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Project Assistant Vacancy – IARI,Delhi

Last Date:22 April,2021
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)

Eligible candidates may appear in a walkin Interview to be organized by Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) on 22-04-2021 (10 AM) for 1 contractual posts of Project Assistant.Interested Candidates may appear in walkin Interviews with filled application in, Bio data and all original documents, photocopies of all certificates in the proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs at the given venue.

Employment Notification Project Assistant Vacancy – IARI,Delhi

Name of the post– Project Assistant
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 22000

Educational Qualification:
Graduation in Engineering/ Three year diploma in electrical/ electronics and 1 year experience.

Apply to Project Assistant Vacancy – IARI,Delhi

General Condition:

  • Online-interview will be held from the Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi 110 012 to recruit one Project Assistant under the DST funded project entitled “Development of Smart Mobile E-power Unit with Matching Implements for Small Farmers”. The appointment is purely on ad-hoc basis initially for 31 January 2022.
  • The above position is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis. The post is co-terminus with the project, and will be offered initially for 31.01.2022 or till termination of the project whichever is earlier and further extendable based on satisfactory performance for the remaining period of the project.
  • The candidate age should be minimum 18 years and maximum 35 years and for SRF, age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/Women and 3 years for OBC, is applicable as per Govt. of India/ICAR Rules.
  • Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim for regular appointments/absorption either in this institute or in ICAR. Non‐maintenance of the discipline and failure to perform the assigned duties will make the SRF liable for termination during the appointment period as per ICAR rules.
  • Candidates should submit their complete bio-data, duly self-attested certificates and mark sheets (From Class X onwards), experience certificate and no objection certificate from their current employer. Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be entertained for the interview.
  • The interview of eligible candidates will be held on 22nd April 2021 at 10 AM Online.
  • Candidates who are not able to produce their essential degree completion certificate as on the date of the interview will not be eligible to attend the interview.
  • Candidates whose near/distant relative(s) is an employee of the ICAR/IARI, has to declare it and communicate this office as per format given below. Such declaration must reach to the undersigned by post or through e‐mail at If communicated or declared on the date of interview, candidate will not be interviewed. Candidates having no near/ distant relative(s) working at ICAR/ IARI will also furnish a declaration (format given below) on the date of interview.
  • Candidates joining after specified time may not ordinarily be entertained.
  • Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
  • No objection certificate from the employer in case he / she is employed elsewhere.
  • The decision of Joint Director (Research), IARI will be final and binding in all respects.
  • Original certificates will be checked physically of selected candidates before joining.
  • The interview of eligible candidates will be held on 22nd April 2021 at 10.00 AM Online.
  • Interested applicants may come and appear in walkin interviews to be held on 22-04-2021 (10 AM) with application in the given format and certificates (original and attested photocopies) of qualification, experience, age, cast etc to the given venue.
  • Applicants must bring their all original certificates at the time of interview and reach the venue well before time of interview.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Project Assistant Vacancy – IARI,Delhi

  • The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), commonly known as the Pusa Institute, is India’s national Institute for agricultural research, education and extension. The name Pusa Institute is derived from the fact that the institute was originally located in Pusa Bihar as the Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research in 1911. It was then renamed as the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute in 1919 and following a major earthquake in Pusa, it was relocated to Delhi in 1936. The current institute in Delhi is financed and administered by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The IARI was responsible for the research leading to the “Green Revolution in India” of the 1970s.
  • The institute was established in 1905 at Pusa, Bihar, with the financial assistance of Henry Phipps, Jr., an American philanthropist. Phipps was a family friend of Lady Curzon, the daughter of an American millionaire, and the wife of Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India. Phipps stayed as a guest of the Curzons during his visit to India. More importantly, Phipps left behind with them a donation of $30,000, which was used to establish the institute. He laid the foundation stone of the Agricultural Research Institute and college on 1 April 1905.The Institute was originally called the Agricultural Research Institute (ARI). Its name was changed to the Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research in 1911, and to the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute in 1919.A reason for establishing it in Pusa in northern Bihar was the proximity to the indigo plantations which were in need of revival after the German synthesis of aniline in 1899. One of the first scientists to be deputed to the institute was the English chemist John Walter Leather in 1892.
  • However, the institute was damaged during the devastating Bihar earthquake of 15 January 1934. The Secretary of State approved the transfer in July, 1934.The Standing Finance Committee of the Union Assembly finally announced on 25 August 1934 in Shimla, the decision to shift the institute to New Delhi at the approximate cost of ₹3.8 million (US$53,000).to a place that is now called Pusa in New Delhi. B. Viswanath was the Director at that time. He also happened to be first Indian Director of IARI. The new campus at New Delhi was inaugurated on 29 July 1936,while the new building of the Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research was inaugurated by the then Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow on 7 November 1936.
  • However, the institute was damaged during the devastating Bihar earthquake of 15 January 1934. The Secretary of State approved the transfer in July, 1934.The Standing Finance Committee of the Union Assembly finally announced on 25 August 1934 in Shimla, the decision to shift the institute to New Delhi at the approximate cost of ₹3.8 million (US$53,000).to a place that is now called Pusa in New Delhi. B. Viswanath was the Director at that time. He also happened to be first Indian Director of IARI. The new campus at New Delhi was inaugurated on 29 July 1936,while the new building of the Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research was inaugurated by the then Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow on 7 November 1936.

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