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Finance Officer Vacancy – IGIDR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

Last Date: 30 November,2020
Mumbai (Maharashtra)

IGIDR Recruitment 2020 aka Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research notification page for latest vacancy updates, eligibility criteria and how to apply IGIDR Vacancy 2020. We check and verify the job location, selection process and age limit from IGIDR Job 2020 Official website. We provide all details including application fee, salary pay and scale and IGIDR Exam 2020 Date. Sarkari Result Naukri is best Place for searching all IGIDR recruitment 2020 updates. Moreover we will provide you full syllabus of IGIDR vacancy 2020 and current exam pattern to get success. Official Website is

Employment Notification Finance Officer Vacancy – IGIDR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

Name of the post – Finance Officer
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs. 37400 – 67000

Educational Qualification:

Apply to Finance Officer Vacancy – IGIDR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

General Information:

  • Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the minimum essential qualifications, experience laid down in the advertisement and ensure that they have requisite qualification from recognized Board/University/Institute.
  • Candidates should attached self-attested copies of certificates in support of their qualification (matriculation onwards), experience, Date of Birth etc. Originals certificates should be produced at time of interview. Application without photograph, signature and necessary certificates in support of their application shall be summarily rejected.
  • The Institute shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by a candidate during the tenure of his/her service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her service shall be terminated and liable for legal action against such candidates.
  • Applicants who are presently employed in Government/Semi Government/Public Sector Undertaking/University/Recognized educational institute etc are required to submit their application through proper channel or submit a no objection certificate from present employer.
  • The applications received in response to the advertisement will be scrutinized and only shortlisted candidates will be called for selection process. Merely fulfilling the requirements laid down in the advertisement will not automatically entitle any candidate to be called for further
  • The institute reserves the right to not to fill the advertised position.
  • In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the institute reserves the right tomodify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates.
  • In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Institute shall be final.
  • Addendum / corrigendum if any respect of this advertisement shall be published only on
  • The appointment of the selected candidate is subject to being found medically fit as per the requirement of the Institute.
  • Campus accommodation will be provided to the candidate on their selection for the above advertised post on the availability and request.
  • No interim correspondence will be entertained from candidates in any form regarding conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  • Candidates who have already appeared for the Interview in response to our earlier advertisement need not apply again.
  • Candidates possessing the requisite qualification and experience may submit their application mentioning the ‘Post applied for “Finance Officer” on the envelope, along with application form and all relevant documents showing proof of age, experience, qualifications and two
    references on or before 30 th November’2020 on the following address :-
    The Registrar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Santosh Nagar, Film City Road, Goregaon-E, Mumbai-400 065.
  • Candidates can also send the soft copy of their application form along with scan copy of all the relevant documents on the email id : Application without scan copy of application form, photograph, signature and necessary certificates/documents in support of their application shall be summarily rejected.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Finance Officer Vacancy – IGIDR,Mumbai (Maharashtra)

  • Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is an advanced research and educational institution in Mumbai. India.The Institute’s mission is to carry out research on developmental issues from a multi-disciplinary point of view. This includes economics, energy and environmental policy.
  • The institute offers Master of Philosophy and Ph.D. programmes in Development Studies and also a Master of Science programme in Economics. The institute has one of the largest Social Sciences libraries in Asia.
  • The institute was the brainchild of Prof. Jyoti Parikh and Prof. Kirit Parikh and was funded by the Reserve Bank of India. It was formally opened upon the occasion of the bank’s golden jubilee in 1987.
  • After its registration as an autonomous society on 14 November 1986 and as a public trust on 15 January 1987, then Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi inaugurated the campus at Goregaon, Mumbai on 28 December 1987. Subsequently, the Institute was recognized as a deemed university under Section 3 of the UGC Act.
  • Starting as a purely research-oriented institution, the Institute quickly developed into a full-fledged teaching cum research organisation when in 1990 it launched a Ph.D. programme in the field of development studies under agreement with Bombay University.[1] The objective of the Ph.D. programme is to produce analysts with diverse disciplinary background who can address developmental issues of policy. In 1995, accreditation for its own Ph.D. programme was obtained and a Masters programme was started to help meet the growing need of the country for more development economists.The mission to address development issues has been the driving force and motivation behind the growth of the Institute.
  • IGIDR also has a full-fledged Masters of Science programme which draws applicants from all over India. This programme is limited to twenty-five participants at a time.

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