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Guest Faculty (Department of CSE) Vacancy – NIT,Bihar

Last Date:05 December,2020
National Institute of Technology (NIT)

Candidates are invited to attend for Walk-In-Interview at National Institute of Technology Patna (NIT Patna) for the recruitment to 1 contractual posts of Guest Faculty (Department of CSE) under a given project. Walk-In-Interview will be held on 05-12-2020 (9 AM).Candidates reporting after scheduled time shall not be allowed to attend the interview.

Employment Notification Guest Faculty (Department of CSE) Vacancy – NIT,Bihar

Name of the post – Guest Faculty (Department of CSE)
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 50000

Educational Qualification:
PhD degree in relevant /equivalent discipline

Apply to Guest Faculty (Department of CSE) Vacancy – NIT,Bihar

General Information:

  • The Walk-in-interview for the recruitment of Temporary Faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering will be held as per the schedule given below. The appointment will be initially for one semester which may be extended, if required based on the performance of the selected candidate upto maximum of five semesters. The desirous and eligible candidates may appear at the Walk-in-interview with duly filled application form along with all certificates in originals with two set of photocopies. The prescribed application form is available on the Institute website
  • Applicants, who are in employment of Government/Govt. Undertaking/ Autonomous Body, must bring the NOC from his / her employer at the time of interview. The institute reserves its right to cancel the recruitment procedure to any post or all posts without any prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
  • The candidates are advised to fill the attached application form. The candidates are advised to bring the duly filled application form, along with duly self-attested supporting documents, such as the self-attested copies of relevant testimonials, certificates at the time of Walk-in-interview.
  • Application form without relevant supporting enclosures shall be summarily rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
  • The reservations for SC/ST/OBC/EWS and PWD will be as per the Govt. rule.
  • Candidates shall indicate two references of eminent persons in the field/profession, with full postal address, email and telephone number, who may be contacted by the Institute for their recommendations.
  • The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect, i. e., qualifications, experience and age limit etc. shall be considered as on the date of walk-in-interview.
  • Persons serving in Govt./ Semi Govt./PSUs/Universities/ Educational Institutions should bring NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the competent Authority of the organization serving, at the time of interview otherwise they may not be allowed for interview.
  • Original documents along with two set of self-attested copies will have to be produced at the time of interview for verification.
  • The applicants are advised / required to visit the Institute website regularly.
  • Legal disputes, if any, with NIT Patna will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Patna only.
  • Self-attested copies of the following Documents/certificates are required to be attached with the Application Form
  • Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth, or mark sheet of Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board indicating date of birth will be considered in support of their claim of age. Where date of birth is not available in certificate/mark sheet, issued by concerned Educational Boards, School leaving certificate indicating date of birth will be considered.
  • Degree/Diploma certificate along with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years as proof of educational qualification claimed. In the absence of a particular Degree certificate, mark sheets of the Degree program will be accepted.
  • NOC and Experience Certificate(s) from the Head(s) of Organization(s)/ Department(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date, month & year) indicating the basic pay and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) should also mention the nature of
    duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) with duration(s).
  • ID proof.
  • Any other relevant documents in support of the entries filled in application form.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Guest Faculty (Department of CSE) Vacancy – NIT,Bihar

  • National Institute of Technology Patna is the 18th National Institute of Technology created by the Ministry of H.R.D. Government of India after rechristening the erstwhile Bihar College of Engineering Patna on 28. 01. 2004. NIT Patna marked its humble beginning in 1886 with the establishment of pleaders survey training school which was subsequently promoted of Bihar College of Engineering Patna in 1924. This made this institute the 6th Oldest Engineering Institute of India. The graduate level curriculum was later elevated to the post graduate level in 1978. The institute is situated on the south bank of holy river Ganges behind Gandhi Ghat, one of the most important and reverential place of Patna. The Gandhi Ghat is associated with the immersion of ashes of father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi in the river Ganges. The campus has a picturesque river view with historic building presenting a spectacle of architectural delight and natural beauty.
  • National Institute of Technology Patna has been declared as an Institute of National Importance and has been granted a fully Autonomous Status by MHRD, Government of India. The Institute has also been declared as a Centre of Excellence of impart high level education training , research and development in science, engineering technology and humanities. It is imparting high quality education & values at UG (B.Tech), PG (M.Tech) & Ph .D programmes through its experienced faculty well versed in their respective field of engineering an technology with well equipped laboratories . At present the Institute has seven disciplines viz. Architecture, Civil Engineering, Compute Science & Engg., Electrical Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Information Technology and Mechanical Engg., and well established departments of physics, Mathematics and Humanities and Social Science.
  • National Institute of Technology Patna aims at setting out very high education standards and holds long record of academic excellence. The pedagogical aspects have been formulated to suit not only the needs of the contemporary industrial requirements but also to develop human potential to its fullest extent in a range of professions. Extra curricular activities are planed through games and sports, cultural programmes and NSS activities. Cultural activities provide a platform to know about the culture of various states and regions of the country and opportunity for national integration.
  • Ever since its rechristening, NIT Patna has been on the fast track of development and has undergone numerous facelifts because of which placement records have witnessed unprecedented growth and is touching new heights as the graph of placement is increasing remarkably.

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the employment notification

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