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Airmen XY Group Trades Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

Last Date:07 February,2021
Indian Air Force
All India

Indian Air Force Airmen XY Group Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. 01/2022) and inviting application for the Airmen XY Group (01/2022) from 12th pass candidates interested in sarkari result Air Force Airmen XY Group Online application can apply before 07 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Indian Air Force Airmen XY Group (01/2022) Online Exam opening at official website

Employment Notification Airmen XY Group Trades Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

Name of the post – Airmen XY Group Trades
No of post – Not Specified
Pay Scale – 26900/-, 33,100/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
12th, Diploma.

Apply to Airmen XY Group Trades Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

General Information:

  • Application will be filled ONLINE by the candidates and detailed instructions to fill up the same are available at and the same would also be available onn
  • This examination shall be valid for one intake only.
  • ONLINE REGISTRATION shall commence on 02 January 2020 and shall close on 20 January 2020. Only ONLINE REGISTERED applications shall be accepted.
  • The following documents are to be uploaded as applicable to respective candidates:-
    (a) Class 10th /matriculation passing certificate.
    (b) Intermediate/10+2 or equivalent marksheet / marksheets (if applying on the basis of 12th/ intermediate or equivalent educational qualifications).
  • Examination Fee: Examination fee of Rs.250/- is to be paid by the candidate while registering for the online examination. The payment can be made by using Debit Cards/ Credit Cards/Internet Banking through payment gateway. The examination fee can also be paid by Challan payment at any
    Axis Bank Branch.
  • Candidate must have his valid E-mail ID and Mobile No. for successful online registration.
  • Candidate should have his Aadhaar Card Number.
  • Candidates are to reach at the examination centre with colour print out of provisional admit card. Candidates shall be debarred from appearing in the online test in case anomalies / irregularities/ incorrect information are observed during initial verification at the examination venue or at any
    subsequent stage of selection process.
  • The candidate shall carry a valid ID proof whenever he reports for the selection test (Phase I & II) and medical test.
  • Details about required educational qualification, physical, medical standards and job specification are available on CASB web portal under the candidate’s login and this information can be accessed by the candidate without signing in.
  • Candidates must indicate five choices of examination centre and three choices of ASCs in order of preference while filling up the online application form. However, Central Airmen Selection Board reserves the right to allot any centre other than those mentioned in the application.
  • Candidates not reporting for the test on due date and time shall not be accommodated on other dates/shifts.
  • Duplicate / incomplete / erroneously filled applications shall be rejected.
  • Candidates should be prepared to stay for the entire duration of the tests under their own arrangement. No TA/DA shall be admissible.
  • Candidates are advised to preserve their e-mail ID and password used while online registration as the same would be required to login for viewing online exam result.
  • Candidate should apply only once in response to this advertisement.
  • Candidature of candidates who apply MORE THAN ONCE IN RESPONSE TO THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND OBTAINS different registration numbers for Group ‘X’, Group ‘Y’ or both,SHALL BE REJECTED.
  • Enrolment shall be for an initial period of 20 years (subject to conditions) which may be extended up to the age of 57 years (subject to service conditions). Initially, candidates shall be sent for a Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) at designated Basic Training Institutes located at various Air Force Stations. On successful completion of JBPT, candidates will be allocated trades and sent for trade training of specified durations which shall include security training or any other training as per service requirements. Training is however liable to be terminated at any time if the trainee fails to achieve the required standards in academics, profession, physical fitness and discipline or is found to be medically unfit. AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF ALL STAGES OF TRAINING, THE AIRMEN SHALL BE DEPLOYED ON JOBS AS PER THEIR ALLOTTED TRADES. ALLOTTED TRADE SHALL

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice Airmen XY Group Trades Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

