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Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – IGFRI,Uttar Pradesh

Last Date:07 November,2020
Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI)
Uttar Pradesh

Walk in Interview for recruitment to 1 post(s) of Junior Research Fellow on contractual basis in Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI) for given project is scheduled on 07-11-2020 (10 AM) at given venue. The number of vacancies may vary.Candidates may appear for this Walk-in on the specific dates, time and place along with an application on given format, attested photocopies of testimonials of their age, educational qualifications etc.

Employment Notification Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – IGFRI,Uttar Pradesh

Name of the post – Junior Research Fellow
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 31000

Educational Qualification:
M.Sc with NET qualified / PhD

Apply to Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – IGFRI,Uttar Pradesh

General Information:

  • The above post is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis till 31.03.2023 or termination of project whichever is earlier.
  • lnterview of eligible candidates will be held at lGFRl, Jhansi, which is L0 K.M. from Jhansi city for the above contractual positions.
  • Age limit (as on date of interview) : Maximum age limit is 35 years for men and 40 years for women (relaxation of age in case of SC/STIOBCIPH candidates as per Government norms),
  • Candidates are required to submit duly filled in applicant form (as per the format annexed) and signed application form along with self-attested copies of all the Certificates in support of their claims regarding age, educational qualifications, scheduled castes/ scheduled tribe/OBC, etc. All eligible candidates are requested to be present 30 minutes before the scheduled time on date of interview for necessary formalities.
  • The applicants must bring with them original documents for verification along with four sets of complete bio-data with self attested photograph and self attestdd enclosures such as mark sheets,proof of date of birth, certificates for qualification, experience, and cast certificate for submission in office at the time of interview. The original certificateS shall be produced for verification before the interview,
  • The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. other terms as per the guidelines for JRF working in the ICAR Schemes/project.
  • The selection of candidate(s) doesn’t entail on them any right for absorption/regularization at lGFRlJhansi and/or any other sister concern incruding CAR Headquarter.
  • The services of selected candidates can be dispensed with even before the termination of the project without any notice if his/her service is no more required or his/her contribution is considered not up to the mark.
  • No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview,
  • ln case of serving candidate No oBJECTION cERTlFlcATEfrom his/her employer and experience certificate in original should be produced, wherever applicable.
  • concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of such ca ndidates.
  • The decision of the Director, lGFRl, Jhansi would be final and binding in all aspect.
  • The candidates required to be present ‘in person’ along with application form duly filled with supporting documents and original certificates of their education, age etc on 07-11-2020 (10 AM) at the given venue. One Set self attested photocopies of all documents to be submitted at the time of verification.
  • Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute reserves the right to make amendments to the no. of posts based on the functional requirements and to fill or not to fill the posts partially or completely without assigning any reason.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – IGFRI,Uttar Pradesh

  • IGFRI, a national Institute under the administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, is mandated to conduct basic, strategic, applied and adaptive research; development and training in forage production and it’s utilization. The Institute has highly experienced and internationally trained human resources engaged in need-led, participatory, inter-disciplinary approaches. With more than 50 years of experience in forage research and development, IGFRI today stands as the premier R&D institution in South Asia for sustainable agriculture through quality forage production for improved animal productivity.
  • The Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, established in 1962, has been instrumental in fostering research, training and extension programmes on all aspects of forage production and utilization through inter-disciplinary approach.
  • It has provided technologies, human resource development skills, consultancy and technical services on forage production and utilization to government and non-government organizations, agri-business and farmers. This has been possible due to the benign patronage and guidance of Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary DARE and Director General, ICAR, New Delhi. It has three Regional stations to cater to forage related location specific R&D needs of humid tropics (at Dharwad), semi-arid and arid (at Avikanagar) and temperate (at Srinagar/ Palampur).
  • The Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, established in 1962, has been instrumental in fostering research, training and extension programmes on all aspects of forage production and utilization through inter-disciplinary approach. It has provided technologies, human resource development skills, consultancy and technical services on forage production and utilization to government and non-government organizations, agri-business and farmers.

click above to download
the employment notification

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