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Research Associate Vacancy – NIT,Karnataka

Last Date:03 April,2021
National Institute of Technology (NIT)

National Institute of Technology Surathkal (NIT Surathkal) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 1 contractual posts of Research Associate.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 03-04-2021 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification Research Associate Vacancy – NIT,Karnataka

Name of the post– Research Associate
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 34500

Educational Qualification:
PhD in Geotechnical Engineering.

Apply to Research Associate Vacancy – NIT,Karnataka

General Condition:

  • Applications are invited from the interested candidates for the post of Research Associate to work on the R&D project titled “Impounding of River flood waters along Dakshina Kannada Coast: A sustainable strategy for water resource development”, funded by DST-SERB under IMPRINT
    II, Govt of India.
  • PhD specialized in Geotechnical Engineering. Candidates must have at least 6.5/10 CGPA or 60 percent marks in aggregate from a recognized technical institute or university as a full-time program for both B.E/B.Tech in Civil Engineering and M.E/M.Tech.
  • Candidates before appearing for the Written Test and Interview shall ensure that they are eligible for the position they intend to apply. The date of Written Test and Interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates by E-mail or phone. Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending the Written Test and Interview.
  • Candidates who are already employed should produce relieving certificate from their employers, if selected.
  • The appointment will be on a purely temporary basis co-terminus with the project. The selection committee decision is final.
  • Correspondence Address:
    Dr. Sreevalsa Kolathayar ,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Civil Engineering,
    National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal,
    P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore – 575 025. Karnataka, India.
    Mobile : +91-9471192250
    Mail Id:,
  • Interested candidates must apply with the following Google form link They need to upload in the Google form, the scanned copy of below mentioned
  • documents as a single PDF file (less than 10 MB) in the order as given here.
    (1) Cover letter
    (2) Duly filled application form in the prescribed format with passport-size photograph,
    (3) Educational certificates and mark sheets (class X onwards)
    (4) GATE qualified certificate and
    (5) Proof for research experience, special achievements, patents and publications, if any.
    The form should be filled on or before 3
    rd April 2021.
  • Interested candidates with qualifications may apply online for concerned posts as per given online application form. No need to send print to National Institute of Technology Surathkal at this stage. Eligible candidates will be intimated about further proceedings. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Research Associate Vacancy – NIT,Karnataka

  • The National Institutes of Technology (NITs) are the premier autonomous public technical and research universities located in India. They are governed by the National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007, which declared them as institutions of national importance and lays down their powers, duties, and framework for governance. The National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007 lists thirty-one institutes. Each NIT is autonomous, linked to the others through a common council (NIT Council), which oversees their administration and all NITs are funded by the Government of India.The Minister of Human Resource Development is the ex officio Chairperson of the NIT Council. These institutes are among the top-ranked engineering colleges in India and have one of the lowest acceptance rates for engineering institutes, of around 1 to 2 percent. The language of instruction is English at all these institutes. As of 2020, the total number of seats for undergraduate programs is 23,506 and for postgraduate programs 13,664 in all the 31 NITs put together.
  • During the second five-year plan (1956–60) in India, a number of industrial projects were contemplated. The Regional Engineering Colleges (RECs) were established by the central government to mimic the IITs at a regional level and act as benchmarks for the other colleges in that state. The admission used to be highly selective. Students topping the respective state’s 12th board exam could be admitted at the REC of their state. Thus, 17 RECs were established from 1959 onwards in each of the major states. Each college was a joint and cooperative enterprise of the central government and the concerned state government.
  • Later on, 6 more were added by 1967. The early 15 institutes were Srinagar, Warangal, Calicut, Durgapur, Kurukshetra, Jamshedpur, Jaipur, Nagpur, Rourkela, Surathkal, Surat, Tiruchirappalli, Bhopal, Allahabad, and Silchar. It established 2 more, one in Hamirpur in 1986, and another in Jalandhar in 1987.
  • These were large-sized institutions judged by the standards then prevailing in the country. The considerations that weighed in this decision were:
  • A large-sized college would be more efficient than the equivalent small colleges, the proposed colleges have to meet the additional requirements of the country as a whole and for that purpose should have to function on an all-India basis. Therefore, the smaller they are in number and the larger in size, the better, and for the same reason their location is important from an all-India point of view.
  • The RECs were jointly operated by the central government and the concerned state government. Non-recurring expenditures and expenditures for post-graduate courses during the REC period were borne by the central government while recurring expenditure on undergraduate courses was shared equally by central and state governments. They were considered to be the best government engineering colleges after the IITs in India even before their upgrade to National Institutes of Technology.

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the employment notification

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