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National Institute Of Virology invited application for the Post of Scientist/ Project Technician

National Institute Of Virology
(Indian Council Of Medical Research)
20-A, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Post Box No.11,
Pune 411 001
Telephone: 020-26006290/26127301 Fax No.: 26126643
Adv. No. 01/2015-16

Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the following vacancies shall be filled purely on temporary basis at NIV/MCC, Pune renewable annually under Non-Institutional ad-hoc projects as indicated below: –

Employment Notification National Institute Of Virology invited application for the Post of Scientist/ Project Technician

Vacancy Details:
1-Scientist B [Medical]
2-Project Technician III

General Instructions:
1.Age relaxation against post earmarked for reserved candidates will be as per Govt. of India norms. No relaxation against UR vacancies.
2.Qualification & experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from an Institution of repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.
3.Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
4.Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
5.Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.
6.Consolidated salary of the post may vary.
7.Separate application should be submitted for each post.
8.The selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointments in any ICMR Institutes or for continuation of his/her services in any other project.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates possessing the qualification may fill application, in the attached prescribed format and send by email to by 11.05.2015. No documents /testimonials required at the time of sending application. Application received after the Last Date or incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected without any intimation. After scrutiny, eligible candidates names will be displayed on web site & are required to appear for the written test / interview with all original documents with CV & one set of attested copies. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the written test / interview.
Important Dates: Last date of Application 11-05-2015.

Apply to National Institute Of Virology invited application for the Post of Scientist/ Project Technician

click above to download
the employment notification

Vacancy Notice National Institute Of Virology invited application for the Post of Scientist/ Project Technician

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