  • Online registration for the Selection Test will be available from 02 January 2020 on and will close on 20 January 2020 . Detailed instructions on how to register/fill-up application form is available on the webportal. Candidates are to strictly follow the given instructions.
  • The PSL (merit-wise) will be prepared after the completion of selection test and the same will be displayed at all the airmen selection centres (ASCs) and also on webportal on 31 October 2020. Inclusion of names of candidates in the PSL depends upon the performance of the candidates in the selection test and the same is determined by application of cut off marks vis-à-vis number of qualified candidates in Phase-II testing and anticipated vacancy. Inclusion of name in provisional select list (PSL) does not guarantee automatic enrolment.Enrolment is strictly in order of merit subject to medical fitness, availability of vacancies, not exceeding the age of 21 years on date of enrolment and meeting all the laid down eligibility criteria as and when called for enrolment. The validity of the PSL shall be 06 months from the date of display and shall be applicable only for intake/entry 01/2021.
  • List of candidates finally called for enrolment in intake 01/2021 will be published on 10 December 2020. Separate call letters shall be sent to the candidates called for enrolment.

About Us:

  • The Indian Air Force (IAF) is the air arm of the Indian Armed Forces. Its complement of personnel and aircraft assets ranks fourth amongst the air forces of the world.Its primary mission is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct aerial warfare during armed conflict. It was officially established on 8 October 1932 as an auxiliary air force of the British Empire which honoured India’s aviation service during World War II with the prefix Royal.After India gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, the name Royal Indian Air Force was kept and served in the name of Dominion of India. With the government’s transition to a Republic in 1950, the prefix Royal was removed.
  • Since 1950 the IAF has been involved in four wars with neighbouring Pakistan and one with the People’s Republic of China. Other major operations undertaken by the IAF include Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot, Operation Cactus and Operation Poomalai. The IAF’s mission expands beyond engagement with hostile forces, with the IAF participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions.
  • The President of India holds the rank of Supreme Commander of the IAF.As of 1 July 2017, 139,576 personnel are in service with the Indian Air Force.The Chief of Air Staff, an air chief marshal, is a four-star officer and is responsible for the bulk of operational command of the Air Force. There is never more than one serving ACM at any given time in the IAF. The rank of Marshal of the Air Force has been conferred by the President of India on one occasion in history, to Arjan Singh. On 26 January 2002, Singh became the first and so far, only five-star rank officer of the IAF.
  • Defence of India and every part there of including preparation for defence and all such acts as may be conducive in times of war to its prosecution and after its termination to effective demobilisation.
  • In practice, this is taken as a directive meaning the IAF bears the responsibility of safeguarding Indian airspace and thus furthering national interests in conjunction with the other branches of the armed forces. The IAF provides close air support to the Indian Army troops on the battlefield as well as strategic and tactical airlift capabilities. The Integrated Space Cell is operated by the Indian Armed Forces, the civilian Department of Space, and the Indian Space Research Organisation. By uniting the civilian run space exploration organisations and the military faculty under a single Integrated Space Cell the military is able to efficiently benefit from innovation in the civilian sector of space exploration, and the civilian departments benefit as well.
  • The Indian Air Force, with highly trained crews, pilots, and access to modern military assets provides India with the capacity to provide rapid response evacuation, search-and-rescue (SAR) operations, and delivery of relief supplies to affected areas via cargo aircraft.The IAF provided extensive assistance to relief operations during natural calamities such as the Gujarat cyclone in 1998, the tsunami in 2004, and North India floods in 2013.The IAF has also undertaken relief missions such as Operation Rainbow in Sri Lanka.
  • The Indian Air Force was established on 8 October 1932 in British India as an auxiliary air force of the Royal Air Force. The enactment of the Indian Air Force Act 1932 stipulated out their auxiliary status and enforced the adoption of the Royal Air Force uniforms, badges, brevets and insignia.On 1 April 1933, the IAF commissioned its first squadron, No.1 Squadron, with four Westland Wapiti biplanes and five Indian pilots. The Indian pilots were led by British RAF Commanding officer Flight Lieutenant (later Air Vice Marshal) Cecil Bouchier.

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