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Non-Teaching / Teaching Posts in NIPER Lucknow

NIPER Vacancy

Ref. No.: NIPER-R/Recruit/01/2019-20

Teaching Posts in NIPER LucknowNational Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Raebareli (NIPER-R) is an Autonomous Institute of National importance set up by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India by an Act of Parliament, to impart high quality Education and Research in the area of Pharmaceutical Sciences. NIPER-R invites application from eligible candidates for the following Teaching and NonTeaching positions to be filled by direct recruitment/deputation on regular basis:

Employment Notification Non-Teaching / Teaching Posts in NIPER Lucknow

The commencement date and last date for submission of applications are as under.


Apply to Non-Teaching / Teaching Posts in NIPER Lucknow

Date of Commencement of Online Application: 24/08/2020 (9.00 am)

Last date of Online Application & Payment of Fees 24/09/2020 (up to 6.00 pm)

Vacancy Notice Non-Teaching / Teaching Posts in NIPER Lucknow

Last date of receipt of hard copy of online application at NIPER-R along with all enclosures. 30/09/2020 (up to 4.00 pm)

Open Vacancy at NIPER

Faculty Vacancies

  • Associate Professor: 03 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13 under 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age: 45 years
  • Assistant Professor: 06 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 under 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age: 40 years

Non-Teaching Vacancies

  • Scientist/Technical Supervisor Grade –I: 01 vacancies
  • Administrative Officer: 01 vacancies
  • Secretary to Director: 01 vacancies
  • Secretary to Registrar: 01 vacancies
  • Technical Assistant ( Computer): 01 vacancies
  • Store Keeper: 01 vacancies
  • Accountant: 01 vacancies
  • Assistant Grade I (Administration): 01 vacancies
  • Assistant Grade-II (Administration): 02 vacancies
  • Junior Technical Assistant: 02 vacancies


  1. Candidates of only Indian Nationality can apply for these posts.
  2. Only the online applications with required uploaded enclosures will be accepted. Applicants should send ONE hard copy of the application on or before 30.09.2020 along with all selfattested testimonials, certificates and all supporting documents wherever required without which the application will not be considered. Applicants must produce original testimonials, certificates and other documents at the time of interview, if called. The envelope should be super scribed as Application for the Post of Postal Address for sending the Application: Registrar, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Raebareli New Transit Campus, Ahmedpur-Kamlapur (Near CRPF Base Camp and Bijnor Chowki), PO: Mati, Sarojini Nagar, Lucknow-226 002, Uttar Pradesh Phone:0522-2497903 Email: Website:
  3. Applicants are advised to ensure before applying that they possess essential qualification and experience for the post. The Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on the last date for submission of application. No updating of qualification and experience will be entertained after the last date. The qualification and experience given in the Advt. is minimum and Institute may prefer the candidates with higher credentials and experience in the Govt. system on similar positions.. Therefore mere fulfilment to minimum qualifications and experience does not entitle any candidate to receive call letter for interview and the decision of the NIPER Raebareli shall be final.
  4. Applicants have to pay a non-refundable application fees of Rs.1000/- for posts having Pay Level 10 and above and Rs.750/- posts having Pay Level 9 and below. Persons from the SC, ST, PwBD, Ex- Servicemen and women categories are not required to pay application fee. Submission of the application form and payment of fee should be done only through the online process. Please visit Institute’s website or application portal for the same. After submission of application and payment of fee, a PDF will be generated of the completed form and fees receipt. Applicants are required to print hard copies of application form and fee receipt, sign and send the same along with all self-attested relevant supporting documents by post to: Registrar, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Raebareli New Transit Campus, Ahmedpur-Kamlapur (Near CRPF Base Camp and Bijnor Chowki), PO: Mati, Sarojini Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh PIN:226002

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