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Driver cum Pump Operator cum Fireman A Vacancy – NPCIL,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:25 January,2021
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
Tamil Nadu

NPCIL is on the lookout for eligible and suitable candidates for the recruitment to 4 contractual posts of Driver cum Pump Operator cum Fireman A on fixed remuneration basis.Candidates may send their prescribed application forms along with all documents to the given address by 25-01-2021 . The applications received after the last date will not be considered.

Employment Notification Driver cum Pump Operator cum Fireman A Vacancy – NPCIL,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post – Driver cum Pump Operator cum Fireman A
No of post – 04
Pay Scale – Rs 21700

Educational Qualification:
HSC (12th) (Science with Chemistry) or equivalent with min 50% of marks and valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License and min one yrs experience

Apply to Driver cum Pump Operator cum Fireman A Vacancy – NPCIL,Tamil Nadu

General Conditions:

  • Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
  • Presently, above mentioned post is identified for Madras Atomic Power Station but carries with it the liability to serve in any of the Units/Sites of the Corporation or at any place in India depending upon the requirement of the Corporation.
  • The cut-off date for reckoning Age Limit, Qualification and Post Qualification Experience would be closing date prescribed for filling application i.e. 25/01/2021. The cut-off date for determining all eligibility criteria i.e. 25/01/2021 would remain same even if the closing date for submission of application is extended for administrative / technical reasons. Candidates should have completed their qualifying examination as on last date
    for receipt of application i.e. 25/01/2021. Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying examination but whose results are not declared by the crucial last date for submitting the application, are not eligible.
  • Exact percentage of marks only should be mentioned in percentage of marks column of the application. 50% marks arrived at after rounding off is not considered e.g. 49.5 to 49.9% should not be rounded off to 50%.
  • Candidates who are awarded gradations under the CGPA/SGPA etc. system in School/College/Institutions are required to produce the proof issued by the University / Institutions converting the CGPA / SGPA etc. Gradations into appropriate percentage at the time of document verification.
  • Applications containing incorrect / misleading information will lead to the candidate being disqualified, as and when detected, irrespective of the stage of selection process and will also lead to dismissal from services of the NPCIL on its detection at any time after appointment. Before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfill all the eligibility criteria with respect to age, educational qualifications, work experience and other requirements as published in the advertisement. If the candidate is not eligible, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment. If the candidate qualifies in the selection process and subsequently, it is found that he/she does not fulfil the eligibility criteria, the information furnished by them is false/ fake his/her candidature will be cancelled and if appointed, services so obtained will be terminated without any notice or compensation. In this regard, NPCIL will not entertain any correspondence from the candidates.
  • All candidates belonging to SC/ST category shall submit self-attested copy of the Caste Certificate in the prescribed ‘Central Government’ format from the Competent Authority empowered to issue such certificate. They have to produce original caste certificate for verification at the time of documents verification.
  • The candidate’s appointment will remain provisional subject to caste certificates being verified through proper channel and verification of testimonials. The candidate’s services will be liable to be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason in case the above verification reveals that his/her claim for belonging to SC/ST category and other testimonials is found false. NPCIL also reserves its right to take such further action
    against the candidate, as it may deem proper, for production of such a false caste certificates and testimonials.
  • In addition to Pay in Pay Matrix, successful candidates on appointment will be eligible for applicable Central Dearness Allowance and other benefits of the Corporation provided from time to time such as Leave Travel Concession/Encashment, Gratuity, Medical Facility, Departmental Accommodation, Transport Allowance, Site Location Allowance, Update Allowance, Leave Encashment, School facility for children, Children Education Assistance, Reimbursement of Cable TV Charges, Reimbursement of News paper charges, Canteen facility, Washing Allowance etc.
  • All the prescribed essential qualifications should be of full time, regular and from recognised University/Institution, otherwise such qualification will not be considered.
  • As regards the qualification criteria, minimum qualification prescribed for recruitment has to be fulfilled. Any other qualification including higher
    qualification over and above the minimum qualification will not disqualify the candidate to appear in Physical Assessment/Endurance Test/Written Examination for the advertised post.
  • Candidates meeting the prescribed standard of eligibility will only be allowed to appear in Physical Assessment/Endurance Test/Written examination. A separate communication about the date, timing, venue and other information about the Physical Assessment/Endurance Test/Written examination will be provided only at our website All candidates should bring Admit Card along with one valid Photo ID proof such as Driving License, Voters ID Card, Passport or any other valid Govt. ID proof in original and one photocopy for verification and to enter the Physical Assessment/Endurance Test/Written Examination venue.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice Driver cum Pump Operator cum Fireman A Vacancy – NPCIL,Tamil Nadu

  • The Application and Admit Card can be downloaded from our website : should be submitted in the proforma, preferably type written on thick A4 (30/21 cms) size paper. The outer cover should be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “DRIVER-CUM-PUMP OPERATOR-CUM-FIREMAN-A ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/HRM/MAPS/2020”. The applications which are not in the prescribed format will be rejected.
  • Recent passport size photograph should be affixed on the Application Form and also on the Admit Card.
  • Educational qualification including Technical qualification.
  • Certificate issued by State Fire Training Centre for Certificate Course
  • Heavy Vehicle Driving Licence.
  • Transfer Certificate (v) Caste Certificate for SC/ST category, if applicable.
  • Proof for Date of Birth (vii) Experience certificate
  • Discharge Certificate in respect of Ex-Servicemen
  • No Objection Certificate from the present Employer, if applicable
  • Certificate of Identity (only for Transgender candidates) issued by Competent Authority (xi) Any other certificates.
  • Eligible candidates who fulfill the above recruitment norms may submit their application.
  • Eligible NPCIL serving employees may submit their applications through PROPER CHANNEL, dully verified by the concerned Establishment Section/HR Head of the Unit. Advance copy may also be sent. However, the advance copy will be considered for candidature only on receipt of application through proper channel.

About Us:

  • The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) is an Indian public sector undertaking based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is wholly owned by the Government of India and is responsible for the generation of nuclear power for electricity. NPCIL is administered by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).
  • NPCIL was created in September 1987 under the Companies Act 1956, “with the objective of undertaking the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the atomic power stations for generation of electricity in pursuance of the schemes and programmes of the Government of India under the provision of the Atomic Energy Act 1962.” All nuclear power plants operated by the company are certified for ISO-14001 (Environment Management System).
  • NPCIL was the sole body responsible for constructing and operating India’s commercial nuclear power plants till setting up of BHAVINI Vidyut Nigam) in October 2003. As of 10 August 2012 the company had 21 nuclear reactors in operation at seven locations, a total installed capacity of 6780 MWe.
  • Subsequent to the government’s decision to allow private companies to provide nuclear power, the company has experienced problems with private enterprises “poaching” its employees.

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the employment notification

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