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Project Assistant Vacancy – IIOR,Telangana

Last Date:07 November,2020
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research (IIOR)

IIOR Hyderabad will Conduct a Walk-In-Interview for eligible and intersted candidates for 1the positions of Project Assistant on contractual basis in the concerned project.Candidates must come to this Walk-In-Interview along with the application form, Bio data, all original certificates of age, caste, quaification etc. Walk-In-Interview will be conducted on 07-11-2020 () at the given venue.

Employment Notification Project Assistant Vacancy – IIOR,Telangana

Name of the post – Project Assistant
No of post – 01
Pay Scale –Rs 20000

Educational Qualification:
BCA / B.Sc. (Computer Science)

Apply to Project Assistant Vacancy – IIOR,Telangana

General Information:

  • Walk-in-interview is to be conducted to fill up the purely temporary post(s) of Project Assistant (one), on 07- 11-2020 at this Institute under DBT sponsored project: “Exploiting Genetic Diversity for Improvement of Safflower through Genomics Assisted Discovery of QTLs/Genes Associated with Agronomic Traits”. Duration of the project is up to 31/03/2021 initially.
  • Place of posting is ICAR – IIOR,Hyderabad. Work place may be at any Research Farm of IIOR,Hyd. (Rajendranagar /Narkhoda /ICRISAT, Hyderabad).
  • The above position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the Project and also subject to the satisfactory performance of the incumbent. There is no provision of re engagement after termination of the project. The selected candidate shall not claim for regular appointment at this Institute as
    the fellowship.
  • Age limit as on 1.11.2020 : for Project Assistant post is 35 years for Men and 40 years for women.Relaxation in upper age limit is permissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Govt. of India Rules applicable to the external funded project.
  • No TA/DA and official accommodation will be provided for appearing in the Walk in Interview. Selected candidates have to make their own arrangement to stay at the place of work.
  • Candidates are requested to carry all original relevant documents/ certificates along with a set of attested photocopies, photograph and duly filled in application form on the date of interview.
  • Candidates may register their candidature from 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 am only on
  • The decision of the Director, IIOR, Hyderabad will be final and binding in all aspects.
  • Every Candidate has to wear face mask and use gloves compulsory & not to touch the walls, surrounding furniture items/railing etc. of the office while attending the Walk-in Interview.
  • All candidates are hereby advised to install Aarogya Setu app on their mobile phones having compatible mobile phones while attending the Interview. Aarogya Setu enables early identification of potential risk of infection and thus acts as shield for individuals and the community. With a view to ensuring safety in offices and work places.
  • Every candidate must verify their status on Aarogya setu app on the date of interview before coming to this Institute and ensure that he /she has not come in proximity of any infected person who is tested positive (ensure green status).
  • Application form may be downloaded from IIOR website and the same may be filled and brought for walk-in-interview. Application in any other form will be summarily rejected.
  • Candidates must appear Walk-In-Interview on 07-11-2020 () after meeting the required eligbility and relevant experience. Make sure to come this Walk-In-Interview along with application in the prescribed format along with attested photocopies of the documents etc to the given venue.Without documents and relevant certificates, candidate will not eligible to appear for the Walk-In-Interview.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Project Assistant Vacancy – IIOR,Telangana

  • All India Coordinated Research Project on Oilseeds (AICORPO) was established in the year 1967 based on the recommendations of a special committee constituted by ICAR, with an objective of a systematic and mission-oriented research programme to increase the oilseed production. Initially there were five crops in the ambit of project i.e., groundnut, rapeseed-mustard, sesame, linseed and castor.
  • During IV Plan period (in 1972) three more crops viz., Safflower, Sunflower and Niger were added to the project. Realizing the need for a strong leadership at the national level for the oilseeds research, the project was upgraded to the level of Project Directorate in August 1977 with Project Director as its head at Hyderabad who was assisted by 7 Project Coordinators, during IX Plan period. Later, Groundnut and Rapeseed-Mustard were delinked during 1979 and 1993, respectively with the establishment of respective National Research Centres (NRCs), which were upgraded to DGR, Junagadh, and DRMR, Bharatpur. Realising the potential of soybean in augmenting the oilseed production in India, the National Research Centre for Soybean was established at Indore during 1987 which was upgraded as IISR during 2015.
  • Based on the recommendations of H.K. Jain Committee constituted by ICAR, Linseed, Sesame and Niger were delinked from DOR from April, 2000 with separate Project coordinating units at Kanpur and Jabalpur headed by Project coordinators. The Project Coordinator’s position of Castor, Sunflower and Safflower were abolished and the Project Director of the DOR was given the responsibility to coordinate and monitor the activities of these programme with effect from 01.07.2001. The Directorate of Oilseeds Research was upgraded to Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research from 3rd February, 2015 with the additional mandate of doing basic research on sesame, niger and linseed.
  • Based on the AICRP review committee recommendations of 2018, there is a proposal to bring AICRP- Sesame & Niger again under IIOR from 01.04.2020 (to be implemented).

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