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Last Date:10 December,2020

Director (Education), GNCT of Delhi invites Application for the post of TGT (Maths, Science and English), PGT (English, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce and Economics), EVGCs and TGT Special Education Teachers for Engagement in Delhi Government Schools in the academic session 2020-21. Apply Online before 10 December 2020. Qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…

Employment Notification Guest Teacher (TGT & PGT) Vacancy – DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI

Name of the post – Guest Teacher (TGT & PGT)
No of post – Not Specified
Pay Scale – PGT including EVGC -1445/- Per Day & TGT including TGT(Special Education Teachers) – 1403/- Per Day

Educational Qualification:
Graduate, Post Graduate, B.Ed. CTET


General Instruction:

  • Public Notice for Drawing a panel of Guest teachers for the posts of TGT( Maths, Science and English), PGT (English, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce and Economics), EVGCs and Special Education Teachers for Engagement in Delhi Government Schools.
  • Online applications are invited on behalf of Director (Education), GNCT of Delhi for drawing a panel of Guest Teachers for the posts of TGT( Maths, Science and English), PGT( English, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce and Economics), EVGCs and TGT Special Education Teachers for Engagement in Delhi Government Schools, on the basis of as and when required, for academic session 2020-21 and onwards. Engagement of Guest Teachers is subject to following Terms and Conditions:
  • Guest Teachers shall be engaged purely on daily wages basis, till the posts are filled up on regular basis. Guest teachers shall not be entitled to regular appointment. This is purely a stop gap arrangement. The candidates so engaged shall not claim salary, allowances, leaves, facilities and other benefits accruing to the regular teachers. The candidates so engaged as Guest Teachers shall not file any court case regarding salary and regularization etc.
  • Directorate of Education will maintain a wait list/panel of candidates to meet any requirement in the academic session 2020-21 and onwards. Further, the engagement will be done on the basis of as and when required.
  • Reservations and age relaxations to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and Disabled persons will be given as per Government Rules. The certificate of OBC should be issued by Authority of Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Certificate issued by any State/UT will be considered for SC/ST candidates. The candidates belonging to Physically Handicapped category (Ortho+VH only) must possess “Disability Certificate” issued from a Government Hospital.
  • Willing candidates may apply and register themselves on our website www.edudel.nic.infrom 01.12.2020( 11.00 AM) to 10.12.2020 ( up-to 6.00 PM).
    Submission of applications other than online mode shall be summarily rejected. Applicants are strictly instructed not to send any hard copy of the application to this department.
  • State wise panel will be prepared on the basis of academic merit separately for each category of applicants including SC/ST/OBC/ Disabled persons and other.
  • As soon as a regular teacher joins the school, the Guest Teacher concerned will be dis-engaged from that school, irrespective of his/her standing in the order of merit list initially drawn for the purpose of engagement.
  • The order of Merit list shall be displayed on the departmental website. Further, documents verification related to age, qualifications, caste certificate etc. will be conducted by the department. The selected candidates will be called for engagement as guest teacher, as per the requirement.
  • Request for change of school shall not be entertained at any time during the engagement, if the person does not join within given time the offer of appointment will be cancelled.
  • The candidates shall fill-up his/her name, Date of birth, roll number, year of passing etc. as they appear in the pass certificate of class XII Examination. Any deviation in this regard will lead to disqualification. Candidates in their own interest are advised to fill up all the items on the online application form carefully and before submitting the form online he/she shall check the particulars on the “Preview” Screen. Requests for correction whatsoever shall not be entertained at later stages. For any further information in this regard, please visit departmental website i.e.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Guest Teacher (TGT & PGT) Vacancy – DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI

  • Education holds the key to economic growth, social transformation and national integration.
  • The National Policy on Education formulated in 1986 and modified in 1992 aims to provide education of a comparable quality up to a given level to all students irrespective of their caste, creed residence or sex. It aims at promotion of a national identity, a sense of common citizenship and composite culture and strengthening national integration. It lays stress on the need for a radical transformation of the education system to improve its quality at all stages and gives much greater attention to Science and Technology. All children are proposed to be provided free and compulsory education up to 14 years of age. The Education Department earnestly endeavors to implement the policy.
  • Education Department in GNCTD is mentioned at Sr. No. 5 of Annexure of Allocation of Business Rules, 1993. The Department has been allocated the following work under these rules:-
    (a) School Education
    (b) Aided Schools
    (c) Teachers training
    (d) Sports
    (e) SCERT and DIET
    (f)Grant in-Aid to scholars and cultural organizations
    (g)Holding of entrance examination of Rashtriya Military College and,
    (h) Youth & Welfare Activities
    (i)National Cadet Corps
  • As per the Rule 4 of Allocation of Business Rules, 1993, Secretary of the Department is the official Head of Department.
  • The work allocated to the Education Department GNCTD, is implemented through various organisations as follows:
  • Directorate of Education (DoE), GNCTD.
  • Universalisation of Elementary Education Mission (UEEM) (Grantee Society):for implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha.
  • SCERT & DIETs (Grantee Society): for pre-service and in-service teacher training. SCERT is also the State Academic Authority under RTE Act, 2009.
  • National Cadet Corps
  • Education Department of Local Bodies (MCDs, NDMC, DCB & DSW)
  • The educational facilities at school level are provided in stages i.e. pre-primary, primary, middle, secondary and senior secondary level. Pre-primary and primary education is mainly the responsibility of the local bodies. Middle, Secondary and Senior Secondary education is primarily looked after by Directorate of Education, Government of Delhi. Although pre-primary and primary education is mainly the responsibility of the local bodies, the Govt. of Delhi has converted its 449 schools into composite schools, now known as Sarvodaya Vidyalayas having classes from I to XII. New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), though mainly concerned with primary education, is also running a select number of middle, secondary, senior secondary schools in its area at present. Apart from this, a number of private organizations receiving Grant-in-Aid from Government are also engaged in imparting education at all levels of schooling. Besides these, recognized unaided schools are also being run in Delhi by registered trusts and societies.

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