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Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – RGCB,Kerala

Last Date:10 March,2021
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB)

Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 1 contractual posts of Junior Research Fellow.Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 10-03-2021 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – RGCB,Kerala

Name of the post– Junior Research Fellow
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 31000

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate Degree in Biological Sciences.

Apply to Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – RGCB,Kerala

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from suitable candidates for one position of Junior Research Fellow in a SERB (DST) funded research project entitled “Mapping of CNNM1 expression during gonocyte development in mouse” in the Laboratory of Dr. G Pradeep Kumar at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • The candidate must have secured first class in all their qualifying examinations. Post Graduate Degree in Biological Sciences is mandatory.
  • Candidate who have qualified National Eligibility Test – CSIR-UGC NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)/ or National Level Examination conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions viz., DBT-Biotechnology Eligibility Test/ Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology & Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JBEEBILS)/ ICMR Entrance Exam/ Approved DST Inspire Fellowship are preferred.
  • Below 28 years as on March 10, 2021. Age relaxation will be given as per Govt. of India norms.
  • ₹ 31,000/- + 16% HRA per month for NET/GATE qualified candidates. For others the emoluments will be as per DST/DBT guidelines.
  • Initially for a period of one year and extendable up to two years or till termination of the project whichever is earlier based on performance evaluation on yearly basis.
  • Suitably qualified candidates may send applications in the prescribed format with a photograph, a copy of full resume indicating the percentage of marks obtained and attested photocopies of credentials and experience to reach the undersigned only through Email on or before March 10, 2021. Candidates who are currently working in Govt. firms should send applications through proper channel. Application form along with all supporting documents should be submitted as a single PDF file to The Advertisement number along with the position for which the candidate is applying should be mentioned in the ‘SUBJECT’ part of the Email . If a candidate wishes to apply for different positions, separate application forms should be submitted for each position. Selection to the position will not entitle the candidate to any future positions at RGCB (permanent or otherwise). As with all project positions at RGCB, the position will be co terminus with end of the project.
  • Applications which are not in the prescribed format will summarily be rejected.
  • Only those fulfilling the above criteria need apply. Applicants will be short listed for the ONLINE selection interview based on eligibility criteria. Selection of suitable candidates will be made based on qualifications and performance in the selection interview.
  • Eligible candidates may apply for concerned posts by sending their application to concerned email address, as per prescribed format. No need to send print to Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology at this stage. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised though. Only eligible candidates will be entertained, therefore candidates must make sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – RGCB,Kerala

  • The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is a growing phenomenon. Located in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala, RGCB began in 1990 amongst humble surroundings as a small charitable society called the Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology (C-DEST). In 1991, recognizing its potential, the C-DEST was made a “Grant-in-Aid” institute of the Government of Kerala and renamed as Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology (RGC-DEST), becoming the first institute in the country to be named after Sri Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minster of India. On April 18, 1994 the Government of Kerala took a landmark decision to restructure the institute into a comprehensive biotechnology center and thus was created the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology. The institute was first managed by the Government of Kerala’s Committee for Science and Technology and Environment (STEC) and subsequently by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment. The foundation stone for the new building was laid on November 18, 1995 by the then Prime Minister of India, Sri. Narasimha Rao. Exactly seven years later, on November 18, 2002 the then President of India, Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam dedicated the comprehensive center to the nation. Under the guidance of the founding director, Dr M. Ramachandra Das and his successor Dr R.V. Thampan, RGCB rapidly grew in stature, infrastructure and research output. It had now also become apparent that the resources available to RGCB from the state government could not match the strides of progress the institute was making. Kerala’s political leadership displayed its maturity and vision, with three successive Chief Ministers, Mr. E.K. Nayanar, Mr. A.K Antony and Mr. Oommen Chandy persisting with the Union government to develop RGCB into a national centre. By now the institute had also attained national and international recognition with leading discoveries and findings in medical and plant biotechnology.
  • On February 28, 2006 while presenting the Union Budget to Parliament, The Honorable Union Finance Minister, Mr. P. Chidambaram announced, “If agriculture is an ancient Indian skill, biotechnology is the new frontier that India will conquer. In order to foster research and development in biotechnology, the Ministry of Science and Technology has decided t o accord the status of an autonomous National Institute to the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala”.
  • This was one of the greatest acknowledgements that any research center in India can get. RGCB had clearly stood up to the trust, confidence and faith put in it by the Government and people of Kerala as well as the Department of Biotechnology that had unflinchingly supported the center through research grants for almost a decade.Our long awaited tryst with destiny became a reality on August 2, 2007 when the Union Council of Ministers chaired by the Honorable Prime Minister approved the take over of RGCB from April 1, 2007. Addressing a press conference on the same day, Mr. Kapil Sibal, Honorable Union Minister for Science, Technology and Ocean Development thanked the Government of Kerala for allowing the Union government to develop RGCB into an institute of international standards. He went on to outline future plans for the institute including state of the art programs in cancer research emerging viral infections and nano-biotechnology.

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