of SSB i.e. Written Examination. No separate Admit Card will be sent to the candidates.
  • All persons appointed shall be covered by the New Restructured Defined Contribution Pension Scheme as provided under Rule 3A of the Odisha
    Aided Educational Institutions’ Employees Retirement Benefit Rules, 1981, published under O.G.E. No. 4743 dtd. 01.05.2014.
  • Mere empanelment in the select list shall not confer any right for appointment.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 972 Lecturer (DP Posts) Vacancy – SSB,Odisha

  • Candidate must apply online through the concerned website.
  • Candidate must go through the detailed INSTRUCTIONS before filling up Online Application Form.
  • Candidates are requested to upload their latest passport size photograph
    along with scanned image of his/her full signature and left hand thumb impression, which must be clearly identifiable/visible, otherwise the application of the candidate is liable to be rejected.
  • The requisite fees must be deposited online at the time of on-line application. Canvassing in any form will be treated as cancellation of candidature.
  • This Advertisement is abided by the result of the writ petition vide W.P. ( C ) No. 4925 of 2021.

About Us:

  • The office of the State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education was set up by Government of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1975 under erstwhile Education & Youth Services Department for carrying out selection of suitable candidates against the sanctioned Direct Payment posts in the state Cadre (both in teaching and non-teaching) in the aided non-government colleges of the state. It was also entrusted with the responsibilities for selection of suitable candidates for teaching and non teaching posts both in the Government and aided Schools of the State in pursuance of Sub-Section(2) and (3) of Section 10 of the Odisha Education Act, 1969 (Odisha Act 15 of 1969) read with Rule 4 of the Odisha Educational (Recruitment and conditions of service of Teachers and Members of the Staff of the Aided Educational Institutions ) Rules , 1974. It was also declared by the Government of Odisha as a permanent body in the year 1987.
  • The state Government has constituted the State Selection Board with headquarters at Bhubaneswar and has conferred with the status of Heads of Department from the year 1987.
  • After the division of erstwhile Education & Youth Services Department into two separate departments in the name of Higher Education Department and the School and Mass Education Department, the State Selection Board has been functioning under the Department of Higher Education since 1993. The State Selection Board is headed by the President and functioning with one Vice-president, two Members and a Secretary & Convener in addition to others employees. They all are appointed by the Government and are governed by Rules, regulating their recruitment and conditions of service.
  • The State Selection Board is accountable to the Department of Higher Education of the State Government in administrative and financial matters. Secretary is the Head of the Office; and assisting him are the Assistant Secretaries, Tabulators , Section Officer, Accountant etc. President is vested with the authorities to dispose of matters pertaining to discharge of the Board’s mandate and its smooth functioning .The State Selection Board has been active in selecting candidate against vacant posts of aided colleges of the state till 1992.
  • The State Selection Board has been established by the state Government with a vision to maintain the educational standard of the Non-Government Aided Educational Institutions of the state which have been contributing significantly to the education of common people in a major part of the state including remote and educationally and economically backward areas for a long time, through a process of monitoring and selecting quality personnel for them.
  • The mission of the State Selection Board, Odisha is to lay down a comprehensive and full proof procedure for recruitment of teaching and non-teaching personnel for non-government aided educational institutions of the state on a regular basis so as to maintain a uniform and healthy educational atmosphere in the state through continuous brain storming deliberations and discussions in the meetings of the board.

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