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Police Recruitment in West Bengal


Address: 161 A, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700026
Advertisement Number: 04/2023

The West Bengal Public Service Commission invites applications for the Competitive Examination to recruit Sub-Inspectors in the Subordinate Food & Supplies Service, Grade-III, under the Food & Supplies Department, Government of West Bengal, for the year 2022. The successful candidates from this examination will be appointed to the aforementioned posts. Details regarding the examination rules and other relevant information are outlined below.

Employment Notification Police Recruitment in West Bengal

Applicants are advised to carefully review the specified rules to determine their eligibility for the examination, as there will be no exceptions to the prescribed conditions.

Recruitment will be based on a Written Examination (Multiple Choice Questions format) followed by a Personality Test conducted by the West Bengal Public Service Commission. The Commission reserves the right to establish qualifying marks for both the Written Examination and the Personality Test, as well as an aggregate score. Only candidates who score sufficiently in the Written Examination will be invited for the Personality Test. The final merit list will be compiled using the combined marks from both assessments. Initial appointments will be made on a temporary basis.

Apply to Police Recruitment in West Bengal

The Written Examination will be conducted at various centers in Kolkata and select districts of West Bengal. Specifically, scheduled tribe candidates from Darjeeling district and candidates from the three hill sub-divisions, namely Darjeeling Sadar, Mirik, and Kurseong, will have the option to appear for the examination in Darjeeling. Similarly, all candidates from Kalimpong district will have the option to take the exam in Kalimpong. The Personality Test will be held at the West Bengal Public Service Commission office in Kolkata.

Examination Details:

– Name of the Examination: Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspector in the Subordinate Food & Supplies Service, Grade-III, under Food & Supplies Department, Govt. of West Bengal, 2022
– Post Name: Sub-Inspector in the Subordinate Food & Supplies Service, Grade-III, under Food & Supplies Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
– Pay Scale: Pay Level 6: Rs. 22,700/- to Rs. 58,500/- as per ROPA-2019, in addition to D.A., M.A., and H.R.A. as per rules.

Vacancy Notice Police Recruitment in West Bengal


Existing: 480 (Unreserved – 220, SC – 97, ST – 29, OBC(A) – 48, OBC(B) – 34, PwBD(Blindness & Low Vision) – 05, SC PwBD (Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims, and muscular dystrophy) – 04, PwBD (Deaf & Hard of hearing) – 05, PwBD (Autism, Intellectual disability, specific learning disability, mental illness & multiple disability) – 05, Ex-Servicemen – 24 (Unreserved- 19, SC-05), Meritorious Sportsperson – 09 (UR)

Backlog: 29 (PwBD – 10, PwBD (Deaf and Hard of Hearing) – 09, PwBD (Autism, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Mental Illness, and Multiple Disabilities) – 10)


– Reservation of vacancies is applicable to S.C./S.T./O.B.C.(Non-Creamy Layer) candidates of West Bengal only. S.C./S.T./O.B.C. candidates from other states will be treated as general candidates.
– Meritorious Sportspersons in specific sports categories.
– Ex-Servicemen with a minimum of six months’ continuous service in any rank (combatant or non-combatant) in the Armed Forces of the Union may deduct the service period from their actual age, provided it does not exceed the maximum age limit for the post/service by more than three years.

Please note that EWS category is not included in this advertisement, as the vacancies were reported by the Department up to December 31, 2022, prior to the issuance of the Labour Department Notification No. 18-Emp(EC)/Labr.-27011(20)/1/2020-EC dated 07.02.2023.


To be eligible, candidates must meet the following criteria, which should be clearly stated in their applications:
1. Successful completion of the Madhyamik Examination of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent.
2. Proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking Bengali/Nepali. Candidates whose mother tongue is Nepali are exempt from this requirement.
3. Knowledge of Bengali will be assessed for candidates whose mother tongue is not Bengali/Nepali during the Personality Test. Candidates with poor performance may have their candidature canceled.
4. Good health and the ability to travel extensively in rural areas of West Bengal are essential.

Age Limit:

Candidates must be between 18 and 40 years old as of 01.01.2023 (i.e., born between 2nd January 1983 and 1st January 2005). Age recorded on the Madhyamik or equivalent certificate will be accepted. These age limits apply to all candidates, whether in government service or not.

Age Relaxation:

– S.C. & S.T. candidates of West Bengal: 5 years
– O.B.C. (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates of West Bengal: 3 years
– Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) with 40% or more disability: up to 45 years

S.C./S.T./O.B.C. candidates from other states will be treated as general candidates in terms of age relaxation.

[Note: This rewrite includes all the essential information from the original text while presenting it in a clearer and more reader-friendly format.]

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