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Junior Nurse and Research Assistant Vacancy – NIE,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:19 January,2021
National Institute of Epidemiology(NIE)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai (NIE) will Conduct a Walk-In-Interview for eligible and intersted candidates for 3the positions of Junior Nurse and Research Assistant on contractual basis in the concerned project.Candidates must come to this Walk-In-Interview along with the application form, Bio data, all original certificates of age, caste, quaification etc. Walk-In-Interview will be conducted on 19-01-2021 (9 AM) at the given venue.

Employment Notification Junior Nurse and Research Assistant Vacancy – NIE,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post – Junior Nurse and Research Assistant
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – Rs 18000,Rs 31000

Educational Qualification:
High School or equivalent with science subject plus certificate course in ANM and 5 yrs experience, / BSMS / BAMS / BUMS and min 3 yrs experience (OR) MD/MS Ayurveda / MD Siddha / MD Unani

Apply to Junior Nurse and Research Assistant Vacancy – NIE,Tamil Nadu

General Instruction:

  • Candidates are invited to attend Walk-In Interview / Written Test between 9.30 AM to 10.00 AM for project posts under the various projects on contract basis as detailed below (please refer website for changes if any in the date of interview)
  • Please bring the filled in application with one set of photocopy of qualification and experience and other testimonials.
  • Candidate should submit all certificates / testimonials in original for verification.Candidates who fail to bring the Original Certificates for written test / Interview will not be considered.
  • Age relaxation is admissible in respect of SC / ST / OBC candidates, Retrenched Government Employees, Departmental Candidates (including projects) and ExServicemen in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time. Age concession to the extent of service rendered in other research projects will also be admissible for experienced and skilled persons.
  • Experience certificate should clearly state the nature of work during the period of employment.
  • No- Objection Certificate from the current employer (for Govt./AB/PSU Servants only).
  • The above said post is Contractual for the duration offered. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to satisfactory performance and project requirement.
  • The incumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointments under NIE/ICMR or continuation of his/her services in any other project.
  • TA/DA will not be paid by NIE for attending the written test/ interview.
  • The Director, ICMR-NIE reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the recruitment or re-advertise the posts, without assigning any reasons thereof, no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  • Any further information may be downloaded from ICMR-NIE website (Careers) which will be updated from time to time.
  • Date of Walk-in Interview may be changed due to administrative reasons, hence, candidates are advised to check website before appearing Walk-in
  • The Director/Selection Committee has the right to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
  • Canvassing and bringing pressure in any form for short listing, interview and employment will be a disqualification and barred from selection process.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Junior Nurse and Research Assistant Vacancy – NIE,Tamil Nadu

  • The National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) was established on July 2, 1999 by merging the Central JALMA Institute for Leprosy (CJIL Field Unit), Avadi with the Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (IRMS), Chennai. The broad objectives of the Institute cover Development of human resources in epidemiology and bio-statistics, Networking of the various ICMR and non-ICMR Institutes at the national level for epidemiological purposes, and Consultancy.
  • The Institute has the distinction of being the WHO Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology of Leprosy and identified as a Technical Resource Group for Epidemiology of HIV by National AIDS Control Organization.
    The Institute carries out a variety of research activities which include areas such as interventional studies, disease modeling, health systems research, evaluation of health schemes and disease control programmes, issues of statistical methodology, epidemiological investigations and clinical trials of traditional remedies.
  • The Institute is recognized by the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (Deemed University), Thiruvananthapuram for the 2-year Field Epidemiology Training Programme (FETP-INDIA) leading to Master of Applied Epidemiology (MAE) degree. The Institute has been conducting training programmes annually in bio-statistics, controlled clinical trials and basic epidemiology for medical doctors, PG medical students and para-medical workers. It also conducts WHO-SEARO 10 day regional workshops on Surveillance, Epidemic preparedness and Response periodically.
  • The Institute is recognized by the University of Madras for research leading to Ph. D degree in the areas of epidemiology and bio-statistics.
  • The Institute has expertise in the areas of bio-statistics, epidemiology, epidemiology of communicable diseases namely leprosy, tuberculosis and other diseases, controlled clinical trials, maternal and child health, health surveys, data processing etc. The Institute has a good library, a well equipped computing facility and a field practice area covering well characterized 5,00,000 population.

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