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Medical Consultant Vacancy – RBI,Delhi

Last Date: 13 November,2020
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

RBI along with one latest passport size photograph and self attested copies of date of birth, qualification, caste, experience, age etc to the given address 13-11-2020 .Please check eligibility conditions before applying to the post, otherwise the candidate will be rejected.

Employment Notification Medical Consultant Vacancy – RBI,Delhi

Name of the post – Medical Consultant 
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – Rs 1000 per hour

Educational Qualification:
MBBS and min 2 yrs experience

Apply to Medical Consultant Vacancy – RBI,Delhi

General Instruction:

  • Applications are invited from eligible candidates for preparing a panel to fill up two (2) posts (unreserved category) of Medical Consultant (MC) on contractual basis, with fixed hourly remuneration for dispensaries located at Sarojini Nagar and Shalimar Bagh Staff Colonies of Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi so as to reach the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Human Resource Management Department (Recruitment Section), 6, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110 001, on or before November 13, 2020.
  • The applicant should possess MBBS degree of any recognized University in the allopathic system of medicine;
  • Applicants having post graduate degree in General Medicine can also apply for the post;
  • The applicant should have a minimum of 2 (two) years of experience practicing medicine in any hospital or clinic as Medical Practitioner;
  • The applicant should have his/her own dispensary or place of residence within a radius of 10-15 Kms from the Bank’s dispensary at the aforementioned location;
  • The contract for engagement will be for a period of three years. There will not be any renewal of engagement on completion of the contract
  • The Reserve Bank of India reserves the right to review the rate of remuneration from time to time and alter the duty hours and location of dispensary at its discretion in case it becomes expedient to suit administrative and operative requirements.
  • Interested and eligible candidates may make an application in the attached format as at Annex – (III). The application should be sent in a cover superscripted “Application for the post of Medical Consultant on Contractual Basis (with fixed hourly remuneration) for __________ Colony Dispensary”.
  • The Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi, will be conducting an interview for filling up the post of Medical Consultant (MC) on contract basis, with fixed hourly remuneration.
  • The Bank reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards etc. in order to limit the number of candidates to be called for interview. The decision of the Bank in this regard will be final. The Bank will not entertain any correspondence with the applicants who have not been called for the interview.
  • The shortlisted applicant/s after interview will be subjected to medical tests as per prescribed norms before engagement of the services of Medical Consultant (MC). The cost of these medical tests will have to be borne by the applicant/s at their own cost.
  • Candidates selected for the post will be engaged subject to their being found medically fit, completion of verification of documents and acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Contract as per Annex – I and Code of Conduct as per Annex – II.
  • The selected applicant has to sign an agreement for Contract with the Bank before engagement of their services as Medical Consultant (on contract basis) with fixed hourly remuneration.
  • To attend to Bank’s dispensary located at Sarojini Nagar/ Shalimar Bagh Staff Colony with above prescribed duty hours as mentioned in para (vi) of the Advertisement (or for period as may be necessary) excluding Bank holidays except days declared as holidays for purposes of half-yearly closing and annual closing subject to the condition that the dispensary will not be kept closed for two successive days. The Bank may use the services of the Medical Consultant at its other dispensaries located at residential colonies/ Main office premises on requirement.
  • To give advice free of charge, prescribe medicines and administer injections free of charge to the members of the staff including touring staff of the Bank, the members of their families including dependent parents and retired employee members/their spouses who are members of the Medical Assistance Fund Scheme, who present themselves during that time (the timings and/or duration may be changed as and when considered necessary by the Bank). You will be available for consultation at your private clinic in urgent cases in respect of employees of the Bank at any time with charges at the rate prescribed in the schedule. The Schedule of charges applicable to the Staff/Officers of the Bank would be made available on request.
  • To provide the facilities referred to in paragraph (2) above to the relatives of the employees who have been permitted to reside with them in the Staff Quarters and facilitate recovery of charges from the employees for credit to the bank’s account at the rates prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
  • To perform duties similar to those of a General Medical Practitioner irrespective of whatever post-graduate or other medical qualifications you may possess / acquire in future. It shall be your responsibility to ensure that the qualifications you hold or acquire in future do not restrict you in any manner from rendering the services required of a General Medical Practitioner and if as per any stipulations by the Indian Medical Association, the qualification you hold or acquire as the case may be comes into conflict with the Bank’s requirements as indicated above, to work as a general practitioner, you will be required to ensure that no liability or responsibility on this account devolves on the Bank under any circumstances and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank at all times against the same.
  • To visit any member of the Bank’s Staff staying in the Quarters whenever required to do so by the Bank and submit a report on their health. For such visits you will be paid visit fees as per the schedule of rates fixed by the Bank.
  • To issue certificate in support of leave on medical grounds wherever necessary and countersign the certificates produced by the employees from other qualified medical practitioners, if you are satisfied about the genuineness of the case.
  • To attend the officers and members of their family at their residence when required by them and will be entitled to charge them a visit fee or consultation fee, as fixed by the Bank having regard to the local conditions. The visit fee/consultation fee, so fixed, will be inclusive of charges for administration of injections, etc. No other charges should be levied by you for such visits.
  • If and when required to do so, you will certify in such form as may be prescribed by the Bank from time to time as to the state of health and / or fitness for service of any employee or any prospective employee who may be selected for appointment at any Office of the Bank.
  • To issue order forms (prescribed) on the approved chemists of the Bank for supply of special/costly drugs or injections required for curative purpose to the Bank’s staff and forward copies thereof to the Bank for payment of the relative bills.
  • To use your good offices for securing hospital facilities in case the employees of the Bank or their families (for indoor hospitalization under Direct Settlement facility) require such facilities in the hospital.
  • In case of cardio-vascular or other major emergencies and accidents, to accompany the patient to the hospital, if he/she is available at the location
  • To inspect the office premises/Staff Quarters and Officers’ Quarters once a month and report whether they are kept in a sanitary any hygienic condition.
  • To give professional opinion including reasonableness of the cost of treatment pertaining to the various items of medical claims as and when the same are referred to you.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Medical Consultant Vacancy – RBI,Delhi

  • The Reserve Bank of India was set up on April 1, 1935. It is one of the few central banks to document its institutional history. So far, it has brought out four volumes of its history. Volume 1, covering the period from 1935 to 1951, was published in 1970. It details the initiatives taken to put in place a central bank for India and covers the formative years of the Reserve Bank. It highlights the challenges faced by the Reserve Bank and the Government during World War II and the post-independence era.
  • History of any institution aims at documenting, collating, compiling and presenting a comprehensive, authentic and objective study of the working of that institution, the events, the policies, the institutional development of the organisation. The institutional history of the central bank reflects, in some ways, the monetary history of the country, bringing down to concrete and human terms the policies, the considerations, the mistakes, the thought processes, the decision making and the broader canvas of political economy of the times.
  • The history of Reserve Bank of India thus not only traces the evolution of the central banking in India but also serves as a work of reference and an important contribution to the literature on monetary, central banking and development history of India. We have so far published four volumes of our history.
  • The overall direction of the RBI is lies with the 21-member central board of directors, composed of: the governor; four deputy governors; two finance ministry representatives (usually the Economic Affairs Secretary and the Financial Services Secretary); ten government-nominated directors; and four directors who represent local boards for Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and Delhi. Each of these local boards consists of five members who represent regional interests and the interests of co-operative and indigenous banks.

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the employment notification

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