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Research Jobs in IIT Guwahati

Jobs in IIT Guwahati

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals only for the project position as per the details given below for the Technology Development Project by the Principal Investigator Dr. Debabrata Sikdar (IIT Guwahati), under Divyasampark iHUB Roorkee for Devices Materials and Technology Foundation (A Section 8 – Not for profit Company) at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.

Title of Projecf Development of thin flexible meta materials as add-ons to MRl-scanners for making MRI more efficient, affordable, and accessible.

Employment Notification Research Jobs in IIT Guwahati

Sponsoring Agency: Dilyasampark iHUB Roorkee for Devices Materials and Technology Foundation

Project positions: Absociate Project Engineer

Apply to Research Jobs in IIT Guwahati

No. of Vacancy: One

Job Location: IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam

Vacancy Notice Research Jobs in IIT Guwahati

Qualifications: Master’s degree in RF & Microwave Engineering (or equivalent) OR Bachelor’s degree in EE/ECE (or equivalent) plus 3 yrs. Exp.

Relevant Experience: Experience in RF antenna and metamaterial design, simulation, and fabrication, expertise in CST Microwave Studio Suite and/or Ansys HFSS software

Job Description: (In Brie{): Design, fabricate, and test RF magnetic metarnaterials that can be used as add-on devices to the receive coils of l.5T & 3T MRI scanners to locally boost magnetic field in the scanned volume, which would lead to a better signal-to-noise ratio in the scanned images and/or also reduce MRI scan time. The project aims at developing, testing, and commercializing such rnetamaterial add-on devices.

Duration of the project: 3 years or end of the project, whichever is earlier

Salary: Rs 35000 per month (with a yearly increment of Rs 1400 p. m.) +  HRA (16% of basic)

Last Date to apply: 23 February, 2022

Candidates before applying shall ensure that they are eligible for the position.

After shortlisting, the candidates will be called for an ONLINE Interview.

Date and time of interview will be communicated via email to the shortlisted candidates only.

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the vacancy notification

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