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Assistant Professor Vacancy – NFSU,Gujarat

Last Date:10 January,2021
National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU)

National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 2 contractual posts of Assistant Professor.Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 10-01-2021 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification Assistant Professor Vacancy – NFSU,Gujarat

Name of the post – Assistant Professor
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – Rs 40000

Educational Qualification:
Master’s Degree in Neuropsychology or Cognitive Science or Cognitive Neuroscience or equivalent with minimum 55 % marks.

Apply to Assistant Professor Vacancy – NFSU,Gujarat

General Instruction:

  • Applications, complete in all respect (five sets of application in prescribed format and one set of all necessary supporting documents), should reach to The Registrar, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Sector —9, Gandhinagar 382007″ latest by .The ‘Name of the Post applying for’ must be clearly mentioned on the envelope containing the application.
  • For the date of birth, only the S.S.C.E Board Certificate wherein date of birth is mentioned will be taken into consideration.
  • At subsequent stage, no change in date of birth shown in the application will be permitted.
  • The required qualifications/experience shall be considered as on closing date of submitting the application
  • The candidate should produce formula/method of calculation of percentage where percentage of marks is not given by the University.
  • Candidates with requisite qualifications acquired from recognized University/Institutions only are eligible.
  • If candidate hold foreign Universities degree, he/she shall produce AIU equivalency certificate at the time of submission of application.
  • The candidate along with application shall submit self-certified photocopies of school leaving certificate, Secondary School Certificate and statements of marks (All years/semesters) and Degree Certificate issued by the recognized University/Institution.
  • In support of research publications, the candidate should produce the approved list of SCl/UGC/AICTE journals. (as per latest norms)
  • The candidate should produce the experience certificate, shown in the application indicating the designation, period and basic pay. Such certificate should be signed with date by the competent authority on the letter-head a, the institution. Further Experience will be validated based on the designation’ and appropriate salary grade pay (as per submitted last month’s salary slip).1f required Form No.16 is to be called for by the University.
  • At subsequent stage no change in the detail of experience will be permitted. No new experience certificate will be accepted after submission of application.
  • The experience gained as Part-time, Daily Wager, Apprenticeship, Trainee, Honorary and Visiting Faculty cannot be considered as experience.
  • The candidate having disability of 40% and above shall be considered as Physically Disabled candidate.
  • The short listing will be done on the basis of merit of the written test (if any) and eligibility of the candidates on scrutiny of the application as per latest UGC norms. No correspondence will be entertained with the applicants who were not shortlisted to be called for interview. Selection will be done by personal interview of the candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria. Personal Interview will be of 100 marks. Marks obtained out of 100 will be considered for the final selection. Selection list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the personal interview only.
  • Eligibility of a candidate and satisfaction of any other Short-listing criteria shall be considered as on the last date of submitting the application.
  • Candidates shall have to appear for interview at their own cost. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
  • Application incomplete in any respect and without substantial proof of statements/information filled in the application form shall not be considered.
  • In case of any dispute/ambigUitY that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final.
  • Applicants who are in employment will be required to produce the ” No objection Certificate” of their present employer and should join within days.
  • Candidates should carry the original certificates and mark-sheets from matriculation onwards in support of their qualifications at the time of interview.
  • Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.
  • No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding conduct and result of interview.
  • No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding conduct and result of interview.
  • The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his services shall be terminated.
  • In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/ withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidates.
  • In the cases of any disputes any suites or legal proceedings against the University, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts in Gandhinagar.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Assistant Professor Vacancy – NFSU,Gujarat

  • To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize everything connects to everything else. … Leonardo Da Vinci

    National Forensic Sciences University, the erstwhile Gujarat Forensic Sciences University is the brain child of Govt of Gujarat. It was established by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendra Modiji, then Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2009 with a sole objective of creating professional experts in the field of Forensic sciences. At a juncture of spiking number of crimes involving sophisticated technologies and much evolved modus operandi, there was a need for scientists and technocrats. Thereby the resolution of such heinous crimes were more diligently possible. This has been prudently considered by the Govt of Gujarat and the university came into existence as a unique and first of its kind academic institution dedicated to Forensic Sciences across the globe.

  • Since its inception, the university has been scaling new heights with its extraordinary and exemplary performances in the field of academic forensics sciences. Though the university started with conventional courses related to forensic sciences has been able to introduce novel courses those are based on the requirement of the country to solve the issues related to the society. Starting with four courses in three institutes, the university shrugged off the inception stages very early with pioneering efforts of introducing distinctive courses those were unique such as forensic nursing, forensic odontology, forensic nursing, homeland security and anti-terrorism, digital forensics to mention a few. This has reached a magical figure of forty currently. All these courses have been very much sought after by prospective and aspiring experts as they are the need of the hour. Based on its impressive successes achieved by this university within a short span of eleven years, the Government of India has recognized its services to the student communities and the professionals of the national and international origin, and has accorded the status of Institution of National Importance and the also as a central university in October 2020.
  • The university has been reaching numerous mile stones every year with the stellar academic and other related activities. Within a couple of years of its existence, the university has obtained the UGC recognition. Also the NAAC accreditation in the sixth year of its inception. The university has been making stringent efforts in the cutting edge research and the same is reflected in the publication of such innovative outcomes in the journals of international repute. Such innovations are related to criminal investigations, physical and digital security. This university has become more popular as a resourceful, unique contemporary relevant destination for enhancing the professional expertise of the officers involved in criminal investigations through training provided by the globally renowned experts. This is being taken care of , in addition to the training imparted to the officers of the country in the relevant departments such as law enforcement, judiciary, finance and insurance sectors, wildlife department , income tax department, internal security, armed forces, etc.

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