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LDC Vacancy – ICFRE,Uttarakhand

Last Date:13 May 2021
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)

ICFRE Recruitment 2021 to fill in 1 vacant position. The Government organization invites applications for LDC posts from eligible candidates having 12th qualification.The job applications for ICFRE Jobs 2021 will be accepted as per the attached application format before 13 May 2021.

Employment Notification LDC Vacancy – ICFRE,Uttarakhand

Name of the post– LDC
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Not Specified

Educational Qualification:
12th qualification.

Apply to LDC Vacancy – ICFRE,Uttarakhand

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for filling up of the following post in Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. The post carries all India transfer liability in ICFRE Institutes/ Centres. The detailed information (General Instructions, Application Form, Exam Scheme Pattern, etc) may be downloaded from our official website: http://hfri.icfre.orgor
  • Application form can be downloaded from website:
  • The application form can be typed on A4 size paper from the sample application form made available on the website.
  • Wrong information, false/forged copy of certificates/documents may lead to the application getting rejected altogether.
  • A Non-refundable application fee of Rs. 300-00 is to be deposited by the candidates through Demand Draft only of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of Director, HFRI payable at Shimla.
  • The Post is temporary in nature, but likely to be made permanent.
  • The Director, HFRI reserves right to increase or decrease the number of post or not to fill up any or the advertised post without assigning any reasons.
  • Age relaxation will be allowed for the departmental candidates of ICFRE as per ICFRE Rules.
  • In case of departmental candidate, it is mandatory to attach relevant service experience certificate (mentioning name, present designation/post, present pay level as per ih CPC, present location/ office address, etc.) on official letter head from Competent Authority in the application form.
  • The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date of receipt of applications.
  • No interview will be conducted for advertised post.
  • Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply.
  • Only those candidates will be eligible for written examination, whose application(s) will be found in order after the necessary screening/ scrutiny.
  • Candidates must attach photocopies of certificates I documents (self-attested) with the application form regarding the essential qualifications along with Other Backward Class (OBC) certificate for the post. In absence of such documents, the application can be rejected straight away.
  • One photograph should be affixed on the application form. However, the candidates are required to attach two additional identical photographs separately along with the application form, duly stapled on the first page of the filled in application form, with their name written in capital letters at the back side of the photographs.
  • The applications complete in all respects should be sent to “The Head of Office, Recruitment Cell, Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla (HP)-171 013”. Last date for receipt of application is 13th May, 2021. For the candidates residing in Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Laddakh and Spiti District and Pangi sub­division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Assam,Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Sikkim, Andeman-Nicobar Islands and Lakshdweep, the last date of receipt of application is 28th May 2021. Application received after the prescribed last date will be rejected straight away.
  • Unsigned/ incomplete applications in any respect and applications not as per the prescribed format are liable to be rejected and the onus of such rejection would be on the candidate.
  • Govt. servants of Other Backward Class applying for the above post should forward their applications” Through Proper Channel” and should enclose “No Objection Certificate” issued by their Appointing Authority. The forwarding authority should ensure that in the event of selection of the official, he should be in a position to relieve the official within the time specified in the offer of appointment.
  • Candidates should superscribe the words “Appl ication for the post of Lower Division Clerk” on the top of the envelope. The Institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss during the postal transit.
  • The candidates selected on direct recruitment will be governed by the provisions of the New Pension Scheme introduced by the Govt. of India w.e.f., 01-01-2004.
  • The mere fact that candidate has been called for written examination does not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared by the HFRL The candidate must note that if his ineligibility is detected at any stage before or after the written examination and typing test or if the conditions prescribed in the Rules and instructions given in the Advertisement or any other additional information/ documents called for at any stage are not complied with, within the time specified therein, his candidature will be liable for cancellation. The HFRI will not be responsible for cancellation of candidature on this account.
  • Canvassing in any form for/ by the applicant shall n�t be entertained.
  • Legal disputes, if any, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Competent Courts at Shim la, Himachal Pradesh.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice LDC Vacancy – ICFRE,Uttarakhand

  • The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)is an autonomous organisation or governmental agency under the Ministry of Environment and Forests,Government of India. Headquartered in Dehradun, its functions are to conduct forestry research; transfer the technologies developed to the states of India and other user agencies; and to impart forestry education. The council has 9 research institutes and 4 advanced centres to cater to the research needs of different bio-geographical regions. These are located at Dehradun, Shimla, Ranchi, Jorhat, Jabalpur, Jodhpur, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Allahabad, Chhindwara, Aizawl, Hyderabad and Agartala.
  • ICFRE is the largest organisation responsible for forestry research in India. ICFRE was created in 1986, under the Central Ministry of Environment and Forests (India), to direct and manage research and education in forestry sector in India.[citation needed] ICFRE is headed by a Director General with headquarters at Dehradun.[citation needed] ICFRE became an autonomous council under the Ministry in 1991.
  • The mandate of the ICFRE is to organise, direct and manage research and education in the forestry sector, including in cooperation with FORTIP (UNDP/FAO Regional Forest Tree Improvement Project), UNDP and World Bank on economically important species. ICFRE established a National Bureau of Forest Genetic Resources (NBFGR).
  • Conservation, protection, regeneration, rehabilitation and sustainable development of natural forest ecosystems.
  • Revegetation of barren, waste, marginal and mined lands.
  • Enhancing productivity of wood and non-wood forest produce per unit of area per unit time by application of scientific and technological methods.
  • Research on improved utilisation, recovery and processing of forest produce for value addition and employment generation.
  • Ecological rehabilitation of all fragile ecosystems, such as mountains, mangroves, deserts etc.
  • Socio-economic and policy research for developing strategies towards attracting people’s participation in forest management.

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the employment notification

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