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Project Manager & Project Engineer Vacancy – C-DAC,Jammu

Last Date: 27 October,2020
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)

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Employment Notification Project Manager & Project Engineer Vacancy – C-DAC,Jammu

Name of the post – Project Manager & Project Engineer
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – 31000, 64000 per month

Educational Qualification:
B.E/ B.Tech, MCA.

Apply to Project Manager & Project Engineer Vacancy – C-DAC,Jammu

General Information:

  • Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), is a Scientific Society under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India. C-DAC has today emerged as a premier R&D organization in ICT&E (Information, Communications Technologies and Electronics) in the country, working on strengthening national technological capabilities in the context of global developments in the field and responding to change in the market need in selected foundation areas. C-DAC represents a unique facet working in close conjunction with MeitY to implement nation’s policy and pragmatic interventions and initiatives in Information Technology. As an institution for high-end Research and Development (R&D), C-DAC has been at the forefront of the Information, Communications Technologies and Electronics (ICT&E) revolution, constantly building capacities in emerging/enabling technologies and innovating and leveraging its expertise, caliber and skill sets to develop and deploy products and solutions for different sectors of the economy.
  • Candidates are required to click here- for ONLINE REGISTRATION download the blank application form & one page write-up and carry the hard copy of the application with self attested copies of documents such as proof of age, qualification, experience, caste, etc and reach the venue on the stipulated date. Candidates who register themselves in our website between 16.10.2020 and 27.10.2020 before 1730 hrs will be allowed only to attend the interview.
  • Candidates are also required to download format for one page write-up download the blank format for one page write-up and mail to us at so as to reach on or before the last date and time of online registration, duly completed in all respects and affixing with latest passport size photograph.
  • Before appearing for the Walk-in interview the Candidates should read ‘General Terms and Conditions’ carefully.
  • Candidates are advised to appear against only one position, accordingly, you must ensure your suitability for the position desired to appear in walk-in interview.
  • Candidate should read all the eligibility parameters and ensure that he/she is eligible for the post before appearing for walk-in interview
  • Candidate should have a valid email id and mobile no. which should remain valid & active till the completion of selection process.
  • Candidates should bring the hardcopy of application form along with other testimonials.
  • Candidates working in Central/ State Govt./ Autonomous Bodies/ PSUs are required to produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their parent organization.
  • Candidates are advised not to carry your mobile/any such kind of gadgets during the interview.
  • The candidates are advised to visit C-DAC website regularly for notices/ information. Corrigendum/Extension/updates etc., if any, shall be published in our website only.
  • Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS will be applicable as per the Govt. of India norms, as applicable to C-DAC.
  • Candidate belonging to reserved categories should produce the certificates at the time of written test / skill test etc., if called for issued by competent authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by Government of India, failing which such candidates will not be allowed to attend the selection test against reserved posts and will not be allowed to claim the relaxations applicable in case of reserved categories.
  • In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, certificate should specifically contain the clause that the candidate does not belong to creamy layer section.
  • Applicants belonging to the reserved category (SC/ST/OBC) / PWD/ Ex-servicemen would be eligible for relaxations according to the Government of India norms.
  • Government employees will be eligible for relaxation in age by 5 years including other age relaxations.
  • C-DAC internal candidates also will be eligible for an age relaxation of 5 years including other age relaxations
  • The cut-off date for ascertaining the age and experience will be 27th October, 2020.
  • All the qualifying qualifications should be Full time course(s) from AICTE/UGC approved/recognized University/Deemed University/Institutes. The courses offered by autonomous institutions should be recognized as equivalent to the relevant courses approved/recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/AICTE.
  • Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter (A, A+) grade in a qualifying degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the respective University/Institute. Please also obtain a certificate to this effect from University / Institute, which shall be required at the time of interview.
  • Only those experiences which are relevant and acquired after the passing date of the qualifying qualification will be considered. The decision of C-DAC in this regard will be final and binding.
  • The period of experience rendered by a candidate as intern, trainee, research fellow, part time basis, visiting/ guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for short listing the candidates for interview.
  • Management reserves the right to change/modify the selection process at any time, during the process, at its discretion. The decision of the management will be final and binding.
  • The qualification and experience prescribed are the minimum requirements and possession of the same does not automatically make the candidates entitled for interview and selection processes. There will be an initial screening based on the academic and other parameters given in the resume and only those screened-in will be considered for further selection process.
  • The management reserves the right to increase the minimum eligibility criteria, in the event of the number of applicants more, for any post(s) at its discretion. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their academic credentials, experience profile, performance in the interview and such other selection processes/parameters, as deemed fit by management.
  • CDAC reserves the right NOT to fill any of the posts advertised. Also the posts are time bound and are purely contractual in nature for specified duration. The persons engaged on contract will not derive any right or claim to have a regular post in CDAC.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for selection.
  • In case of internal candidates, please note that employees working in a particular post cannot apply for the same post in the same centre.
  • In case of internal candidates, please note that the finally selected candidates will have to resign from the services and join the post as fresh employees.
  • C-DAC reserves the right to cancel or introduce any examination/Personal Interview/Other selection process. C-DAC also reserves the right to cancel/restrict/curtail/enlarge the recruitment process and/or the selection process without any notice and without assigning any reasons.
  • It is the responsibility of the candidates to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the advertisement. In case, it is found at any point of time in future during process of selection or even after appointment that candidate was not eligible as per prescribed qualification, experience etc, which could not be found at the time of selection due to whatever circumstances, his/her candidature/appointment shall be liable to be cancelled/terminated as case may be.
  • Choosing a particular department does not entitled the candidate to be appointed in the same department itself. If selected, management reserves the right to put candidate in any department.

