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Agricultural Field Operator and Graduate Assistant Vacancy – NRRI,Odisha

Last Date:12 April,2021
National Rice Research Institute (NRRI)

National Rice Research Institute (NRRI) intends to engage 2 contractual posts of Agricultural Field Operator and Graduate Assistant under a given project on a consolidated honorarium. Please note that the Vacancies may vary.Candidates may attend the Interview on 12-04-2021 (10 AM). The job is purely on Contract basis and doesn’t carry any liability on National Rice Research Institute for regular appointment at any stage.

Employment Notification Agricultural Field Operator and Graduate Assistant Vacancy – NRRI,Odisha

Name of the post– Agricultural Field Operator and Graduate Assistant
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – Rs 12500,Rs 18000

Educational Qualification:
12th vocational in Agriculture related subject and 2 yrs experience,BSc and 2 yrs experience

Apply to Agricultural Field Operator and Graduate Assistant Vacancy – NRRI,Odisha

General Condition:

  • The above position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the scheme/project. The services of appointed candidates will stand terminated automatically after expiry of the scheme/project.The candidate will not have any right for absorption in NRRI/ICAR.
  • The above age limits are relaxable for SC, ST and OBC candidates as per Govt. of India norms.
  • Eligible &desirous candidates are advised to bring one recent passport size photograph, original educational certificates (matriculation onwards) along with Xerox copy&experience certificate of relevant subject (as per advertisement) for appearing in walk-in-interview comprising written-cum-personal interview on prescribed date, time and place.
  • Director, NRRI reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of position and also to cancel the recruitment process for the position mentioned above. Director’s decision will be final and binding in all aspects.
  • No TA and DA for appearing in the interview are admissible.
  • No candidate will be entertained strictly after 10.30 a.m. for AFO and 2.30 p.m. for GA.
  • If currently employed, then the candidate will have to furnish no-objection certificate from the current employer for appearing in the walk-in-interview.
  • Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position.
  • Through Interview. Candidates may kindly ensure that they are fulfilling all the requisite criteria prior to coming for personal interview.
  • Date & Walk-In-Interview Time is : 12-04-2021 (10 AM)
  • All candidates are requested to appear for Walk-in-interview along with prescribed application format duly filled and all other relevant documents on the 12-04-2021 (10 AM) at given venue. No claim for regular appointment in National Rice Research Institute by virtue of their having worked on contract basis will be entertained.
  • Eligible candidates fulfilling all parameters including Reserved category may apply. Candidates should have valid Registration of their Name, Qualification etc need apply.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Agricultural Field Operator and Graduate Assistant Vacancy – NRRI,Odisha

  • Monitoring insects in light traps enable the farmers to know the types of insects lurk in the field and whether or not they are at a manageable level. Once the insect population in the light traps crosses economic threshold level (ETL), the farmers can decide the type of pest management practices they have to undertake. Nature provides a multitude of benefits to humans in the form of natural control of insect pests by their natural enemies. However, the intensification of agricultural production system in recent decades has led to a decline and loss of biodiversity due to increasing use of chemical pesticides. So, to reduce the indiscriminate use of chemical insecticides in the agricultural, horticultural and other crops, an advanced Solar based Alternate Energy Light trap (AELT) was invented by Dr. Shyamaranjan Das Mohapatra, Principal Scientist (Entomology) and Dr (Mrs) Mayabini Jena, Former Principal Scientist & Head of Crop Protection Division of ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack and a patent application No. 341/KOL/2014 was filed by the institute in March 18, 2014. The AELT device traps several flying insects in the crop fields utilizing solar powered system (to lit the lamp at night) which is the first of its kind in India for which the patent has been granted on February 8, 2021 with Patent No. 357993.
  • The AELT includes a light trap unit for attracting the flying insects; a collector unit coupled to the light trap unit for receiving the trapped insects from the light trap. A funnel is fitted to direct lured insects into the insect collecting unit. Funnel supports three baffles which are joined at the top. A hook has been provided at the top portion to install the light trap in the crop fields. Above the light trap unit, a solar panel is fitted for charging a battery which supplies required power to light trap unit. The collection unit is having two chambers separated by a mesh with big size holes to separate the tiny insects (mostly beneficial insects) and in the bottom a cap is provided for opening and closing the chamber.
  • The collector unit further comprises of a vibration assembly, which has a controller; and a sensor coupled to the controller to transmit a first signal to the controller for vibrating the mesh. Once, the mesh will start vibrating, the tiny beneficial insects will fall down and collected in the second chamber. The tiny non-target insects mostly natural enemies trapped so can easily be escaped to the crop environment. The facility of escaping of non-target/natural enemies from the main insect collection unit is a desirable attribute for biointensive approach of pest management. The light trap unit is also provided with sensor which will automatically get lighted during twilight and switched off after three to four hours as per time set by user in the timer. A higher capacity battery has been fitted with the device to store and operate the device even in the cloudy and foggy weather. The battery can store sufficient power on full charged condition to supply required power to the unit to run for four to five days. It is a cost effective as it will run on solar power, besides being portable. The device is easily dismantled and stored when not in use.
  • This automated AELT is an economic and eco-friendly insect trapping device which is easy-to-use and low maintenance, helps in handling insects in large number very efficiently there by reducing the operational cost.

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