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Medical Officer Vacancy – NCRA,Maharashtra

Last Date:31 December,2020
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune (NCRA)

Application forms are invited in prescribed proforma from aspirants intending to work on 1 posts of Medical Officer in National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune (NCRA) on contract basis.Duly signed and filled in application form complete in all respects must be sent to the given address along with all relevant documents of educational qualification, experience etc by 31-12-2020 .

Employment Notification Medical Officer Vacancy – NCRA,Maharashtra

Name of the post – Medical Officer
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 36000

Educational Qualification:
MBBS and min 3 – 5 yrs experience.

Apply to Medical Officer Vacancy – NCRA,Maharashtra

General Instruction:

  • National Centre of Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) is a premier Centre of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), an autonomous institute under administrative control of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India. The NCRA office is located in SP Pune University Campus adjacent to Aundh-Khadki road. NCRA operates Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT), which is the world’s largest radio telescope at meter wavelengths and also operates Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) in Tamilnadu.
  • NCRA provides medical facilities to its employees (serving & retirees) and their dependent family through its medical scheme namely NCRA Medical Scheme (NMS), under which a no. of hospitals and laboratories are empaneled. NCRA also operates a clinic in its Pune campus from 1100 hrs to 1600 hrs, manned by Part Time Medical Officers and supporting staff, from Monday to Saturday (except closed holidays).
  • NCRA is looking for a FEMALE MBBS doctor with minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience, who can work in NCRA clinic from 1100 hrs. to 1400 hrs (03 hrs) daily from Mon to Sat (except closed holiday), as a Part Time Medical Officer.
  • A consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs. 36000/- will be paid to the part time medical officer for her daily 03 hours service rendered at NCRA (except Sunday & holiday). However, the Selection Committee may recommend suitable remuneration subject to having higher qualification, experience and also based on interaction/interview with the Committee.
  • Initially for 01 year, which may be extended (on yearly basis) for maximum of another 02 years, subject to the satisfactory yearly performance.
  • A total of 10 days paid leave is admissible which may be availed on half-yearly basis i.e., 05 days/ 06 months. Leave taken over and above the permissible limit, will be without pay.
  • The NCRA clinic is manned by a qualified Nurse, to provide medical/clerical support to part time medical officers. Generally, the medicines prescribed by MO are delivered to the beneficiary at the clinic, by a local pharmacy shop. The Centre provides the required basic amenities to the medical officers viz. instruments, medicines, consumables etc. in the clinic.
  • At present, the approximate strength of medical beneficiaries under NMS is 1500 out of which approx. 25-30 persons visit NCRA clinic every day for various medical related advice/ consultation/ referral.
  • Activities expected from part time Medical Officers:-
    Medical examination, consultation, diagnostics, prescription/treatment to the beneficiaries of NMS and extending follow up treatment/ advices;
    Recommend to issue the referral letters to authorized hospitals/clinics labs for necessary treatment of the beneficiaries;
    Maintenance of medical records of the NMS beneficiaries.
    Dispensing medicines, administering medicines (injection) and maintenance of records of the same;
    Indenting fresh stock of medicines through NCRA Administrative Officer.
    Medical check-up of fresh appointees / students as authorized by NCRA Administration;
    Checking the medical reimbursement claims and bills received from various hospitals/diagnostic centers with respect to admissibility of the medicine and other medical procedures, as per NMS rules & regulation.
    Issuance of medical certificates to the staff members in required cases, considering the merit of such cases.
    Emergency services beyond the normal working hours of the clinic on call.
    Any other medical related administrative work, if assigned by NCRA administration.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Medical Officer Vacancy – NCRA,Maharashtra

  • NCRA has set up a unique facility for radio astronomical research using the metrewavelengths range of the radio spectrum, known as the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), it is located at a site about 80 km north of Pune. GMRT consists of 30 fully steerable gigantic parabolic dishes of 45m diameter each spread over distances of upto 25 km. GMRT is one of the most challenging experimental programmes in basic sciences undertaken by Indian scientists and engineers.
  • The metre wavelength part of the radio spectrum has been particularly chosen for study with GMRT because man-made radio interference is considerably lower in this part of the spectrum in India. Although there are many outstanding astrophysics problems which are best studied at metre wavelengths, there has, so far, been no large facility anywhere in the world to exploit this part of the spectrum for astrophysical research.
  • The Site for GMRT, about 10 km east of Narayangaon town on the Pune-Nasik highway, was selected after an extensive search in many parts of India, considering several important criteria such as low man-made radio noise, availability of good communication, vicinity of industrial, educational and other infrastructure and,a geographical latitude sufficiently north of the geomagnetic equator in order to have a reasonably quiet ionosphere and yet be able to observe a good part of the southern sky as well.
  • The number and configuration of the dishes was optimized to meet the principal astrophysical objectives which require sensitivity at high angular resolution as well as ability to image radio emission from diffuse extended regions. Fourteen of the thirty dishes are located more or less randomly in a compact Central Array in a region of about 1 sq km. The remaining sixteen dishes are spread out along the 3 arms of an approximately `Y’-Shaped configuration over a much larger region, with the longest interferometric baseline of about 25 km.
  • The multiplication or correlation of radio signals from all the 435 possible pairs of antennas or interferometers over several hours will thus enable radio images of celestial objects to be synthesized with a resolution equivalent to that obtainable with a single gigantic dish 25 kilometre in diameter! The array will operate in six frequency bands centred around 50, 153, 233, 325, 610 and 1420 MHz. All these feeds provide dual polarization outputs. In some configurations, dual-frequency observations are also possible.
  • The highest angular resolution achievable will range from about 60 arcsec at the lowest frequencies to about 2 arcsec at 1.4 GHz.
  • GMRT is an indigenous project. The construction of 30 large dishes at a relatively small cost has been possible due to an important technological breakthrough achieved by Indian Scientists and Engineers in the design of light-weight, low-cost dishes. The design is based on what is being called the `SMART’ concept – for Stretch Mesh Attached to Rope Trusses.

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