How to Apply:

Vacancy Notice Project Manager & Project Engineer Vacancy – C-DAC,Jammu

  • Candidates are required to apply online on or before 27/10/2020. No other mode of application will be accepted.
  • The application portal will be operational from 16/10/2020 to 27/10/2020 till 17.30 hours. Registration done prior to 16/10/2020 and after 27/10/2020 will not be accepted.
  • Candidate should have a valid email id and mobile no. which should remain valid & active till the completion of selection process.
  • Candidates should scan their photograph and signature in jpeg format and keep it ready before starting to apply online for uploading. Instructions for uploading the photograph and signature are available on the online application port.
  • A unique application number will be generated by the system, please note this application number for future reference and use.
  • Candidates are required to bring hard copy of their application forms at the time of walk-in-interview

About Us:

  • Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) is the premier R&D organization of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) for carrying out R&D in IT, Electronics and associated areas. Different areas of C-DAC, had originated at different times, many of which came out as a result of identification of opportunities.
  • The setting up of C-DAC in 1988 itself was to built Supercomputers in context of denial of import of Supercomputers by USA. Since then C-DAC has been undertaking building of multiple generations of Supercomputer starting from PARAM with 1 GF in 1988.
  • Almost at the same time, C-DAC started building Indian Language Computing Solutions with setting up of GIST group (Graphics and Intelligence based Script Technology); National Centre for Software Technology (NCST) set up in 1985 had also initiated work in Indian Language Computing around the same period.
  • Electronic Research and Development Centre of India (ER&DCI) with various constituents starting as adjunct entities of various State Electronic Corporations, had been brought under the hold of Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (now MeitY) in around 1988. They were focusing on various aspects of applied electronics, technology and applications.
  • With the passage of time as a result of creative ecosystem that got set up in C-DAC, more areas such as Health Informatics, etc., got created; while right from the beginning the focus of NCST was on Software Technologies; similarly C-DAC started its education & training activities in 1994 as a spin-off with the passage of time, it grew to a large efforts to meet the growing needs of Indian Industry for finishing schools.

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