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Project Associate II Vacancy – THSTI,Haryana

Last Date:15 December,2020
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI)

Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) will organize a walkin Interview for 1 posts of Project Associate II on contract basis and eligible candidates are invited to appear on 11-12-2020 (10 AM) at the given venue along with filled application, Bio data and all original documents, photocopies of all certificates in the proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs.

Employment Notification Project Associate II Vacancy – THSTI,Haryana

Name of the post – Project Associate II
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 28000 – 35000

Educational Qualification:
Master Degree in Life Science/ Pharmacology and min 2 yrs experience.

Apply to Project Associate II Vacancy – THSTI,Haryana

General Instruction:

  • These are short-term positions and extension will be granted subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbents and tenure of the project for which they are selected. Those appointed to these positions will not have any claim for regularization of their employment.
  • All educational, professional and technical qualification should be from a recognized Board/University.
  • The experience requirement specified shall be experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications required for the post.
  • Persons working in Govt. / PSUs / autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel or produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of written test/skill test/Interview.
  • The age limit, qualification, experience and other requirements may be relaxed at the discretion of the competent authority, in case of candidates who are otherwise suitable. In case candidates are not found suitable for the posts notified, they can be offered lower post / lower emoluments on the recommendation of the Selection Committee.
  • Age and other relaxations for direct recruits and departmental candidates: 1. By 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. 2. By 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC communities. 3. For Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) falling under the following categories : (i) UR – 10 years, ii) OBC – 13 years (iii) SC/ST – 15 years 4. For Ex-servicemen upto the extent of service rendered in defence forces (Army, Navy & Air force) plus 3 years provided they have put in a minimum of 6 months attested service. 5. Age is relaxable for Government servants up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, from time to time 6. There is no upper age limit for the Institute employees who are treated as departmental candidates.
  • Number of positions may vary depending upon the requirement at the time of interview/presentation.
  • Outstation SC/ST/ PwBD candidates called for the interview/written test/skill test will be paid to & fro second class railway fare, as per Govt. of India rules on production of the proof of the same.
  • All results will be published on our website and all communications will be only through email.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  • The candidates must bring their latest resume, one set of photocopy of documents in support of their educational qualification and experience along with originals and a valid ID card for verification. Candidates coming after the time slot mentioned will not be entertained.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Project Associate II Vacancy – THSTI,Haryana

  • By integrating the fields of medicine, science engineering and technology into translational knowledge and making the resulting biomedical innovations accessible to public health, to improve the health of the most disadvantaged people in India and throughout the world.
  • As a networked organization linking many centers of excellence, THSTI is envisioned as a collective of scientists, engineers and physicians that will effectively enhance the quality of human life through integrating a culture of shared excellence in research, education and translational knowledge with the entrepreneurial spirit to take technologies into the public sphere. In fulfilment of its vision, the THSTI will work with other constituents of the technology cluster at Faridabad such as the Regional Centre for Biotechnology Training, Education and Research (RCB) through long term partnerships.
  • Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) is a society registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. It is also an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. It was set up in 2009 at Gurgaon and is now located in NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad along with the Regional Center for Biotechnology, Advanced Technology Platforms Center, Small Animal Facility, and Bio-incubator. Envisioned by former secretary of DBT, M. K. Bhan, the centre was created to enable faster transition of lab research to market. Gagandeep Kang is the Executive Director of THSTI.
  • THSTI has six intramural centers namely Vaccine & Infectious Disease Research Centre (VIDRC), Pediatric Biology Centre (PBC), Centre for Bio-design & Diagnostics (CBD), Centre for Human Microbial Ecology (CHME), Policy Centre for Biomedical Research (PCBR), and Drug Discovery Research Centre (DDRC).
  • Vaccine & Infectious Disease Research Centre (VIDRC) is engaged in development of technologies pertaining to prophylaxis, treatment and diagnosis of infections caused by JEV, DENV, HIV, Rotavirus, Mycobaterium tuberculosis, HEV. In 2009, HIV Vaccine Translational Research (HVTR) laboratory was established in collaboration with International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, USA for developing efficient immunogens to be used in immunogenic composition against HIV. The laboratory works in collaboration with the US-based Scripps Research Institute, New York-based Weill Cornell Medical College, Amsterdam-based Academic Medical Center, and Johannesburg-based National Institute of Communicable Diseases.In collaboration with Department of Biotechnology, Bharat Biotech International Limited, PATH and CHRD-SAS, VIDRC was also engaged in the phase III randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial to evaluate the non-interference in the immune response of three doses of ORV 116E (Rotavac) to antigens contained in childhood vaccines and to assess the clinical lot consistency of three production lots.

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