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Hostel Residential Supervisor Vacancy – TNPESU,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:10 March,2021
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University (TNPESU)
Tamil Nadu

Applications in prescribed format are invited from eligible aspirants by Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University (TNPESU) for the recruitment to 2 contractual posts of Hostel Residential Supervisor.Applications accompanying relevant documets should reach the given address on or before the last date of 10-03-2021 .

Employment Notification Hostel Residential Supervisor Vacancy – TNPESU,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post– Hostel Residential Supervisor
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – Rs 20000

Educational Qualification:
Any Degree.

Apply to Hostel Residential Supervisor Vacancy – TNPESU,Tamil Nadu

General Instruction:

  • The details of qualification are given in the Annexure
  • The Appointment will be purely on temporary basis for a period of Ten months on a consolidated salary of Rs.20,000/- per month.
  • University reserves the right to fill or not to fill-up the post without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
  • Any attempt, by the candidate, either directly or indirectly to influence the Selection Committee or other authorities of the University will disqualify the candidate for the post.
  • The application form shall be filled- in, complete in all respects, giving correct information. Defective and incomplete application and those with wrong or false information will be summarily rejected.
  • Evidence of Experience and Degree Certificates should be brought in original at the time of interview. Self-attested Copies of Certificates, Mark-Sheets, Testimonials, etc., should be attached with the application and must be produced at the time of interview and at the time of joining, if selected. The Selected candidate shall produce, in original, the Matriculation or equivalent certificates as proof of the date of birth. No other evidence will be accepted.
  • No interim queries regarding test / interview/ selection will be entertained.
  • The applications received after the last date for the receipt of the application, will not be entertained for consideration and it will be rejected and the cost of applications so remitted in any form will not be related.
  • The Cost of Application Form Rs. 250/- for SC/ST (should produce copy of community certificate) and Rs.500/- for Other Community. The Demand Draft shall be drawn in favour of “The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University”, payable at Chennai of any Nationalized Bank. The application shall be downloaded from the University
  • Only such of those applications which are satisfying the eligibility criteria alone will be considered.
  • The candidate selected for the Hostel Supervisor post should stay in the Hostel (Men Et Women), through maintain discipline in the Hostel.
  • The candidate selected for the Hostel Supervisor post should work under the supervision of the Deputy Warden of respectively Hostel Et Warden, Registrar of Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University.
  • The candidate selected for the Hostel Supervisor post should work as per the work allotted by the Warden, Men’s/Women’s Hostel, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University.
  • The Candidate selected for the Hostel Supervisor should work during the working days and working hours of the concerned Department and University.
  • Last Date for receipt of the filled-in application is 10.03.2021 before 5.00 p m.
  • The filled-in Application should be sent to “The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Melakottaiyur (Po), Chennai – 600 127. Phone : 044-27477906”.
  • Aspirants fulfilling the eligibility Criteria requirements laid down for the posts, may send their applications in prescribed format to the given address before 10-03-2021 .Documents Required to submit are – Attested photo Copies of Certificates of Qualification, Resume, Identity Proof, certificate of Date of Birth, Community Certificate, Experience Certificate and photographs.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Hostel Residential Supervisor Vacancy – TNPESU,Tamil Nadu

  • Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University (TNPESU) is a state-run university in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, established in 2005.It is first public sports university established in India. It is a residential university. YMCA College of Physical Education is an affiliated college of this university.
  • The Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University established by an Act of the Government of Tamil Nadu in 2004, is unique and the first of its kind in India as an affiliatory University, exclusively for Physical Education and Sports. After obtaining the accent from his Excellency the president of India on 5th August 2005, the said act came into force with effect from 15th September 2005.
  • It is a rare coincidence that the University has started functioning from December 2005, declared by the United Nations as International year for Sport and Physical Education. At present the University has three Faculties, five Departments and ten affiliated Colleges. Further the University now offers select Physical Education and Allied Courses, through collaborative programme and Distance Education stream also.
  • “To engage in relentless pursuit of Excellence in the promotion and development of Physical Education and Sports through innovative programmes in teaching, coaching, research and outreach activities and evolve a holistic approach to the betterment of human resources through a harmonious blend of body, mind and spirit”
  • To create an ideal academic environment for Learning, Scholarship, Professionalism, and Collaboration that fosters Excellence in active student learning and professional growth.
  • To design and introduce innovative, integrated, inter-disciplinary curriculum in Physical Education and various Sports and games and allied areas and provide Leadership to the Profession.
  • To offer unique graduate, Post-graduate and research Programmes in Physical Education, Sports and allied fields.
  • To produce competent health conscious Physical Education teachers at various levels, who will be fully equipped to impart instruction in Physical Education and undertake physical activity programmes for children and youth.
  • To develop High-Tech research facilities and contribute to the body to knowledge through scholarly work and publications, and disseminate the findings to the professionals, faculty and students.
  • To facilities the application of research finding to refine and sharpen the coaching and training techniques in Physical Education and Sports.
  • To closely collaborate and coordinate with the State and National bodies in Physical Education and Sports, in matters of common interest and concern.
  • To actively design programme for the promotion and development of fitness and health concept among the students, faculty and the community around so as to mould them into physically fit and emotionally matured citizens.

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the employment notification

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