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Assistant Transportation Engineer Vacancy – CIDCO,Maharashtra

Last Date:29 January,2021
City and Industrial Development Corporation of Limited (CIDCO)

CIDCO ATE Notification 2021 is open and inviting application for the posts of 06 ATE Vacancy from B.E/B tech pass candidates interested in sarkari result CIDCO ATE Online application can apply before 29 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd ATE job opening at official website

Employment Notification Assistant Transportation Engineer Vacancy – CIDCO,Maharashtra

Name of the post – Assistant Transportation Engineer
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – 50000/-

Educational Qualification:
B E/B Tech.

Apply to Assistant Transportation Engineer Vacancy – CIDCO,Maharashtra

General Information:

  • Appointment will be made purely on contract basis for a period of 12 months. Extension of contract service purely on performance and need of the Corporation for the further period as may be decided by the Corporation which will not be more than 12 months.
  • Before filling up the application form candidates should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility criteria. Corporation will take up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to the original documents only after the candidate has qualified for interview.Their admission to all the stages of the contract recruitment process will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility criteria.
  • The candidates will be short listed for personal interview in the ratio 1:3 means CIDCO will call 18 number of candidates to select 06 nos. of ATEs on contract basis by preparing the merit list on the basis of qualification, extra qualification, experience of the applicants. The merit list of 18 applicants to whom letter for interview issued by CIDCO will be final. Taking into consideration the qualification, experience and performance in the Personal interview, the select list will be prepared. The decision of the Management in all matters relating to contract recruitment shall be final and no individual correspondence will be entertained.
  • Prescribed qualifications are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle the candidates called for interview. The candidates will be shortlisted for interview commensurate with the number of vacancies.
  • CIDCO has right to cancel this advertisement fully or partially on any ground without giving any notice/reason at any time.
  • All candidates should be domiciled in the state of Maharashtra.
  • Candidates must make sure that he/she is fulfilling all the required educational and experience criteria. Candidature can be cancelled at any time and any stage, if a candidate is not fulfilling the requisite criteria.
  • If any false/incorrect information furnished by the candidate is detected at any stage of recruitment process, his/her candidature will be cancelled.
  • Candidate will not eligible be for the appointment if he/she punished by any court in the civil/Criminal cases. Candidate must produce the details, if he/she facing police inquiry/outstanding court matter or punishment if any; selected candidate must submit NOC from the police department at the time of appointment.
  • Knowledge of Marathi is compulsory .
  • Selected candidate appointed on contract basis in CIDCO will have to work at any place within State of Maharashtra or elsewhere at Project places and you will have to reach your places of work from your residence at your own cost.
  • Candidate must remain present with their own expenses for the entire recruitment drive.
  • Candidate must be alert from the assurance of Mediator/ Thief/ Persons who claim to be belonging to CIDCO.
  • The recruitment on Contract basis in CIDCO Ltd. is done strictly as per merit in a systemic way giving appropriate weightage to various parameters as decided by Management.
  • Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regards to their selection/recruitment shall result in disqualification of candidature and shall attract Police action.
  • The candidates should be healthy and physically, mentally fit as also capable to carry out the proposed task assigned to him/ her.
  • The candidate to be appointed will not claim for any kind of rights, interests, benefits whatsoever of permanent services, absorption in any cadre at any point of time.
  • The candidates should not be involved in any of the commercial activity which will create obstacle, complications to the Authority’s work so entrusted/ assigned to him.
  • The candidates should declare his/her conflict of interest, if any, before commencement of the contractual period.
  • The candidates shall hold in confidence and shall not disclose to any person any information, documents, official secretes from office record assigned to him/ her. He / she shall take due care to maintain the confidentiality of such information, documents, Official secrets. He / She shall be fully responsible for any disclosure or misuse of such information, documents and official secrets. He / She will have to maintain utmost
    secrecy and confidentiality at all times as regards any information or acknowledges obtained / gathered during the said contractual period, and will not indulge in any activity prejudicial to the interest of our Authority.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Assistant Transportation Engineer Vacancy – CIDCO,Maharashtra

  • CIDCO is an acronym of the City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra Limited (CIDCO). Completely owned by the State Government incorporated as a company on 17th march 1970 it is a public sector undertaking of the Government. CIDCO is notified by the State Government as the New Town Development Authority (NTDA). The Government later widened the scope of CIDCO’s activities delegating the responsibility as the Special Development Authority (SPA). Today CIDCO has earned a reputation as the premier town planning and development agency in the country.
  • Mumbai’s increasing industrial and commercial importance attracted the people coming here from other parts of the county in search of livelihood. Due to insular nature, the city grew up vertically taking the natural diversion since it had horizontally reached to a dead-end. This gave rise to suburbs. The haphazard growth of residential units resulted in meagre civic amenities such as good drainage, recreation and playground facilities for children, school facilities, hospital and other medical facilities. Industrial and residential areas sprung up mingling with each other resulting in certain health problems. Slums like Dharavi, tagged as the largest slums in Asia, had sprung by this time.
  • The idea of a new city adjacent to Mumbai is the brainchild of Mr. H. Foster King, an architect and planner of the Gregson, Batley and King Company. He was also a partner of the company. On 14th June 1945 in his speech at the Indian Institute of Architects he asserted, “It is the time to think of setting up a city on the East of Bombay across the (Thane) harbour”.
  • In 1947, an American Architect and Town Planning Consultant Mr. Albert Mayer and the then engineer of Bombay Municipal Corporation Mr. N. V. Modak, published a paper ‘A Master Plan in Outline’ for the new city. Mr.Mayer-Modak focused sharply on the issue of population congestion, with the major concern being traffic flow. They suggested moving industries to the peripheries of Greater Bombay and the creation of a new township at Bassein (Vasai). The writers admitted that “it is just an envelope to be filled with details and not a final blueprint”. They also recommended connecting the hinterland at Uran via a bridge from Trombay, implying East-West extension of the city instead of South-North.
  • In 1948, Renowned Economist and Social Thinker Prof. Dhananjay Ramchandra Gadgil, in his paper on the future of Mumbai City, highlighted the problems of rising population and its fallout on city’s infrastructure. He recommended curbing industrialization in Mumbai setting 1941 as the cut-off year. The industries set up thereafter should be shifted beyond the limits of Ambarnath suburb, he suggested.

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