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Medical Officer / E – II Vacancy – BEL,Uttarakhand

Last Date:15 February,2021
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)

BEL Medical Officer Notification 2021 is open and inviting application for the post of 01 Medical Officer Vacancy For MBBS Pass candidates interested in sarkari result BEL Medical Officer application can apply before 15 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Bharat Electronics Limited BEL Medical Officer job opening at official website

Employment Notification Medical Officer / E – II Vacancy – BEL,Uttarakhand

Name of the post – Medical Officer / E – II
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – 40000 – 140000/-

Educational Qualification:
MBBS with minimum 2 years of relevant post qualification experience.

Apply to Medical Officer / E – II Vacancy – BEL,Uttarakhand

General Instruction:

  • Candidates working in PSUs/Government/Quasi Government organizations should submit the application through proper channel or produce No Objection Certificate at the time of the interview. Candidates, who are unable to produce NOC, will not be interviewed.
  • In case any University / Institute following an evaluation system of CGPA/DGPA/OGPA or letter grade, the candidate, wherever applicable, should submit percentage (%) conversion certificate issued by university / institution along with the application.
  • Only Indian Nationals need to apply.
  • Candidates called for Interview shall be reimbursed Travelling allowance to and fro from their correspondence address / place of work in India on production of actual tickets by the shortest route. Sleeper class shall be reimbursed. Local travel, if any shall be borne by the candidate.
  • Mere fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and experience will not vest any right on the candidates to be called for written test/interview. BEL reserves the right to shortlist the candidates based on the nature of past relevant experience acquired post prescribed qualification.
  • Application received after the last date of submission will not be considered.
  • Applications that are incomplete, not in prescribed format, without any required enclosures will be summarily rejected without assigning any reason. No correspondence will be made in this regard.
  • Request for change of category once declared in the application will not be entertained.
  • Candidates desirous of seeking employment with BEL need to be medically fit as per Company’s pre-employment medical standards.
  • The candidates claiming to belonging to OBC/ SC/ST category are required to submit the latest caste certificate in the prescribed proforma (available in Company’s website issued by the prescribed authority along with the application. Caste certificate in any other proforma or issued by an authority other than the prescribed authority will not be accepted.
  • Candidates with disability of not less than 40% only will be eligible for reservation and relaxation as PwD. PwD candidates are required to submit disability certificate issued by the Medical Board in the prescribed format (available in Company’s website along with the
  • Candidates are required to possess at least one valid e-mail ID which is to be entered in the application form. Candidates shortlisted for the written test/interview will be informed through email regarding the date, time and venue for the written test and interview. BEL will not be responsible for any problem related to e-mail correspondence.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice Medical Officer / E – II Vacancy – BEL,Uttarakhand

  • Candidates are advised to download the application format available on the company’s website The downloaded application format duly filled in all respects with recent colour passport size photograph of the applicant duly affixed in the column provided in the Application Form along with the photocopies of the below mentioned documents/enclosures to be forwarded to The Manager (HR&A), Bharat Electronics Limited, Kotdwara, Pauri Garwhal, Uttarakhand – 246149 by POST ONLY so as to reach us on or before 15.02.2021.
  • a. SSLC/Matriculation Certificate (as proof of date of birth)
    b. Qualification mark sheets and certificates of MBBS Degree of all semesters.
    c. Medical Council Registration Certificate
    d. Experience Certificates from previous employers / Appointment letter / Latest Salary Slip
    in case of present employer
    e. Pan Card Copy for Identity Proof
    f. Aadhar Card Copy for Identity Proof
    g. Disability certificate / Caste certificate in case of OBC / SC / ST (if applicable, strictly in
    the prescribed formats, which are available on the BEL website. OBC certificate should be latest at the time of applying.
    h. Payment Receipt Copy / Bank Challan Copy for General and OBC Candidates.
    i. No Objection Certificate, if applicable (Candidates working in the PSU/ Government or quasi-government Organizations/Serving in Defence forces should submit their application through proper channel or produce a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of the interview without which they will not be allowed to appear for the interview)
    j. In case any University / Institute following an evaluation system of CGPA/DGPA/OGPA or letter grade, the candidate, wherever applicable, should submit percentage (%) conversion certificate issued by university / institution along with the application.
  • To send the hard copy of the application by post to the above mentioned address superscribing the post applied for on the envelope so as to reach us on or before 15.02.2021. For example: ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MEDICAL OFFICER’.
  • Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format, not legible, without the required enclosures will be summarily rejected without assigning any reasons and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • Document received after the last date for submission of document will not be considered.
  • BEL reserves the right to debar/disqualify any candidates at any stage of the selection process for any reason what so ever. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification.

About Us:

  • Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) is an Indian state-owned aerospace and defence company with about nine factories, and several regional offices in India. It is owned by the Indian Government and primarily manufactures advanced electronic products for the Indian Armed Forces. BEL is one of nine PSUs under the Ministry of Defence of India. It has been granted Navratna status by the Government of India.
  • Bharat Electronics Limited was founded in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India in 1954.
  • Starting with the manufacture of a few communication equipment in 1956, BEL started producing receiving valves in 1961, germanium semiconductors in 1962 and radio transmitters for AIR in 1964.
  • In 1966, BEL set up a radar manufacturing facility for the army and in-house R&D. In 1967, BEL began manufacturing transmitting tubes, silicon devices and integrated circuits. The PCB manufacturing facility was established in 1968.
  • In 1970, BEL started making black & white TV picture tubes, X-ray tubes and microwave tubes. In 1971, BEL set up facilities for the manufacture of integrated circuits and hybrid micro circuits. 1972, BEL established manufacturing facilities for TV transmitters for Doordarshan. In 1973, BEL began manufacturing frigate radars for the navy.
  • Under the government’s policy of decentralisation and due to strategic reasons, BEL set up new units at different location across the country. The second unit of BEL was set up at Ghaziabad in 1974 to manufacture radars and Tropo communication equipment for the Indian Air Force. The third unit was established at Pune in 1979 to manufacture image converter and image intensifier tubes.

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