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Labour Welfare Inspector Vacancy – NCRTC,Delhi

Last Date:10 December,2020

National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC)

NCRTC is inviting applications from all eligible candidates for Labour Welfare Inspector on 2 posts.Candidates may send applications in proper format with all relevant documents and enclosures to the given address on or before 10-12-2020 The application must be accompanied by educational qualification certificate, age and experience certificates.

Employment Notification Labour Welfare Inspector Vacancy – NCRTC,Delhi

Name of the post – Labour Welfare Inspector
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – Rs 27500-97350

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with Diploma in Labour laws or Bachelor’s/ Master’s Degree in Social Welfare and min 2 yrs experience.

Apply to Labour Welfare Inspector Vacancy – NCRTC,Delhi

General Information:

  • National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) – a Joint Venture Company of Govt. of India and States of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and U.P, under the administrative control of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, is mandated for implementing the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) in National Capital Region (NCR), ensuring a balanced and sustainable urban development through better connectivity and access. The RRTS will be a new, dedicated, high speed, high capacity, comfortable commuter service connecting regional nodes in NCR. It will provide reliable, high frequency, point to point safe regional travel at high speed for relatively longer distance with fewer stops.
  • The technology chosen would allow covering distances of 100 km. in an hour with scheduled stoppages. The system would also ensure the convenience of quality last mile connectivity, addressing the needs of all categories of travelers on the network. The corridors being developed under RRTS Phase-1 are Delhi- Ghaziabad- Meerut, Delhi- Gurugram- SNB- Alwar and Delhi- Panipat. Once operational, RRTS will be the fastest, the most comfortable and the safest mode of travel in the NCR.
  • The applicant should not only be suitable in related field, but also should be physically and medically fit enough. In case of selection, candidates will have to undergo a medical examination as per the Corporation policy. Being a safety related post, the candidate should fulfil the physical and medical requirement as prescribed.
  • Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their eligibility/ experience in the relevant field and will be called for written examination.
  • The date, time and pattern of written examination shall be communicated to the candidates in advance. The written examination shall be held in Delhi only and candidates shall have to make own arrangement for travel and stay.
  • The selected candidates shall have to execute a Surety Bond of Rs.1,50,000/-* to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years. (*Plus Training cost & GST, as applicable)
  • A three months’ prior notice will be required to be served before seeking resignation from the Corporation.
  • The Company offers attractive pay, perks and allowances attached to the post/ grade as per company policy. The job is transferable, and the selected candidates can be posted/ transferred to any of the office/ work-place of NCRTC during the course of their service.
  • Eligible and interested candidates may apply as per the application format at ‘Annexure-I’’, attached. All relevant documents should be enclosed with the application.
  • Complete filled-up application should reach this office latest by 10.12.2020. Envelope containing the duly filled-up application should be super-scribed as-“APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF LABOUR WELFARE INSPECTOR” and should be addressed to: –
    Career Cell, HR Department,
    National Capital Region Transport Corporation,
    7/6 Siri Fort Institutional Area,
    August Kranti Marg,
    New Delhi-110049.
  • Incomplete or applications received after due date shall not be accepted. NCRTC will not be responsible for non-receipt/ late receipt of the application/ any communication due to postal delay or any other reason.
  • The application should be supported with the following documents, duly self-attested: –
    (a) Copies of Educational Certificates (Matriculation onwards)
    (b) Work experience Certificate.
    (c) Salary slip
    Application without supporting Educational Certificates/ Experience Certificate etc. shall not be entertained.
  • Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.

    About Us:

  • The National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) – a Joint Venture company of Government of India and States of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh is mandated for implementing the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) project across the National Capital Region (NCR), ensuring a balanced and sustainable urban development through better connectivity and access.
  • The Union Cabinet approved constitution of National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited (NCRTC) under the Companies Act, 1956 in July, 2013 for designing, developing, implementing, financing, operating and maintaining Regional Rapid Transit system (RRTS) in National Capital Region (NCR) to provide comfortable and fast transit to NCR towns and meet the high growth in transport demand. Accordingly, NCRTC has been incorporated on 1 August 2013. Mr. Vinay Kumar Singh has been appointed as the first regular Managing Director of NCRTC in July 2016.
  • Out of the 8 identified RRTS Corridors, three were prioritized for implementation by Planning Commission. These three are:
  • The Indian Railways had commissioned a study during 1998–99 to identify rail projects for commuter travel in NCR and Delhi. It identified RRTS for connecting NCR towns to Delhi with fast commuter trains. The proposal was re-examined in 2006 in the light of extension of Metro to some of the NCR towns. The Planning Commission formed a Task Force in 2005 under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) to develop a multi-modal transport system for National Capital Region (NCR). This was included in the Integrated Transport Plan for NCR 2032 with special emphasis on Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) connecting regional centers. The Task Force identified 8 corridors and prioritised three corridors namely Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut, Delhi-Panipat and Delhi-Gurugram-SNB-Alwar for implementation. In March 2010, National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) appointed M/S Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System for Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut and Delhi-Panipat and M/S Urban Mass Transit Company Limited for Delhi-Gurugram-SNB-Alwar to carry out feasibility study and prepare the Detailed Project Report.

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Vacancy Notice Labour Welfare Inspector Vacancy – NCRTC,Delhi

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